HELPPPP! Estrogen sky high

tkasch30 said:
Aromasin does not work good for either. Adex best for normal ai, letro for emergency, keep it on hand
tkasch30For you maybe. But for others it's a great AI.
Estrogen is an unwanted by-product of Steroid use. In some tissues of the male body, there is a nasty little Enzyme called the “Aromatase” Enzyme. This Enzyme is responsible for turning Testosterone and other male hormones into female ones like Estrogen, and Estradiol or other girly-like hormones. An abundance of Female hormones in the male body can cause a whole list of bad side-effects, like male breast tissue growth and water retention. Bodybuilders use a lot of different drugs and compounds to combat these bad side effects. The best way to keep Estrogen from causing problems is to make sure it is never created in high amounts in the first place. Using a compound that inhibits the Aromatase Enzyme is a sure way to make sure Testosterone and other Steroids are never converted into side-effect causing Estrogen.

A compound that inhibit the Aromatase Enzyme from creating Estrogen is called an Aromatase Inhibitor, or AI for short. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to AI’s (Aromatase Inhibitors), and Aromasin is certainly one of the most popular options for bodybuilders that cycle steroids for a number of reasons.

Aromasin is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor, which makes it a better choice than other AIs. Exemestane binds with aromatase enzymes and then subsequently permanently disables the enzyme by destroying it.

Aromasin is a steroidal AI which keeps it from negatively affecting your lipids like other non-steroidal AIs. It is also not liver toxic, and can be ran for longer lengths of time without negative effect. This makes it a better option to run on cycle from a pure health standpoint. Aromasin will not hurt your gains on cycle like other AIs, but may actually help them. Another benefit on cycle is that steroidal AIs lower SHBG which increases the ratio of free to bound testosterone. What that means during your cycle is a very positive impact on your gains. This (in a sense) makes your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids more bio-available.

The half-life of Aromasin is only about 9 hours, and clears quickly. However, because of how effective Exemestane is at eliminating Aromatase enzymes (80-90% after administration), estrogen levels will remain low up to 72 hours after a single dose of 25mg. This is why aromasin is very effectively dosed every other day. In one study, users were still 40% below baseline estrogen values 72 hours after their dose. This makes aromasin very versatile for dosing and not require more frequency.

Now, the place where Aromasin really shines is in post cycle therapy (PCT). There is simply no other Aromatase inhibitor that can compare in terms of its effects on recovery. We already mentioned how Aromasin lowers SHBG, which increases free testosterone.

What does that mean?
In a study, Aromasin dosed at 25mg per day increased total testosterone by 60% in only 10 days. Even better than that, is the fact that free (useable) testosterone increased over 100% in the same time frame! In addition, Aromasin also increases IGF-1 levels. There is no estrogen rebound from Aromasin, and it is also a very powerful and effective treatment for gynecomastia. All of this makes Aromasin a no-brainer for post cycle therapy as well as on cycle estrogen control.
might try dim as well esp when off..
JuicedVenom said:
For you maybe. But for others it's a great AI.
Estrogen is an unwanted by-product of Steroid use. In some tissues of the male body, there is a nasty little Enzyme called the “Aromatase” Enzyme. This Enzyme is responsible for turning Testosterone and other male hormones into female ones like Estrogen, and Estradiol or other girly-like hormones. An abundance of Female hormones in the male body can cause a whole list of bad side-effects, like male breast tissue growth and water retention. Bodybuilders use a lot of different drugs and compounds to combat these bad side effects. The best way to keep Estrogen from causing problems is to make sure it is never created in high amounts in the first place. Using a compound that inhibits the Aromatase Enzyme is a sure way to make sure Testosterone and other Steroids are never converted into side-effect causing Estrogen.

A compound that inhibit the Aromatase Enzyme from creating Estrogen is called an Aromatase Inhibitor, or AI for short. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to AI’s (Aromatase Inhibitors), and Aromasin is certainly one of the most popular options for bodybuilders that cycle steroids for a number of reasons.

Aromasin is a suicidal Aromatase inhibitor, which makes it a better choice than other AIs. Exemestane binds with aromatase enzymes and then subsequently permanently disables the enzyme by destroying it.

Aromasin is a steroidal AI which keeps it from negatively affecting your lipids like other non-steroidal AIs. It is also not liver toxic, and can be ran for longer lengths of time without negative effect. This makes it a better option to run on cycle from a pure health standpoint. Aromasin will not hurt your gains on cycle like other AIs, but may actually help them. Another benefit on cycle is that steroidal AIs lower SHBG which increases the ratio of free to bound testosterone. What that means during your cycle is a very positive impact on your gains. This (in a sense) makes your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids more bio-available.

