Ischus lab now gone and scamm me

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bender said:
I'm not saying that every time someone gets burned you owe someone. For example if someone places an order with a vendor and they get scammed that's not on you,that's part of the game and everyone knows the risk but when you hold an auction for the board and a member makes a donation to you and the vendor burns them then imo it's your responsibility to return the members money.
Everyone knows what the donations are for but that's not the point. I also never said you make money off of eg but again that's not the point. It's your board and you hold auctions to get money to help keep eg running. The auction is like a contract, members make a donation to you in return for gear at a great price but when your/ vendors end of the deal isn't held up it seems to me the right thing to do is return the members donation then you take it up with the vendor.
benderUmm actually that makes zero sense. #1 the member gets the gear for a song.
#2 its the same as if I charged the vendor cash and then members got burned.
#3 I have ZERO extra funds if I ran this way and took all responsibility eg would be closes.
Why on earth would I take responsibility for members getting gear for a song that I am NOT shipping, have nothing to do with the shipment?
Actually not making money is a huge point. You're basically saying I should give security totally free as I do AND take responsibility for all auctions where members get a huge steal.
That just doesn't add up one bit except to people who don't want any risk to themselves what so ever but it ant all the benefits
bender said:
P.s. I'm not here to argue as I have no dog in this fight, I just feel board auctions are the admins responsibility
No I'm not arguing either. Grim and I have had our share of disagreements over auctions in the past. I'm really close to agreeing with you but in the end I just can't put the blame on Grim. It would be a class act to refund the money and boarding on the morally right thing to do.
Joebad1 said:
Its his fault that he is not getting orders..I would order from him monthly IF I KNEW I didn't have to WAIT months for an order..He gear is top quality but service has went to shit.
LittleTom said:
No I'm not arguing either. Grim and I have had our share of disagreements over auctions in the past. I'm really close to agreeing with you but in the end I just can't put the blame on Grim. It would be a class act to refund the money and boarding on the morally right thing to do.
That's all I'm saying, I'm not blaming Grim for what happened. He didn't know the vendor was going to do that. I'm just saying, like you said, refunding the member seems like the morally right thing to do
LittleTom said:
No I'm not arguing either. Grim and I have had our share of disagreements over auctions in the past. I'm really close to agreeing with you but in the end I just can't put the blame on Grim. It would be a class act to refund the money and boarding on the morally right thing to do.
LittleTomKinda hard when I don't have the money..and why on earth would I take responsibility for again members getting a STEAL on gear but when it goes south I take responsibility?
If I made money or even had the money maybe. I eat fng oatmeal every meal as is just to eat and afford eg. Now I'm supposed to be responsible for when people going for a song on auctions the vendor doesn't go through?
GRIM said:
Umm actually that makes zero sense. #1 the member gets the gear for a song.
#2 its the same as if I charged the vendor cash and then members got burned.
#3 I have ZERO extra funds if I ran this way and took all responsibility eg would be closes.
Why on earth would I take responsibility for members getting gear for a song that I am NOT shipping, have nothing to do with the shipment?
Actually not making money is a huge point. You're basically saying I should give security totally free as I do AND take responsibility for all auctions where members get a huge steal.
That just doesn't add up one bit except to people who don't want any risk to themselves what so ever but it ant all the benefits
Never mind, you're not getting it.
bender said:
That's all I'm saying, I'm not blaming Grim for what happened. He didn't know the vendor was going to do that. I'm just saying, like you said, refunding the member seems like the morally right thing to do
benderI fully disagree and again I don't have the money.
Vendor and members are between them. I do everything I can to get in the middle.
I really fail to see why I should take responsibility for doing it in a way to that saves vendors money and gives the members gear for a song.
bender said:
Never mind, you're not getting it.
benderNo you are not getting it.
I get your point but it does not add up one bit.
GRIM said:
I fully disagree and again I don't have the money.
Vendor and members are between them. I do everything I can to get in the middle.
I really fail to see why I should take responsibility for doing it in a way to that saves vendors money and gives the members gear for a song.
It does come down to a vendor member issue. That's really the bottom line. The vendor is gone and shouldn't be back till it's resolved. If it was me who got ripped off I'd bash the vendor all over the place. At the end of the day it's not Grims fault. Those funds are paid to run the board and if they are gone they are gone. No one wins in this case. It just fucking sucks. Ischus should step in and handle his shit.
LittleTom said:
It does come down to a vendor member issue. That's really the bottom line. The vendor is gone and shouldn't be back till it's resolved. If it was me who got ripped off I'd bash the vendor all over the place. At the end of the day it's not Grims fault. Those funds are paid to run the board and if they are gone they are gone. No one wins in this case. It just fucking sucks. Ischus should step in and handle his shit.
LittleTomAgreed and its still early. I have often helped members In this situation not that it happens often and reached out to other vendors giving them a month free to take care of the member. I'm not saying I won't do anything, I'm doing all I can do. But to just fork the money over which I don't have and OFTEN the vendor comes through with pressure just is not very logical or possible
not sure how this will work out but i hope the staff does everything they can to get the products. failing that we as a community need some self policing methods and ways to remedy it, sure we're not a huge place where punishment for slow TA means significant loss but this is also a small world and we are all on other boards and people talk. Vendors really cant believe you can stick someone and just turn up shop someplace else.

