Gun Control


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Whomever let the child get access is a moron....
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?

Actually I did, I had thought I would get more of an initial response.
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
I hear you Hanzo, but...I see Morrey's point. This was a stupid and completely avoidable accident. To have a loaded weapon in the living room for a four year old boy to stumble upon is Lunacy. I understand it was an unannounced visit, but still.........Natural selection however didn't remove the weak one here, he was a war veteran. It's a real shame, and now this kid will have to live with the fact that he killed his father.
TSizemore said:
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
I hear you Hanzo, but...I see Morrey's point. This was a stupid and completely avoidable accident. To have a loaded weapon in the living room for a four year old boy to stumble upon is Lunacy. I understand it was an unannounced visit, but still.........Natural selection however didn't remove the weak one here, he was a war veteran. It's a real shame, and now this kid will have to live with the fact that he killed his father.

With all due respect here T, morrey didn't have a point, he acknowledged it was an attempt, and a rather droll, lame one at that, to troll for an emotional response. As you noted, Natural Selection, which truly only applies to the Animal Kingdom, isn't the issue.

Essentially, this Vet served in our Military in order to insure morrey's rather childish mockery of his death, via his Constitutional Rights. Low blow, morrey. Being a "compassionate liberal" I really expected more from you, or am I merely setting the bar too high for you, as you have shown us here today the true identity in regards to the intolerance of the so called "tolerant left"?

Btw, gun control means being able to hit your target, not usurpation of Constitutional Rights.

The child now also has to live without a father, not just the fact that he had a hand in his death.
Hanzo said:
TSizemore said:
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
I hear you Hanzo, but...I see Morrey's point. This was a stupid and completely avoidable accident. To have a loaded weapon in the living room for a four year old boy to stumble upon is Lunacy. I understand it was an unannounced visit, but still.........Natural selection however didn't remove the weak one here, he was a war veteran. It's a real shame, and now this kid will have to live with the fact that he killed his father.

With all due respect here T, morrey didn't have a point, he acknowledged it was an attempt, and a rather droll, lame one at that, to troll for an emotional response. As you noted, Natural Selection, which truly only applies to the Animal Kingdom, isn't the issue.

Essentially, this Vet served in our Military in order to insure morrey's rather childish mockery of his death, via his Constitutional Rights. Low blow, morrey. Being a "compassionate liberal" I really expected more from you, or am I merely setting the bar too high for you, as you have shown us here today the true identity in regards to the intolerance of the so called "tolerant left"?

Btw, gun control means being able to hit your target, not usurpation of Constitutional Rights.

The child now also has to live without a father, not just the fact that he had a hand in his death.

I dont think you are fully understanding me. Of course Im not happy that someone died and I did this because I believe that there should be tighter gun regulation so little kids dont have access to guns.

O and btw natural selection is relevant to ALL organisms not just the animal kingdom
Now we seem to be getting to the point of the Post!! Tighter gun control wouldn't have prevented this accident. I'm not sure what regulation would have stopped it. The gun was owned by a law abiding citizen. A retired Military Green Beret as a matter of fact. It was purchased legally and through all the proper channels. (I assume this because no charges were filed on the owner). The only regulation you can add would be the ability to have a "loaded" weapon in the house. And, I don't care what your stand is....If you give the government the ability to tell you what's allowed in the privacy of your home, you no longer are in a Capitalistic nature. This law would open the door for Pornography for instance, Alcohol consumption (in the case of a dry county), Child discipline, or any other device that you partake of in your own home.
ok first let me say... This wasnt supposed to be as serious as its getting lol

You all know that im for tighter gun regulations, and i was just posting this to kinda say "see im right you guys are wrong" 😉
The real point is that the friend is the actual culprit here. His weapon was easily accessed by a small child, which subsequently allowed his friend to die at the hands of his own kid... This is tragic. Not even me the king of insensivity wouldn't touch this
morrey said:
Hanzo said:
TSizemore said:
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
I hear you Hanzo, but...I see Morrey's point. This was a stupid and completely avoidable accident. To have a loaded weapon in the living room for a four year old boy to stumble upon is Lunacy. I understand it was an unannounced visit, but still.........Natural selection however didn't remove the weak one here, he was a war veteran. It's a real shame, and now this kid will have to live with the fact that he killed his father.

With all due respect here T, morrey didn't have a point, he acknowledged it was an attempt, and a rather droll, lame one at that, to troll for an emotional response. As you noted, Natural Selection, which truly only applies to the Animal Kingdom, isn't the issue.

Essentially, this Vet served in our Military in order to insure morrey's rather childish mockery of his death, via his Constitutional Rights. Low blow, morrey. Being a "compassionate liberal" I really expected more from you, or am I merely setting the bar too high for you, as you have shown us here today the true identity in regards to the intolerance of the so called "tolerant left"?

Btw, gun control means being able to hit your target, not usurpation of Constitutional Rights.

The child now also has to live without a father, not just the fact that he had a hand in his death.

I dont think you are fully understanding me. Of course Im not happy that someone died and I did this because I believe that there should be tighter gun regulation so little kids dont have access to guns.

O and btw natural selection is relevant to ALL organisms not just the animal kingdom

Btw, Natural Selection is nonexistent in our society. Even the weakest of beings can survive and even thrive today. The only exception is lives being snuffed out on a daily basis with abortion, as these 'organisms', as you say, never get a chance.

