You misunderstood you have to check with both provider and insurance.
You have to make sure they are in network. I hear this problem is brutal in Florida.
@d3r3k I have Lyme’s disease as well I was fortunate enough (if u want to call it that) that I had the huge bullseye where it attached to me and went to the doctor and tested positive. The problem is if you don’t get tested soon after the bite testing may not show a positive then insurance bails. I dont wish Lyme’s disease on my worst enemy that was the most painful shit iv ever been through feeling like your bones are in a vise sleeping for days at a time. Miserable... I feel for you brother.
@GRIM seems like they're all in cahoots! Like I said before I heard in Florida it's a thousand times worse. Even with excellent insurance they try to fuck you out of some cash. Well I was hoping that I was helpful in some way but I guess you've got your ends covered as best as possible.
@The Tone yup
This is because they charge an office visit on top of the procedure
WTF im there for a procedure

Insurance covers procedure not the much more expensive 'office visit' code
Yeah bro, I knew something was wrong with me at around age 15. I’m 32 now still battling more and more strange health issues. Mine are mostly neurological, and some days very bad fatigue. Luckily I dont suffer much pain usually just every once in a while. But it’s a hard disease to live with for sure, and expensive as fuck.
@d3r3k damn mam I aint got that but I hear you on the expense
Tis part of the reason I dont go to nuro at all or reg dr much, or meds
1 med alone is over $800 a month how in the fuk can anyone afford that? Plus most insurance companies last check wont cover it.

Its a shame people needing care often have to go without it, OR pay through the nose to get it
One time like 10 years ago I was pretty bad off, went to a pill doctor to get hooked up but she gave me the most sophisticated piss test I've ever seen.Must have tested for like 30 things. Little colored bands around the cup for absolutely every class of narcotic. I popped for some codeine cough syrup I had done 2 weeks prior so she couldn't give me what I came for. Then she sent it off to the lab and sent me home with some suboxone. Like a month later I get a $1000 check from my insurance company saying they don't do direct bill and I should pay the lab with that money. Tried to cash it, but it was deposit only. Cleared in a couple of days and I walked away with the cash. At that moment it was like a million dollars.

But yeah, pretty much everything else I've experienced with insurance has been problematic.
Only if it is gals brother no guys..... rough hands you know...LMAO!!!
Yea it is crazy, I have good insurance but after getting a bill for some labs I had done realized it would be cheaper to go have my own labs drawn.
Seems someone is getting a kickback for using certain lab facilities and we are being over charged. IMO
Something fishy is going on...
its something you need but those in charge make it a scam
Feel free to delete if this breaks a rule but I assume everyone knows about privatemd labs? Cheap as fuck. You just pay and then show up to the lab. Results usually in 2-3 days via email / website versus waiting for the doctor. Often their female hormone panel or whatever will run actual test numbers instead of "out of range". My test was at like 5500 one time on what I thought was a reasonable dose. Just kidding, it was 750mg/day of Test E, but that place is legit and cheap. I think they send you to labcorp or quest.
Every DR I deal with Tech, sends most to labcorp and a few have to quest.
Still dealing with this BS
Clinic refuses to work with me at all even though their people lied to me
Their response its up to me to know
HOW THE FUCK can I know what ill be charged if THEY lie?!
Pretty sure they sent me to collections as I refuse to pay it!
I’m happy I’m healthy and have great insurance, my co pays are super low and everything is covered. Guess I’m lucky.
i have shit health and shit insurance
but this ended up being clinics fault mainly imo
SOB's are just worried about covering for each other and screwing the patient.
I don't know what I'd do without my outstanding insurance. But I'll tell you this... even with great insurance they STILL try to screw you. BTW, did you know that when I purchase a 30 day supply of modafinil it only costs me $7, but the price they list that they charge in insurance company is $1,200.00. This is the biggest racket in America and the real reason why we can't have legit health care for everyone.

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