Getting over her


Iron Killer
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How do you guys get over a breakup? THis is the first woman ive ever loved and she just ended it. There is no getting her back
Time apart.. Break all contact with her if you haven't already.. Hit the gym and go out and start finding new pussy.
My ex left me after 7 years together. We have even divorced for about 1 1/2 years now. I'd say it took about 6 months or so to get over it mostly. I still have to see her a few days a week when I get my little boy or drop him off, so that could of made it harder to get over her.
Thanks for the advice man. Yeah it sucks because we go to school together and we have class together. I forgot to mention that before we started seeing each other she was my best friend. So im losing a friend as well
You definitely need to fuck someone else asap only way I have found to heal a wound faster
I hate to hear that brother. Shit is hard and it hurts! But like ole Irish said time will heal it but u MUST stay away from her. And you MUST find another girl to take your mind off her. Just don't fall in love with her. Good luck man
Sorry to hear it Morrey. Time is the best healer in these things IMO. You'll find someone perfect some day.
Your not loosing a friend , unless that's by her choice. I went thru the same thing twice. Surround yourself with friends, although you might wanna be alone. Don't call or txt. Go to class and do your thing. No matter how hard it is. And trust me, it's hard. Mark my word, time will pass, it will be easier. Then boom!!!! Another one will be there next to you. Trust me, you can do it.
Pay no attention to her. Dont even give her the time of day. Women can be cruel mother fuckers. At times, they have no heart at all.
Never show her that it bothers you. That's a no no in my book.
Walk away with your head hung high knowing you were the best man she's ever gunna get.

now go find a new one and start all over.......
I'm on my second wife and if this doesn't work out I'm boning all kinds if strange and none of them will ever be serious to me. I'll pit my kids 1st and me 2nd and that's it. No more worrying about dumb bitches that like to manipulate you just cause they can and then rip your heart out. Women are all crazy, better off doing what you want to do.
You will be amazed what a new spark in your life can do for you. I know you cant think about it now, but it will happen. It will happen all on its own. Sometimes you dont even have to try. Sometimes new love will just come to you all on its own.

This is a good reason to really train hard now. Any frustration you have because of her, take it out on the weights. Show the iron who is Boss.
Your hard and sculptured body will be much appreciated by your new love.
JM750 said:
You will be amazed what a new spark in your life can do for you. I know you cant think about it now, but it will happen. It will happen all on its own. Sometimes you dont even have to try. Sometimes new love will just come to you all on its own.

This is a good reason to really train hard now. Any frustration you have because of her, take it out on the weights. Show the iron who is Boss.
Your hard and sculptured body will be much appreciated by your new love.
JM750True.... but in the meantime go to redbook or backpage and pick one out $40 to $100 range 😉
49ER said:
True.... but in the meantime go to redbook or backpage and pick one out $40 to $100 range 😉
Ooh fuck yea, I have rented them in the past but the price was more like 200+
Worth every penny. You hearts beating like a drum when you go knock on that Hotel door! LOL
JM750 said:
Ooh fuck yea, I have rented them in the past but the price was more like 200+
Worth every penny. You hearts beating like a drum when you go knock on that Hotel door! LOL
JM750 $200+ definitely the best.
Thanks for all the replies. This was the first serious relationship i had and actually wanted, but fuck im still in college. I should stop messing around with older women (she is 29 and im 23) and have some more fun with these freshman
Why did she walk away from you? If you can try to figure out your mistakes and learn from them (did you put her on a pedestal, did she get board?, maybe shes is just not compatible with you), do anything to boost your self esteem e.g. get in better shape, new hair, new wardrobe, talk to many women (even ones your interested in), I guess you could fuck a new girl to, but to be honest this does nothing for me personally when my feeling are still with someone else. Anyhow, stay away from this girl without making it too obvious, don't acknowledge her unless she ask a question and if she does keep the answer short and move on. Let her know your not phase..she might even be drawn to you again when she sees you don't give a shit. Don't be trying to snoop on her through social networks or ask friends how she is to forgot she even exist. With enough time you will be back to your old self.
women at that age are ready to settle down, and since your in college probably were not ready? Man you are so young. You want a woman to stay with you, you need a good job, house, car, and show stability. otherwise you get some 8 balls and hookers! 😛
smashing a new pussy will help forget

smashing several, is full proof antidote.
sityslicker1 said:
Why did she walk away from you? If you can try to figure out your mistakes and learn from them (did you put her on a pedestal, did she get board?, maybe shes is just not compatible with you), do anything to boost your self esteem e.g. get in better shape, new hair, new wardrobe, talk to many women (even ones your interested in), I guess you could fuck a new girl to, but to be honest this does nothing for me personally when my feeling are still with someone else. Anyhow, stay away from this girl without making it too obvious, don't acknowledge her unless she ask a question and if she does keep the answer short and move on. Let her know your not phase..she might even be drawn to you again when she sees you don't give a shit. Don't be trying to snoop on her through social networks or ask friends how she is to forgot she even exist. With enough time you will be back to your old self.
Should I even stop being friends with her? Before we got together we were best friends. We hung out or talked every day. I really realy do want her back but I may have fucked that up. I tried a big romantic gesture 2 weeks after we broke up and she said "you obviously werent listening when i said its over". I knew i should have just done my own thing and waited longer but she was all i could think about so i had to make a move.

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