Getting my girl started


Vino 1

Alright, so my girl wants to get started working out and toning up. Now I've tried a couple times to help her work out and it never works well. She doesn't like to do the exercises I suggest and gets mad when I try to push her. Anyways tomorrow we are goin to try again starting with a leg day. I figure my leg routine is solid and will work for her as well just drop weight almost to nothing at first. Anyone got any suggestions to help me help her?
Here's my leg routine:

Free weight seated calf raises
Leg press
Machine calf raises
Dumbbell lunges

Should I just let her use the 45pd bar on squats or do u think that will be too heavy? If so what's a good alternative to it? Thanks everybody
Lol I agree but that's what she wants to do so we gonna do it.
Vino 1 said:
Alright, so my girl wants to get started working out and toning up. Now I've tried a couple times to help her work out and it never works well. She doesn't like to do the exercises I suggest and gets mad when I try to push her. Anyways tomorrow we are goin to try again starting with a leg day. I figure my leg routine is solid and will work for her as well just drop weight almost to nothing at first. Anyone got any suggestions to help me help her?
Here's my leg routine:

Free weight seated calf raises
Leg press
Machine calf raises
Dumbbell lunges

Should I just let her use the 45pd bar on squats or do u think that will be too heavy? If so what's a good alternative to it? Thanks everybody
Vino 1
Nice leg routine Brother Vino! I would start with the bar and have her
Work her way up. Keep us posted on her results bro!
Nice leg routine Brother Vino! I would start with the bar and have her
Work her way up. Keep us posted on her results bro!
BIGBOSSThanks BIG BOSS. We goin to start tomorrow and ill report back. If y'all don't hear from me then she knocked my head off at the gym
Hanzo said:
Yeah, be careful with the bar on squats. Maybe use 10 or 15lb db's 1st.
Definetely. I'm goin to try the bar and if it's too much then well go to the DB's. Thanks for the suggestion
My wife won't listen to me for shit! But I got her with my coach and its a whole different ball game.

Women love to do legs too that's the only body part they will work if you let them choose.

Good luck Vino!
Have fun. I used to try to teach my Ex how to ride a motorcycle and she would never listen...
Before you put any kind of weight on her back or in her hands maybe you should see if she can even squat correctly on her own without weight?! If she cant, do squats with a swiss ball off the wall. If she cab throw a weight vest on her. Good place to start.

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
Believe it or not, ladies have pretty strong legs. I would throw on some weight. She might surprise you!!! Keep us posted. Oh and pics , or it didn't happen !!!
Tattz said:
Believe it or not, ladies have pretty strong legs. I would throw on some weight. She might surprise you!!! Keep us posted. Oh and pics , or it didn't happen !!!
Not so much legs but lack of functional core strength that make squats difficult to do correctly. Most people are missing that..

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
I love taking my girl through my leg routine and watching her walk like an old lady the next day lol now that im not working shes been really putting effort to go to gym and keep up.
I started my wife and 11yr old step son with my EZ bar. Very little weight but gives them something on there shoulders to start with to get form down.
Thanks bros! We're about to head to the gym now. Will post up how it went!
Homegrown is dead right! So many people don't have the core strength to perform squats correctly with body weight much less add a bar to them. My wife had to start all over again cause her form was off and causes issues in other areas. We all get too macho sometimes and think we have to throw on a bunch of weight and end up with spinal injuries. Even girls do that. My .02
homegrown said:
Not so much legs but lack of functional core strength that make squats difficult to do correctly. Most people are missing that..

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
Spot on. Per usual.
JM750 said:
Pics....... unless she's 3 Bills... haha J/K
Alright we made it. I went with the smith machine no weight for the squats. It worked quite well. And pics but for the record I'm working on my chicken legs twice a week now so cut me some slack before u slam me 🙂

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