HELPPPP! Estrogen sky high


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What do i need to take? Ive had ED for a while and severe depression. Never thought the depression would of been eatrogen holy fuck. On bright side my test levels are sky high so proof TMM has awesome juice.

Ps I believe ive always had high estrogen. Had gyno at a very young age

Attached blood work pics.
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Adex 1mg ed for 2 weeks and it will be back to normal range dont panic ibe had higher than yours once. At your point low dose is not gonna cut it needs to be attacked aggressively
Do what 49ER said but after your estrogen returns to normal run 0.50mg every other day until off cycle.

You could run 0.50mg every other day now and it would lower but it would take 1-2 weeks longer to lower than how he said. I just said that dosing because it's simpler to remember, keep track of and do.
Or letro if bad enough. But it'll bring it way low. So careful. Don't want to bottom it out either. My choice, a suicidal inhibitor. Aromasin. No rebound
This to me makes no sense but i have used pharma aromasin amd got sore nips just recently same test dose i started aromasin 12.5 ed and in a week got sore nips, thats why i prefer adex .5 mon/wed/fri seems to be my sweet spot up to a gram of test. Vaultek has amazing adex by the way
Aromasin works best at 25 a day FOR ME. Adex is good. Every one is different and reacts differently. 49 ER is right. Don't listen to my gibberish. My body reacts way different than most
Im still wondering why aromasin is not effective when i use it maybe i just need a higher dose. But ya people react different i know guys that use 12.5 aromasin eod that would never work for me
I find arimadex mon wed fri @ .35mg works best for me when running around 600-700mg test a week. If higher around 850mg I run about .50mg. Never used more test than 850mg.

Seems most do and recommend .50mg every other day.

Never used aromasin and probably never will.
Aromasin does not work good for either. Adex best for normal ai, letro for emergency, keep it on hand
arimidex will work fine, letrozole is hit and miss cause its so strong, you can kill your estrogen and then your fucked also. step by step, arimidex

also dont know how much test ur taking, more test is not always better, body has limit to what i can effectivelly use and the rest it converts into estrogen. only wit plenty of GH people can use lots of test without estro issues.
There was a big debate a couple yrars ago about privatemd alot of guys including myself got rediculously high estrogen while running tren on the bloodwork i wasnt on much test either. But who knows i did lower it with adex so mustbhave been a legit reading
49ER said:
Im still wondering why aromasin is not effective when i use it maybe i just need a higher dose. But ya people react different i know guys that use 12.5 aromasin eod that would never work for me
49ERI used aromas in 12.5 e3d and it works great for me. It's crazy how everyone is so different. I guess that's why they have so many different compounds to fight the same thing!

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Akhusker said:
I used aromas in 12.5 e3d and it works great for me. It's crazy how everyone is so different. I guess that's why they have so many different compounds to fight the same thing!

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Exactly the same for me. Works great.

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