Getting my girl started

Keep her going Brother V! My wife is a cardio only. Wish
I could her some weight training.
Thanks BB and Sportsfreak. They are stubborn. But your right ima just stay positive with her.
my wife started with 10 lb dumbbells squatting. Now she can bang 225 no prob. However as for the motivation thing. She walked out in the garage one night and told me she wants to start lifting. I never got on her shit or anything prior. She knew I loved the way a muscular, toned woman looked. She has been going strong ever since. When I hug her or we even playfully wrestle now, its like wrestling with a brick. She has done so well. Good luck Vino. They have to want to do it. Hopefully she gets hooked on it and wants to continue
So a lil update. After training with me for a short period my girl gave up. BUT today we hired her a trainer to work with her for a few months. Someone she will HOPEFULLY listen to. Cuz she sure as shit wouldn't listen to me 🙂 but that's ok cuz now she's super stoked! And I'm happy for her
Good luck Vino.... However I don't see results just yet. You and I both know it has to come from within. She needs to be heading out that door on her own to work out. Shouldn't matter who is her trainer etc. They need to want to do it.

I was just as skeptical of mine until she started coming home from 12 hours shifts over an hour drive time each way and still heading out to work out. Her motivation pumped me up to go out and help her. When I made it like I wanted her to workout she didn't I gave up and all of a sudden she comes into the torture chamber and starts on her own.

She's had countless friends not even last two weeks working out with her. I hope the personal trainer works...... Good luck bro

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