Dementia now striking people in their 40s as mercury from vaccines causes slow,

F.I.S.T. said:

Youre exactly right about online sources,but as I stated,if a source has a history of his shit harming people,they're gone.Banned,kicked off the boards and hopefully out of the community.With vaccines there is no removal even with a plethora of proof that they harm people.

And again,there the choice factor.I can choose whether or not I want to take that risk on MYSELF.Unlike vaccines that are forced on our children and parents have so little choice.
The info is usually buried. It is there. The Homeschool Movement was very instrumental in bringing light to the dangers.
tkasch30 said:
I kind of get you but I don't know if the harm of vaccines is really all that? I went to pretty over crowded Chicago public schools with thousands and thousands of,kids and honestly never heard of one kid getting seriously sick from a vaccine. I'm not saying it's,impossible but really how,likely is it? Now I'm talking about any sources on here but in general a source can get great pure raws one time and next shipment could who knows what in it? Seems far riskier to use I'm drugs then get a vaccine
tkasch30Tk I hear what your saying about us putting stuff in our bodies and taking risk. But as adults we are able to torelate and have less negative side from vaccines.
Remember there is more than just inert viruses that go into these vaccines and our kids are being forced to take this shit load of vaccinations at a very important phase of their development.
You see that's just it, they're bodies are not really ready to handle this. So it really is a gamble. Just look at all the stats from all these leaning disabilities.

That being I said i would never be able to convince my wife not to vaccinated our child. We have agreed to give him the necessary vaccines to enter the school system, but we have paid extra to spread these vaccines out as much as possible.
Also, hopefully the gear we use is not contaminated with thimerosal (though they took this particularly insidious ingredient out after the overwhelming evidence of it's deleterious effects), mercury, e.coli, etc. Are you saying we shouldn't trust anyone's gear, TK, Mr.Dyel Rep?

JK, but kind of serious, TK. You're talking apples and oranges here. Vaccines are created in labs in a petri dish (sic) using cultures of e.coli, aborted cow fetus tissue, etc. I hope your gear, or any gear, is not, and we know it's not.
JShredz brought up a very salient and critical point. Most physicians agree that as far as an infant's immune system, it's not fully developed until age 3 to 5 (longer if not breastfed). It takes 12-14 years (onset of adolescence) to reach adult levels of antibody formation. So, let's all bombard our children with "dormant" viruses and carcinogenic preservatives all wrapped up in a toxic cocktail of bacterial poison!!

Sounds like Frankenstein, M.D. to me.
sounds like crazy conspiracy theorists to me. Vaccines dont kill people... crazy parents that dont vaccine their children kill people
Morrey I believe your comment was a little over the top suggesting that parents not vaccinating kill children.

Although I believe children should get vaccinated, I see their point and in the end it's their decision. They don't trust the vaccinations and many have said there are side effects and possible deaths linked to vaccinations which is true, although not many.

Either way if the parents choose to go without vaccinations that's their decision. Do you always get a flu vaccination every single year morrey? What about the other 4-5 vaccinations that Wal-greens offer? Do you take a handful of vaccinations a year?

We must not judge or down others for their decision. Try to reason and persuade. Bring up statistics bro.
Morrey is a progressive/fascist/commie DD. He thinks we should surrender our God Given Rights to Big Government.
morrey said:
sounds like crazy conspiracy theorists to me. Vaccines dont kill people... crazy parents that dont vaccine their children kill people
Vaccines have killed and grievously injured children morrey, and you know that.
morrey said:
sounds like crazy conspiracy theorists to me. Vaccines dont kill people... crazy parents that dont vaccine their children kill people
And people home schooling there kids is a whole other problem but I won't open that can of worms. Lol
tkasch30 said:
And people home schooling there kids is a whole other problem but I won't open that can of worms. Lol
You shouldn't because you'll be, once again, as usual, embarrassed. Home Schooler's graduate High School at average age of 16 and graduate college before PS'ers even start.
Not sure if FIST listed these links above:

Morrey and TK, who don't even have children are trying to skew valid info with bs. Why do you 2 even care? If you ever have kids vaccinate the hell out of them for all I care.
morrey said:
sounds like crazy conspiracy theorists to me. Vaccines dont kill people... crazy parents that dont vaccine their children kill people
Same to ya TK, you liked this comment from morrey. Double standard much?
Btw, the only "proof" vaccines work for the General Populace is all theory and conjecture. It's all based on ESTIMATION. Because diseases wax and wane the pharma researchers claim this is because of vaccines, not natural occuruence's which have happened long before vaccines arrived on the scene (1880's, and we still have diseases that seemingly should be cured by the vaunted crazy chit people allow their selves to be injected with?).

In the lab some very controlled trials have succeeded with low success rates (usually on animals. When STD/HIV vaccines are tested they are also augmented with other drugs and natty supplements). Not worth injecting my precious children with aluminum, mercury, virulent antigens (vaccines lower your immune system for some time after administration, perhaps for your entire lifetime). Just not worth it to me. The.Science.Is.Not.There.
Also morrey and TK, what do you think of DDT? It has been proven to be totally inert to humans and yet, because of 1 person and her lying propaganda book, (Rachel Carson), DDT was banned. WHO (The Health Arm of the UN, right?) has estimated over 50,000,000 deaths from malaria could have been prevented with the use of DDT. There is science that works, and been proven, and *nescience* (vaccines) that cannot be proven to succeed in it's initial premise (except to make massive $$$$).

*nescience* is the antonym of science, TK. ;-)
morrey said:
sounds like crazy conspiracy theorists to me. Vaccines dont kill people... crazy parents that dont vaccine their children kill people
You are a total fukhead for saying that morrey. To insinuate that I, or anyone else here who makes an INFORMED choice (with science) to not vaccinate their kids and would put others at risk is egregious and shows what a small minded progressive little beta male shill you really are. You go sweetie.


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tkasch30 said:
What about vaccines for the mumps? And things,like that? I got every vaccine as a kid and never got sick. Went to,public school with normal people. Do your pets have no shots also?
tkasch30With normal ppl.omfg really .no such thing as NORMAL HA HA **.NORMAL IS A CYCLE ON A WASHING MACHINE**..
tkasch30 said:
I ended the conversation here^ in case you missed it
.... I see, the mighty intellectual giant decides when the convo is getting away from him so he ends it. Sorry, I can still post if I feel the need.

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