Flag burning trump

freedom means having the right to criticise and this includes burning of a flag. freedom must only be limited where violence occurs and burning of a flag is not violence.
trump and his 6am tweets sound like a kid who just got 'bigly' power and simply cant wait to enforce it on all. i agree with trump on some points but sometimes he sounds and wants to act like a class A dictator.

free speech, criticism and redicule is the basis of all freedom. must be protected at all and any cost
drakonrep said:
freedom means having the right to criticise and this includes burning of a flag. freedom must only be limited where violence occurs and burning of a flag is not violence. trump and his 6am tweets sound like a kid who just got 'bigly' power and simply cant wait to enforce it on all. i agree with trump on some points but sometimes he sounds and wants to act like a class A dictator. free speech, criticism and redicule is the basis of all freedom. must be protected at all and any cost
i agree
however i protect trumps right as well, as long as its only his personal thoughts
grim date=1480457633 said:
i agree
however i protect trumps right as well, as long as its only his personal thoughts
grim date=1480457633freedom is for all, includes trumps opinions also. non selective for all freedom. the issue was or is that he wants to change the law therefore moving it from his opinion or preference into a law, which is highly problematic in general and in specific even more troubling with this issue. so he can say it and think it, nobody really cares. as long as freedom of speech and all its rights are upheld this is what matters. preference may never rise to be law. logic and argument must always prevail
drakonrep said:
freedom is for all, includes trumps opinions also. non selective for all freedom. the issue was or is that he wants to change the law therefore moving it from his opinion or preference into a law, which is highly problematic in general and in specific even more troubling with this issue. so he can say it and think it, nobody really cares. as long as freedom of speech and all its rights are upheld this is what matters. preference may never rise to be law. logic and argument must always prevail
drakonrep if he wants to change the law i withdraw my support
grim date=1480459213 said:
if he wants to change the law i withdraw my support
grim date=1480459213i agree fully, only problem is withdrawing support is not as easy as giving it, making it a very hard case to stop unwilling actions by the leadership.
it should not be possible to change such laws which concern freedom of speech (as they are corners of our entire civilisation) and if yes only with full support of supreme court and a full mandate from the people and with heavy weigh in from political alliances of the western world 9all in all zero chance to change this in america while following constitution).

a leader trying or even willing to limit or punish freedom of speech is a very very bad step and dictatorship in the making and right quick. nobody or anything is above criticism and redicule. these 2 words were key in the worlds most famous revolution. criticism and redicule, very important
You are diluted the only time a flag is to be burned is when it has fallen. NOT just because you protest if you haven't fought for this country or have sons and daughters fighting for this country you have no sense of the flag of our country. To burn the flag because of these fucking movement is ridiculous read the instructions for the United States Flag. I'm sure if you were prior service you wouldn't say such dumb shit. I agree with Trump.

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Paulrockr date=1480465308 said:
You are diluted the only time a flag is to be burned is when it has fallen. NOT just because you protest if you haven't fought for this country or have sons and daughters fighting for this country you have no sense of the flag of our country. To burn the flag because of these fucking movement is ridiculous read the instructions for the United States Flag. I'm sure if you were prior service you wouldn't say such dumb shit. I agree with Trump.

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Paulrockr date=1480465308you talk about disrespect. and i fully agree: is it disrespectful to burn the flag? yes to some people it is. maybe even to many.
is it good to punish for burning the flag? i say no and i agree with supreme court of usa that burning the flag is part of free speech and protest clause which needs to be protected. such is law and reason also in most if not all western countries.
seeing a burning flag makes 95% of people pissed or angry or just irritated, indeed all negative responses. still a huge leap to punish people for it. preference or feeling must never limit free speech regardless of how much it is disliked by any amount of people. dislike is no reason for limitation of freedom
Freedoms come at a price..both allowing stuff you dont like, and general safety
I'd like to see them start coating flags with a form of Sarin gas that's released when it reaches 750 °F. Now it can be totally legal to burn the flag, and no need to punish those who do it. 🙂
T-bar said:
I'd like to see them start coating flags with a form of Sarin gas that's released when it reaches 750 °F. Now it can be totally legal to burn the flag, and no need to punish those who do it. 🙂

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T-bar date=1480472075 said:
I'd like to see them start coating flags with a form of Sarin gas that's released when it reaches 750 °F. Now it can be totally legal to burn the flag, and no need to punish those who do it. 🙂
T-bar date=1480472075Lol..
drakonrep said:
you talk about disrespect. and i fully agree: is it disrespectful to burn the flag? yes to some people it is. maybe even to many.
is it good to punish for burning the flag? i say no and i agree with supreme court of usa that burning the flag is part of free speech and protest clause which needs to be protected. such is law and reason also in most if not all western countries.
seeing a burning flag makes 95% of people pissed or angry or just irritated, indeed all negative responses. still a huge leap to punish people for it. preference or feeling must never limit free speech regardless of how much it is disliked by any amount of people. dislike is no reason for limitation of freedom
drakonrepAt one time in this country there was pride in America. And burning the flag was not stood for. The generation before those my age have bred this pansy ass butt hurt we don't get our way we are gonna protest culture and they in turn have bred a worse generation of just turn your head turn the other cheek hide our heads in the sand, let's let the government take care of all of us. This in turn has brought us where we are today. Freedom of speech my ass, the Supreme Court of the United States is a joke! If they don't like it here there are plenty of other places with no freedom they are happy to buy a one way ticket to. My kids make up four generations of military service, and I'll be damned if I watch someone burn my flag. What's next let's go ahead and lay down our arms too because it make the guy next door fear what will happen to him when I shoot some degenerate breaking in to my home or it hurt his ears. Where does the stupid , non common sense way of thinking in this country end. Does it make anyone here feel good to see some hadji burning the flag saying death to Americans ? Then why is it ok here in our own country?