I still like you morrey. Maybe next time you should clear your threads with me before posting, just so you can get your point across in a sentient, if not rational, fashion. LOL. JK bro.
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Hanzo said:
TSizemore said:
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
I hear you Hanzo, but...I see Morrey's point. This was a stupid and completely avoidable accident. To have a loaded weapon in the living room for a four year old boy to stumble upon is Lunacy. I understand it was an unannounced visit, but still.........Natural selection however didn't remove the weak one here, he was a war veteran. It's a real shame, and now this kid will have to live with the fact that he killed his father.

With all due respect here T, morrey didn't have a point, he acknowledged it was an attempt, and a rather droll, lame one at that, to troll for an emotional response. As you noted, Natural Selection, which truly only applies to the Animal Kingdom, isn't the issue.

Essentially, this Vet served in our Military in order to insure morrey's rather childish mockery of his death, via his Constitutional Rights. Low blow, morrey. Being a "compassionate liberal" I really expected more from you, or am I merely setting the bar too high for you, as you have shown us here today the true identity in regards to the intolerance of the so called "tolerant left"?

Btw, gun control means being able to hit your target, not usurpation of Constitutional Rights.

The child now also has to live without a father, not just the fact that he had a hand in his death.

I dont think you are fully understanding me. Of course Im not happy that someone died and I did this because I believe that there should be tighter gun regulation so little kids dont have access to guns.

O and btw natural selection is relevant to ALL organisms not just the animal kingdom

Btw, Natural Selection is nonexistent in our society. Even the weakest of beings can survive and even thrive today. The only exception is lives being snuffed out on a daily basis with abortion, as these 'organisms', as you say, never get a chance.

I still like you morrey. Maybe next time you should clear your threads with me before posting, just so you can get your point across in a sentient, if not rational, fashion. LOL. JK bro.

ok that had be busting up when i read it! lol

The good looking guys, like me, are more able to reproduce. That is an example of sexual selection which is a type of natural selection
morrey said:
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Hanzo said:
TSizemore said:
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
Natural selection doing its work loll
That seems to be verrrry insensitive and immature, morrey. I'm kinda surprised, and disappointed in you. We're talking about someone dying here. Did you merely post this to elicit responses in order to troll?
I hear you Hanzo, but...I see Morrey's point. This was a stupid and completely avoidable accident. To have a loaded weapon in the living room for a four year old boy to stumble upon is Lunacy. I understand it was an unannounced visit, but still.........Natural selection however didn't remove the weak one here, he was a war veteran. It's a real shame, and now this kid will have to live with the fact that he killed his father.

With all due respect here T, morrey didn't have a point, he acknowledged it was an attempt, and a rather droll, lame one at that, to troll for an emotional response. As you noted, Natural Selection, which truly only applies to the Animal Kingdom, isn't the issue.

Essentially, this Vet served in our Military in order to insure morrey's rather childish mockery of his death, via his Constitutional Rights. Low blow, morrey. Being a "compassionate liberal" I really expected more from you, or am I merely setting the bar too high for you, as you have shown us here today the true identity in regards to the intolerance of the so called "tolerant left"?

Btw, gun control means being able to hit your target, not usurpation of Constitutional Rights.

The child now also has to live without a father, not just the fact that he had a hand in his death.

I dont think you are fully understanding me. Of course Im not happy that someone died and I did this because I believe that there should be tighter gun regulation so little kids dont have access to guns.

O and btw natural selection is relevant to ALL organisms not just the animal kingdom

Btw, Natural Selection is nonexistent in our society. Even the weakest of beings can survive and even thrive today. The only exception is lives being snuffed out on a daily basis with abortion, as these 'organisms', as you say, never get a chance.

I still like you morrey. Maybe next time you should clear your threads with me before posting, just so you can get your point across in a sentient, if not rational, fashion. LOL. JK bro.

ok that had be busting up when i read it! lol

The good looking guys, like me, are more able to reproduce. That is an example of sexual selection which is a type of natural selection

That's not Natural Selection morrey, that's a matter of taste. There's plenty of ugly people out there. Not even a nice try.
that is in fact a form of selection...

Taste as you call it, is kinda the point.

Those with big muscles etc, 'fittest' in the eyes of those around them
GRIM said:
that is in fact a form of selection...

Taste as you call it, is kinda the point.

Those with big muscles etc, 'fittest' in the eyes of those around them

GRIM knows what hes talking about
GRIM said:
that is in fact a form of selection...

Taste as you call it, is kinda the point.

Those with big muscles etc, 'fittest' in the eyes of those around them
What? That doesn't mean those you don't deem as 'fit', or whatever, aren't breeding just as much, if not more. That doesn't even prove your point.
it is a huge chunk behind natural selection....
and how survival of the fittest intertwines.
morrey said:
GRIM said:
that is in fact a form of selection...

Taste as you call it, is kinda the point.

Those with big muscles etc, 'fittest' in the eyes of those around them

GRIM knows what hes talking about

morrey, I hate to say it, but for someone in college your debating skills are particularly weak. I might start an online debating course, if you or Grim would be interested. You both always state opinion as fact. Logical, even philosophical, debate exposes this every time. I still like both of you. LOL. 😛
GRIM said:
it is a huge chunk behind natural selection....
and how survival of the fittest intertwines.
Survival of the Fittest only applies to the Animal Kingdom bro. You don't have to be the best, or even the fittest, to survive in our society. Maybe that's why we're so soft on a societal level.

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