DMT have you ever tried it? Can you describe the trip?


Iron Killer
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To avoid a lot of “illegal drug” talk, maybe comment in general and then send me a pm. Thanks!
as long as you're not selling it or trying at EG I dont mind occasional talk like this, it's part of lifes experiences bro
If it's a trip is it anything like LSD? Since we're on the topic and it can be discussed just as a issue. Let's do this thing let's talk.
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Brother... it is so much further than LSD could ever be. For one, the experience only lasts like 7-10 minutes— but you are in a dimension where time doesn’t exist. If you breakthrough, which usually requires a few attempts... you will be contacted by beings or a being. All I will say, so y’all don’t think I’m crazy or anything like that is, the knowledge passed unto me has forever changed me... all good.
Brother... it is so much further than LSD could ever be. For one, the experience only lasts like 7-10 minutes— but you are in a dimension where time doesn’t exist. If you breakthrough, which usually requires a few attempts... you will be contacted by beings or a being. All I will say, so y’all don’t think I’m crazy or anything like that is, the knowledge passed unto me has forever changed me... all good.
MattyIceI agree with mattyice. I've done it a few times and not sure if words can fully describe it
Is this the stuff that Joe Rogan was talking about at one point on it podcast with some other fellow? Correct me if I'm wrong.
It's a chemical your body releases when you're born and when you die.
If you smoke it It's like hippie crack. Your vision is crazy for about 3 minutes and about a 15 min euphoria. I've done it at music festivals but now that I'm older IF i was going to do it i would prefer in some peaceful woods.
The first few minutes are a roller coaster ride lol. Hang on!
That’s probably the most unnaccurate description I’ve ever heard. “Hippie crack”? Vision crazy for 3 minutes? Euphoria? I have to say... that is nothing of what it is like. You sure you don’t mean NO2?
I'm positive. I only did it once though because the guys i was with kept saying rip on it! About the middle if the 3rd big hit they grabbed the bowl and i gripped the recliner for my roller coaster ride lol. Maybe your experience was differnt matty.
Why even ask the question if you know so much about it?
Do you not get kaleidoscope and melting vision when you do it?
Maybe you should message me and I'll point ya in the right direction of real deemsters
I’m good brother, hippie crack is NO2, ftr. But if that was your experience then cool. I couldn’t imagine even thinking about taking it at a festival or in an uncontrolled environment. It’s way, way too intense.
It is. I did alot of nitrous too. I had three 5 ft tamks un my house in college lol. Dumb fun times. I call it hippie crack because it's 15 min from inhale to over lol. An intense 15 though lol
It is. I did alot of nitrous too. I had three 5 ft tamks un my house in college lol. Dumb fun times. I call it hippie crack because it's 15 min from inhale to over lol. An intense 15 though lol
Dustined83nitrous is amazing on acid. i mean it's awesome anyway but that's like a whole different level to it.
Word, I didn’t mean any disrespect. My experiences have been so far beyond this dimension.
I take all my psychedelics when I'm out in nature hiking. I use it for reflection, not partying. It's a way for me to get clarity and have questions answered. My wife is going down to Peru next year to do "Aya" in the jungle for 10 days.

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