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i love america and the flag is sacred, you can ignore it and leave it alone but burn it or disrespect it and you're disrespecting the hundreds of thousands who died to give these idiots the right to speak freely. have some damn respect for the country or find another place. anyone who hates America should probable be going
The American flag represents many important things in our country, but our flag is not those things. It's a symbol. The funny thing is that the flag they are burning is also a symbol for the person burning it. It stands for them just as much as it stands for the fallen soldier.

Do I want to beat the shit out of those who burn it? You bet. But once again the flag is doing it's job. A flag flying in my neighbor's yard tells me a great deal about my neighbor. In the exact same light a flag being burned by a person I've never seen before tells me everything I need to know about that person in an instant. In both cases the flag is doing it's job, and quite magnificently. In fact, if you really stop to think about it, a flag being burned is sacrificing itself, giving up it's very existence, for us, in the exact way so many brave men have done throughout history.

So my advice is to respect that burning flag to the same degree we respect a flag flying high and proud. Respect that burning flag the same way we respect those who gave up their lives for us in battle.

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, killing thousands, but they did not scratch what America stands for. In fact, I dare say they strengthened our every value. You may not realize it at the time, but when you see, or even hear of, a person burning our flag, it triggers in you an even stronger sense of what that flag represents and how great our country is. That's why it pisses you off so much. In other words... the flag is doing it's job.

RIP magnificent flag. You have served your country well.
Paulrockr date=1480473003 said:
At one time in this country there was pride in America. And burning the flag was not stood for. The generation before those my age have bred this pansy ass butt hurt we don't get our way we are gonna protest culture and they in turn have bred a worse generation of just turn your head turn the other cheek hide our heads in the sand, let's let the government take care of all of us. This in turn has brought us where we are today. Freedom of speech my ass, the Supreme Court of the United States is a joke! If they don't like it here there are plenty of other places with no freedom they are happy to buy a one way ticket to. My kids make up four generations of military service, and I'll be damned if I watch someone burn my flag. What's next let's go ahead and lay down our arms too because it make the guy next door fear what will happen to him when I shoot some degenerate breaking in to my home or it hurt his ears. Where does the stupid , non common sense way of thinking in this country end. Does it make anyone here feel good to see some hadji burning the flag saying death to Americans ? Then why is it ok here in our own country?

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Paulrockr date=1480473003sorry but you sound like a dictator who simply would want to kick everybody out who doesnt agree with you. you would like to have preference made into law.
in ALL western countries burning of the flag is a human right. your dislike of the burning of the flag doesnt mean someones like to burn it has to be punished. simply how the western civilised world works.
if you want to punish somebody for burning the usa flag because you see it as disrespect, how are you different for ISIS that wants and does punish people for doing something they dont like (drawing a cartoon, which is to them great disrespect)? we cannot call one a retarted system and the other a proud nation.
simply said, there is to be no punishment for disrespecting anybody or anything. nothing is sacred, not a flag or a book orany worldview or idea. every single thing is up for debate and redicule and disrespect. this is key to civilised nations
Paulrockr date=1480465308 said:
You are diluted the only time a flag is to be burned is when it has fallen. NOT just because you protest if you haven't fought for this country or have sons and daughters fighting for this country you have no sense of the flag of our country. To burn the flag because of these fucking movement is ridiculous read the instructions for the United States Flag. I'm sure if you were prior service you wouldn't say such dumb shit. I agree with Trump.

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Paulrockr date=1480465308Agreed 100%. Its pathetic that these so called protests are from the same asshole leeches to our society that have ruined it.These losers are not representatives of freedom of speech nor are they of Americans! The bullshit story of its freedom of speech is disgraceful.No one is protesting or rioting when innocents get raped or murdered.No one is protesting or rioting when soldiers are killed.No one is protesting or rioting when cops are killed.But they're doing it because Trump got elected?? Pathetic.Most of these idiots havent even voted.Also most of them are being paid to do so.
By burning American flags,you're spitting on all those who have sacrificed so much in defense of the freedoms so many today abuse.If you truly respect America and the freedoms it has,you dont burn the flag.You get off your ass and try to really help fix the issues destroying it.
F&ck their freedoms of speech.You don't like it,leave the f&ckin country.
F.I.S.T. date=1480522628 said:
Agreed 100%. Its pathetic that these so called protests are from the same asshole leeches to our society that have ruined it.These losers are not representatives of freedom of speech nor are they of Americans! The bullshit story of its freedom of speech is disgraceful.No one is protesting or rioting when innocents get raped or murdered.No one is protesting or rioting when soldiers are killed.No one is protesting or rioting when cops are killed.But they're doing it because Trump got elected?? Pathetic.Most of these idiots havent even voted.Also most of them are being paid to do so.
By burning American flags,you're spitting on all those who have sacrificed so much in defense of the freedoms so many today abuse.If you truly respect America and the freedoms it has,you dont burn the flag.You get off your ass and try to really help fix the issues destroying it.
F&ck their freedoms of speech.You don't like it,leave the f&ckin country.
F.I.S.T. date=1480522628interesting to be using the very freedom of speech to limit freedom of speech. anyhow i am glad to live in a country where the rules are different and we have freedom of speech. otherwise WHO will make the rules what is sacred or not, something to think about.
drakonrep said:
interesting to be using the very freedom of speech to limit freedom of speech. anyhow i am glad to live in a country where the rules are different and we have freedom of speech. otherwise WHO will make the rules what is sacred or not, something to think about.
drakonrepExplain how the fuck burning the flag is feeedom of speech. Your liberal argument has no merit at all. Freedom of speech, many crimes in past years are done under the guise of freedom of speech

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