Ischus lab now gone and scamm me

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Jacked Immortal
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Ischus Rep made and aucion last month of $400.00 dls store credit and i won the auction sent the money to Grim and he told me cobtact vendor soni did and Ischus Rep told me , Ischus got it . So until now no order and nothing .Ischus Rep said he gave the order practically said its not his problem . Now i was fuck up by the famous Ischus fucking scammmer .as soon he appears in anothers forums i gonna be bashing him about this situation if somebody was scammed to post your comment
I won a 50ml Test Cyp a couple of months back in the Rep's Design A Cycle contest. I wanted to place an additional order along with my winning, but was hesitant to do so after his rep admitted how poor TA has been. After Ischus was removed from here, his rep contacted me via PM and email asking what else I'd like to order and assured me TA was back on track. I went with my gut feeling and still held off and am glad I did. I emailed his rep today showing my concern that your auction win still has not been shipped, and said that if everything was truly on track he could send me the Test I'm owed as a sign of good faith before I submitted what else I'd like to receive. Let's see what he says...probably will hear nothing but crickets!

I actually tried to order 3 or 4 times before all this, but every time his rep told me to hold off because he could not get in contact with Ischus. While I appreciate the honesty, it just goes to show you that this outfit was shady and/or poorly organized right from their reintroduction to EG.
Ctstrength said:
I won a 50ml Test Cyp a couple of months back in the Rep's Design A Cycle contest. I wanted to place an additional order along with my winning, but was hesitant to do so after his rep admitted how poor TA has been. After Ischus was removed from here, his rep contacted me via PM and email asking what else I'd like to order and assured me TA was back on track. I went with my gut feeling and still held off and am glad I did. I emailed his rep today showing my concern that your auction win still has not been shipped, and said that if everything was truly on track he could send me the Test I'm owed as a sign of good faith before I submitted what else I'd like to receive. Let's see what he says...probably will hear nothing but crickets!

I actually tried to order 3 or 4 times before all this, but every time his rep told me to hold off because he could not get in contact with Ischus. While I appreciate the honesty, it just goes to show you that this outfit was shady and/or poorly organized right from their reintroduction to EG.
Lucky man
Was Ischus part of Ciber Juice? Just a yes or no question, not looking to start shit...
mig139 said:
Was Ischus part of Ciber Juice? Just a yes or no question, not looking to start shit...
No he was not.

Amozoc I just spoke with him (he replied to me very quickly) and he claims your order went out today. Please keep the board updated.
NOT he was not this is the labs that were busted
Hulk Body
Bid D
Gene Science Pharma
Genetik Pharmaceutical
He got an argument with Grim about he is not making money from the auction and he left taking my money . Fucking scammer
Thanks Bro but that story i have been earing for weeks so indo not belive mow nothing until i got my package.
Forum where i have post about this
Evo forum
Syntetic genetic
And mesorx
Imo if a member wins an auction, pays grim and the vendor decides to not send out the pack that's owed grim should give the member their money back. That only seems fair
bender said:
Imo if a member wins an auction, pays grim and the vendor decides to not send out the pack that's owed grim should give the member their money back. That only seems fair
Suppose to or you are talking about other forum ?
bender said:
Imo if a member wins an auction, pays grim and the vendor decides to not send out the pack that's owed grim should give the member their money back. That only seems fair
bender said:
Imo if a member wins an auction, pays grim and the vendor decides to not send out the pack that's owed grim should give the member their money back. That only seems fair
benderHow to you figure? The donations are to keep the board open I do not have extra $. The auctions give members gear at a song. What you're stating is basically if I took direct money from the vendor
Vendor doesn't deliver I owe everyone money back who ordered.
I do NOT make money at eg.
I already pay out of my own pocket to give security other forums do not.

Btw we got in no argument
Ishus wanted more orders, not that he wasn't making money but not 'enough' he wasn't getting orders as people were tired of the poor turn around.
I'm not saying that every time someone gets burned you owe someone. For example if someone places an order with a vendor and they get scammed that's not on you,that's part of the game and everyone knows the risk but when you hold an auction for the board and a member makes a donation to you and the vendor burns them then imo it's your responsibility to return the members money.
Everyone knows what the donations are for but that's not the point. I also never said you make money off of eg but again that's not the point. It's your board and you hold auctions to get money to help keep eg running. The auction is like a contract, members make a donation to you in return for gear at a great price but when your/ vendors end of the deal isn't held up it seems to me the right thing to do is return the members donation then you take it up with the vendor.
GRIM said:
You must not get eg costs or the fact I do not make money..
That's not really the point grim. I feel you that you spend your money but member makes a donation to you for an auction that you set up and they got burned it seems the only right thing to do is refund them
I don't think Grim should be held accountable. The vendor should be banned if this happens or removed until things are settled. It's no different than if you place an order and the vendor does not come through. Ischus had been around for awhile too. It's not like he was a brand new vendor. Sucks that this happened but his reputation is gonna take a hit for it. I love auctions but if it's a vendor I have never done business with and we have no history, I'm not bidding too high either.
LittleTom said:
I don't think Grim should be held accountable. The vendor should be banned if this happens or removed until things are settled. It's no different than if you place an order and the vendor does not come through. Ischus had been around for awhile too. It's not like he was a brand new vendor. Sucks that this happened but his reputation is gonna take a hit for it. I love auctions but if it's a vendor I have never done business with and we have no history, I'm not bidding too high either.
I disagree with that. Placing an order and getting burned is part of the game (a shitty part) and definitely isn't grims responsibility but a board auction is an agreement between a member, grim and a vendor. When there is a board auction that is the admin of the board putting his stamp of approval on that vendor and members need to feel safe when bidding on am auction
P.s. I'm not here to argue as I have no dog in this fight, I just feel board auctions are the admins responsibility
GRIM said:
How to you figure? The donations are to keep the board open I do not have extra $. The auctions give members gear at a song. What you're stating is basically if I took direct money from the vendor
Vendor doesn't deliver I owe everyone money back who ordered.
I do NOT make money at eg.
I already pay out of my own pocket to give security other forums do not.

Btw we got in no argument
Ishus wanted more orders, not that he wasn't making money but not 'enough' he wasn't getting orders as people were tired of the poor turn around.
GRIMIts his fault that he is not getting orders..I would order from him monthly IF I KNEW I didn't have to WAIT months for an order..He gear is top quality but service has went to shit.
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