Deliberately crashed my test and it sucks!



It's been a loooong 5 weeks but I came right off cycle and went cold turkey. No pct no nothing in an effort to crash my test. I get bloods done Monday and me and my doc are hoping for a low test number so my insurance will pick up the TRT tab. I have looked into my box of goodies multiple times waiting for Monday. As soon as I get home I'm jamming 400 mg of Test immediately! I am so ready because this shit has really sucked the last 5 weeks but especially these final 2!
did the same thing. numbers came below 300 for me.
doc wants to get another lab work done before he puts me on trt
my next appointment is 11-9-13 or around that date
so ima blast on testp and mast p Fuck tren fucked my liver all up.
doc got worry about it lol
mine low as fuck but refuse to put me back on trt 🙁
smoove said:
It's been a loooong 5 weeks but I came right off cycle and went cold turkey. No pct no nothing in an effort to crash my test. I get bloods done Monday and me and my doc are hoping for a low test number so my insurance will pick up the TRT tab. I have looked into my box of goodies multiple times waiting for Monday. As soon as I get home I'm jamming 400 mg of Test immediately! I am so ready because this shit has really sucked the last 5 weeks but especially these final 2!
smooveWhat were you on and how much before you stopped? That's gonna matter. I've been off since April, had a Dr. appt a week and a half ago.....Doc did the same thing to me that he did to Rico.......making me come back in a month!!! 9-16 is my date, hope he don't do that to you. 🙁
We tried this 6 months ago, came back >1200 and I was on 800 mg my homebrewing cyp. Stopped 3 weeks before test. Been on 800 mg TS400 and we went 5 weeks this time. I believe we will make it this time based on how I feel.
If you have to get a second test, take some pro hormones in between and come off cold turkey before the test. That'll do the trick.
Hoping this 5 week run will do it. I'll know by the end of week. Draw blood Monday and see doc on Friday to go over the test results.
RockShawn said:
If you have to get a second test, take some pro hormones in between and come off cold turkey before the test. That'll do the trick.
^^they will shut your test down and not convert to estro if you take the right ones. I may have enough ultradrol or something to send you to get you down enough for a second test if you need one. Let me know if you need any.
How the hell you guys see docs. Last time i went to my doc he gave me hour lecture
and we got into argument.
If you want hassle free TRT, Go to Fill out the form and get ready for bloods. reasonably priced as well.
Run Masterson... it won't show on the test and helps with libido.etc....

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I got about 16 hours and I'm drawing blood! Immediately following 1cc TS400 and 1cc TNE, can't fucking wait!!
krustus said:
Run Masterson... it won't show on the test and helps with libido.etc....

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 4
What other compounds can be run that won't show up on test? I currently running tpp and npp. Plan on cutting out tpp 2 weeks before I go see doc. Would this be enough time?

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2

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