The half-life of Aromasin is only about 9 hours, and clears quickly. However, because of how effective Exemestane is at eliminating Aromatase enzymes (80-90% after administration), estrogen levels will remain low up to 72 hours after a single dose of 25mg. This is why aromasin is very effectively dosed every other day. In one study, users were still 40% below baseline estrogen values 72 hours after their dose. This makes aromasin very versatile for dosing and not require more frequency.

Now, the place where Aromasin really shines is in post cycle therapy (PCT). There is simply no other Aromatase inhibitor that can compare in terms of its effects on recovery. We already mentioned how Aromasin lowers SHBG, which increases free testosterone.

What does that mean?
In a study, Aromasin dosed at 25mg per day increased total testosterone by 60% in only 10 days. Even better than that, is the fact that free (useable) testosterone increased over 100% in the same time frame! In addition, Aromasin also increases IGF-1 levels. There is no estrogen rebound from Aromasin, and it is also a very powerful and effective treatment for gynecomastia. All of this makes Aromasin a no-brainer for post cycle therapy as well as on cycle estrogen control.
JuicedVenomIn all fairness what study? Who did the study? Was it some fat 80 yr old? How do we know its a real study? Id bet both my nuts i can take double the dose of aromasin and it wint raise my test level by 60% lol soumds like every other bogus study out there
49ER said:
Adex 1mg ed for 2 weeks and it will be back to normal range dont panic ibe had higher than yours once. At your point low dose is not gonna cut it needs to be attacked aggressively
got my liquid Adex in, started this protocol as Im typing this.... I had some left over nolva that i was taking 2 caps a day of, and just the nolva I feel like a new man, Still low on morning wood, but my erection actually lasts, and I look soooo much drier in the morning, I can not wait til the Adex kicks in! Thanks a bunch guys.

EDIT, in excitedment I didnt pay attention and loaded a full syringe barrel and took that by accident lmfao.... I hate my life... so I just took 3mg of adex at once.... should I skip next 2 days or continue 1mg tomorrow
49ER said:
Im still wondering why aromasin is not effective when i use it maybe i just need a higher dose. But ya people react different i know guys that use 12.5 aromasin eod that would never work for me
49ERAre you taking it with fat? Needs to be taken with food, preferably fat for better absorption.
I guess we're all different I hate Adex
d3r3k said:
got my liquid Adex in, started this protocol as Im typing this.... I had some left over nolva that i was taking 2 caps a day of, and just the nolva I feel like a new man, Still low on morning wood, but my erection actually lasts, and I look soooo much drier in the morning, I can not wait til the Adex kicks in! Thanks a bunch guys.

EDIT, in excitedment I didnt pay attention and loaded a full syringe barrel and took that by accident lmfao.... I hate my life... so I just took 3mg of adex at once.... should I skip next 2 days or continue 1mg tomorrow

Skip for 72 hours. Life of arimadex is 72 hours I'm almost sure.
jshredz said:
Are you taking it with fat? Needs to be taken with food, preferably fat for better absorption.
I guess we're all different I hate Adex
jshredz90% of my diet is fat ive tried a few times 12.5 ed no success so the way i see it if i need 25mg ed its cheaper to use adex. I could use 1mg ew on 600mg of test
A guy I know had a estrogen level of 90. He took 0.50mg every other day while taking weekly shots of 200mg and his estrogen level after 2 weeks was 93. Didn't go down. When he did 0.50 every day for 2 weeks it went down to 30.

Recently for me I was having issues first time I've ever noticed it. I took 1mg a day for 2 days. Now my hard ons won't go down and I'm on day 3 of controlling my estrogen. My level was 64. I plan to do my weekly shots at 200mg also for a cruise TRT dosage. Will be doing 0.50mg every day for next 3 days. My estrogen was more than likely fucked up from my past cycle which got crazy due to some pip and switching compounds mid cycle and trying not to use arimidex during it.

Honestly my issue was from not wanting to spend money on a bunch of Bloodwork which I believe we should all do Bloodwork multiple times during a cycle. Which I did blood tests in beginning and in the end but not during cycle which should be done.

Not sure if this response helps just felt like ranting about my raging hard ons. Lol.
i missed 9ers posts
I haven't read the entire thread but, in addition to Nolva or Aromasin .... whatever direction you go in, we should all use DIM everyday. 1-2x/day@100mg's will go a long way in modulating your estro levels without totally squashing it.
49ER said:
Without pics your hardon stories have no validation
I better not get in trouble for this..... But you asked for it



  • image.webp
    6 KB · Views: 34
Hanzo said:
I haven't read the entire thread but, in addition to Nolva or Aromasin .... whatever direction you go in, we should all use DIM everyday. 1-2x/day@100mg's will go a long way in modulating your estro levels without totally squashing it.
I see alot of different brands, which do you recomend?
d3r3k said:
I better not get in trouble for this..... But you asked for it


??? Oh man..... Tunas larger older brother..... and I mean larger only in terms of leg size... That is really one of the most disturbing pics I have seen on here...

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