Today was running around again for work but I was able to get in a quick chest workout....

Elliptical for 10 minutes before and after

Push Up------------------------2 Sets of 50 Reps
Incline Bench Presses--------2 Sets of 20 Reps
Decline Bench Presses-------2 Sets of 20 Reps
Pec Dec------------------------2 Sets of 15 Reps
Feet Raised push Ups---------1 Set of 15
I have to be honest with you all though,this weekend im taking off from the gym and focusing on family,food and drinks.Hell i've earned it.LMAO.

Will it hitting it xtra hard and heavy come Monday though.
Had an AMAZING shoulder work out this morning.Frequently I like to go Super high rep workouts and today was one of them.

Stretching for 10 minutes
Rotator warm up exercises for 10 minutes
Skip rope for 5 minutes.

Really want to warm up my delts which is why I included xtra warm up for this work out.

Front Lateral Raises----Pyramid Up and down in wts--------10 Sets of 50,40,30,20,10,10,20,30,40,50
Seated Dumb Presses--Pyramid up in Wts---------------------4 Sets of 20,15,10,5
Cable Rows-------------Drop Sets---------------------------------1 Set of 100-AMRAP and drop wt each time till you reach 100.

Stretching for 5 minutes
Since I could barely lift my arms after this,I did no cool down and just hit the showers.
Back day............

Stretching 5 minutes before and after
Elliptical 5 minutes before and after

Deads--------------------------------4 Sets of 15 Reps
Wide Grip Pull Ups-----------------4 Sets of 15 Reps
Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows----4 Sets of 15 Reps
Face Pulls---------------------------3 Sets of 10 Reps
Weighted Hypers-------------------2 Sets of 20 Reps
Good Mornings---------------------2 Sets of 15 Reps
All MMA drills today.........

Skip rope for 10 minutes after
Stretching for 5 minutes

5 minutes of each drill:

Shadow Sparring
Focus Sparring
Point Sparring

10 Minutes of dummy Sparring

15 Minutes of Circle Sparring (Multiple attacker defense)

Stretching for 5 minutes
Elliptical for 5 minutes
Great Sunday morning to you all EG family.Hit chest again this morning......

Stretching 5 minutes before and after
Elliptical 10 minutes before and after

Incline Dumb Presses----------------------4 Sets of 12 Reps
Hammer Chest Presses------------------3 Sets of 15 Reps
Dumb Flyes-----------------------------------3 Sets of 15 Reps
Low Position Cable Crossovers-------2 Sets of 25 Reps
Push Ups-------------------------------------2 Sets of 40 Reps
Arms this morning.....

Stretching 5 minutes before and after
Elliptical for 5 minutes before and after

Close grip Bench Presses-----------------4 Sets of 12 Reps
Skull Crushers-----------------------------4 Sets of 12 Reps
Tri Push Gowns---------------------------2 Sets of 20 Reps

Barbell Curls-----------------------------4 Sets of 15 Reps
Reverse Preacher Curls------------------3 Sets of 12 Reps
Superman Cable Curls-------------------3 Sets of 15 Reps
Concentration Curls---------------------2 Sets of 20 Reps
All cardio today.MMA drills....

Stretching 10 minutes before and after
Skip rope 5 minutes before
Treadmill 5 minutes after

7 Rounds @ 30 seconds each

Kettelbell Split Stance Rows
Kettlebell Squats with Overhead Presses
Rev Sandbag Lunges
Sandbag Presses
Sandbag High Pulls
Steal Mace Tire Slams
Leg day baby.......

Skip rope for 10 minutes before
Stretching 5 minutes before and after

Wide Stance Squats--------------------4 Sets of 15,12,10,8 Reps
Wide Stance Leg Presses--------------4 Sets of 8 Reps
Ft Squats--------------------------------3 Sets of 8 Reps
Leg Extensions-------------------------2 Sets of 30 Reps
Leg Curls-------------------------------2 Sets of 25 Reps

Super Sets:
Standing Calf Raises------------------2 Sets of 25 Reps
Leg Press Calf Raises-----------------2 Sets of 25 Reps

Elliptical for 10 Minutes after
Off today.Just got home from a 3 day camping trip with the family so I had plenty of outdoor activity.

Back to the gym tomm.
Hit back again this morning....

Stretching 5 minutes before and after
Elliptical 5 minutes before and after

Deadlifts---------------------------4 Sets of 15 Reps

1 Arm Rows---------------------3 Drop Sets of 15 Reps

Super Set:
Lat Pulldowns--------------------4Sets of 12 Reps
Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns-----4 Sets of 12 Reps

Super Set:
Meadows Rows-----------------3 Sets of 10 Reps each Arm
T-Bar Rows----------------------3 Sets of 12 Reps

Pull Ups-------------------------1 Set AMRAP (I hit 17 Reps)
I'll try to start logging again.Been too busy enjoying my retirement but were finally starting to settle down a little so i'll try to get here more often.

Let see those logs people.
Ok after all my traveling with my family after retiring,which was long overdue,im finally getting back into a steady routine again.

Today was just a little bodyweight workout and light dumbbells consisting of......

Close Hand Push Ups---------5 Sets of 40 Reps
Pull Ups------------------------4 Sets of 15 Reps
Incline Sit Ups-----------------5 Sets of 60 Reps
Alternate Dumbbell Curls----4 Sets of 20 Reps
One Arm Tri Ext--------------2 Sets of 15 Reps

Stretching before and after for 10 minutes
Slow tredmill after for 10 minutes.
Another full body circuit today...........

Before and after:
Stretching for 10 minutes
Elliptical for 15 minute warm up

3 Circuits with 5 minutes rest between circuits

10 Muscle Ups
60 Push Ups
20 Burpees
25 Jump Squats
15 Pull Ups
1 Minute Leg Flutters
10 Reverse Grip Pull Ups
Sprint for 30 Seconds

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