Ischus lab now gone and scamm me

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If i do that automatically got banned the sponsor paid a good fee every month , if yiu attack one source you are banned
Amozoc said:
I hope you never been in this situation , and thanks for your comments
I have actually with one of Joker's auctions. He ended up coming through. The wait sucked, but had Joker jumped ship I would not try to hold staff liable. Other than bombarding a delinquent vendor with emails and threatening to pull them off site, there is literally nothing they can do to make vendors fulfill orders. I think Grim and the other mods here do enough to run a tight ship and should not be forced to pay server fees out of their pocket based on the actions of a vendor not doing their part. Auction payment is donations to the board and nothing more - it is not up to staff to provide insurance that you don't get beat. Auction fulfillment comes down to the vendor and not to the staff. That is the risk we take doing this.

I hope you know I'm not knocking you for calling out Ischus. I do hope everything works out for ya though man.
I do not think Grim its paying excessive feed for the server how he said , and he put money from his pocket in order to run the forum , i think he is the Teresa Mother
Also Amozoc please PM me what you are in need of and let me see if I can be of any assistance while you wait for your order to be filled. The board came through for me once in a time of need, and I'd like to do the same for others.
Ctstrength said:
Also Amozoc please PM me what you are in need of and let me see if I can be of any assistance while you wait for your order to be filled. The board came through for me once in a time of need, and I'd like to do the same for others.
Amozoc, I got some compounds I can toss your way, depending on what your in need of.

Grim, how bout you start selling those beanies and shirts for some extra cash bro? Many of us would be interested in purchasing them.
Daredevil said:
Amozoc, I got some compounds I can toss your way, depending on what your in need of.

Grim, how bout you start selling those beanies and shirts for some extra cash bro? Many of us would be interested in purchasing them.
DaredevilThanks Bro
Ischus lab now gone and scamm me

My order from ischus was 1 vial 50 ml Tren A Tres P and Masteron , 1 bottle 60 ml Anavar 50 mg / ml, 1 vial of Deca just keep for my joints and 1 vial test P total $395.00 my store credit was $400.00 and do not want some guy give that just let you know why i am asking for my gear
Joker said:
I'll send you
2 Tren a 100
1 deca
1 test p

Shoot me your shipping Addy via pm and I'll have it out by the weekend
Don't forget about me, I need more than that. 8)
Joker said:
I'll send you
2 Tren a 100
1 deca
1 test p

Shoot me your shipping Addy via pm and I'll have it out by the weekend
Our Joker may be goofy looking but he has a heart of gold!!! Nice gesture and thank you Joker
It has been confirmed it was shipped.
Again ischus is slow to ship, it hasn't been that long
Order WAS shipped
Amozoc said:
I do not think Grim its paying excessive feed for the server how he said , and he put money from his pocket in order to run the forum , i think he is the Teresa Mother
AmozocAre you kidding me?
Eg is 3 dedicated off shore servers for the forum alone. With another dedicated server for the vpns and well over a dozen vps servers. With professional security audits done on each of them.
The top shout system costing hundreds a year, encryption, custom coding and more.
Do you think this crap is free?
TheMuscleMan said:
I would like to openly say that I have paid a set fee several times in the past when I could not hold an auction due to gear not being available at the time of the auction and not wanting to put up a crappy auction. So when it was said that VENDORS REFUSE TO PAY A SET FEE this is wrong as I am a vendor and I have paid a set fee many on many occasions in the past. I am in no way against paying a set fee as I see that it would alleviate a member getting burned in any way from an auction as there would be no auction and if there was an auction it would be solely between the vendor and the members bidding and Grim would not have anything to due with any part of it and he would not be in the situation he is in now with an auction winner getting burned.

Now that being said it is true that auctions cost the vendor less out of pocket cash because gear is cheaper to put up than cash money, but I can say that I work with a GMP certified lab in getting my gear and the cost is more than some, so in short yes it is cheaper to put up gear to pay the fees but, at least for me, it isn't that much cheaper!

TheMuscleManI do not remember but that wasn't the point to bash anyone. I have sent out several mass pms to vendors about a set fee with no response. You however have been great without ever a problem at running auctions.

Part of the reason is I myself also do not want to 'sell' advertising hence why we started with the auction system
lith56bigguy said:
Our Joker may be goofy looking but he has a heart of gold!!! Nice gesture and thank you Joker
lith56bigguyThanks Joker you were the First one to step up no asking nothing just said i gonna give this , i really appreciate your kindness
Auction was shipped nobody send anything
Joker said:
I'll send you
2 Tren a 100
1 deca
1 test p

Shoot me your shipping Addy via pm and I'll have it out by the weekend
JokerI really hope members remember your actions next time you have delays.
You have proven time and time again that your not in the business of scamming people.
This isn't the first time Joker had offer to help out members in need.
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