Grim maybe we establish a small fee to get freak status or some voluntary thing, no ones forces to pay but this cash can be split or shared with a bail out fund, he does not deserve to be ripped off when he paid to support the board. I understand what you're saying about how the moneys used and really you should not have to explain it to everyone. but somehow the process has to change, i love getting a deal and we all know most auctions go for 60 % value , but we pay you then get stuck sometimes dealing with a disgruntled vendor. really to all vendors when an auction does not go for more than its value or full value its not an insult to your product, truly all vendors are basically equal in product when made correctly, it boils down to customer service, TA, dealing with issues

some examples of great Customer service here.
Drakon sent me a free vial of Test E because I made the stopper fall apart, not sure how but it must be my fault but he didnt say fuck off he sent a new one simply because it makes me come back and that's worth way more than 1 vial to him .

Joker sent me an Email so i knew he was alive and told me thanks for being a valued customer and thank you for understanding, he could just be a ghost and not talk but he didnt

Erik (EGH) sent me a huge amount of extras when there was a shipping error, he could have said sorry and that be it but he didn't . he knew that the difference between delighting me and disappointing me was a small difference and he went the distance to make that extra week so very worth it

we have a lot of great vendors, TMM , DYEL offer amazing value for excellent products, not a single complaint ive ever seen .

so when we let a snake into the group somehow we need to smoke them out. maybe vendors pay you the gear value for 3 months so when allowed into an auction they appreciate the break you're giving them and know to deliver products in a reasonable time like 10 business days or go backward
its like any sale there is gonna be a chance the vendor drops the ball.
im doing absolutely all i can, but i dont control everything especially the shipping of said products.
this is on the vendor and vendor alone.
i hear the statements, but basically im being told all love getting HUGE discounts but i should be responsible if the vendor doesnt go through.
In that case again if I charged a set fee, id be responsible for all transactions.
Vendors refuse to pay set fees here.
Members love getting gear for a song.
But if one time a vendor doesnt go through im responsible?
Members take the chance making transactions. i do all I can to make sure their privacy is safe and they dont get ripped off.
Im still trying to talk to drakon, his rep told me the order is placed, it is still early
I cant and am not going to take financial responsibility ith $$ I do not have to give members zero risk,, im sorry but that is not logical or plausible
fees simply are unrealistic.
buying anything, vendor, auction is supporting the board, most that do auctions do for the cost savings not to support the board..
again it is very early, i have been told by the rep the order has been put in.
GRIM said:
its like any sale there is gonna be a chance the vendor drops the ball.
im doing absolutely all i can, but i dont control everything especially the shipping of said products.
this is on the vendor and vendor alone.
i hear the statements, but basically im being told all love getting HUGE discounts but i should be responsible if the vendor doesnt go through.
In that case again if I charged a set fee, id be responsible for all transactions.
Vendors refuse to pay set fees here.
Members love getting gear for a song.
But if one time a vendor doesnt go through im responsible?
Members take the chance making transactions. i do all I can to make sure their privacy is safe and they dont get ripped off.
Im still trying to talk to drakon, his rep told me the order is placed, it is still early
I cant and am not going to take financial responsibility ith $$ I do not have to give members zero risk,, im sorry but that is not logical or plausible

why is that? most boards charge sponsor fees and it works. Why was the wheel reinvented here? Shouldn't the extra bit of security give them even more incentive to be here and pay the fees.

and members getting a "song" whatever the hell that means, I guess getting a good deal? No actually this works out better for the source, its takes pennies to brew. As I vendor I rather donate gear instead of cash.

In all honestly, I rather the board be set up like the other smaller community boards, with sources being private too anyone not vip and do away with some of the security set here. If feds want in, there going to find a way. Also I see all these random invites lately and new members...who really knows these peeps? We can have all the security you want but once a system is infiltrated by someone unwanted and has access to sources, is really doesn't matter anymore.
I think EG as a community should come together and help this brother out, if stuff like this happens people are not going to want to bid on auctions anymore then what happens?

Also this Ischus lab said they were going to basically leave EG after that auction because EG does not make them money.

Something needs to happen for this brother for sure, it's complete horseshit.
sityslicker1 said:
why is that? most boards charge sponsor fees and it works. Why was the wheel reinvented here? Shouldn't the extra bit of security give them even more incentive to be here and pay the fees.

and members getting a "song" whatever the hell that means, I guess getting a good deal? No actually this works out better for the source, its takes pennies to brew. As I vendor I rather donate gear instead of cash.

In all honestly, I rather the board be set up like the other smaller community boards, with sources being private too anyone not vip and do away with some of the security set here. If feds want in, there going to find a way. Also I see all these random invites lately and new members...who really knows these peeps? We can have all the security you want but once a system is infiltrated by someone unwanted and has access to sources, is really doesn't matter anymore.
sityslicker1So much wrong in this post.
#1 I have offered numerous times vendors do not want to do set fees.
#2 members prefer the auctions as they get it cheap.
#3 sure the feds can get in but unlike other boards that are a wet paper bag we do NOT keep NOR ever have your ip information. This is HUGE.
Other boards. Have and keep this info, most do not even have a.way to get rid of it.
#4 everything at eg is encrypted.
Can they get in? Sure but with that argument we might as well stop using secured email as the same logic applies
#5 there are very few invites many are from vendors themselves.
Lastly eg is run not for profit. Why reinvent the wheel? Hmm the big busts have come.directly from other boards shit ass security.
Mick said:
I think EG as a community should come together and help this brother out, if stuff like this happens people are not going to want to bid on auctions anymore then what happens?

Also this Ischus lab said they were going to basically leave EG after that auction because EG does not make them money.

Something needs to happen for this brother for sure, it's complete horseshit.
MickSigh I am working in it. Never have I said the guy is shit out of luck. It is extremely early. not what.ischus actually said.
What was actually said.

Man - bids are so slow and low .. Just a heads up, 4 months back in it has been a disappointment with business on EG .. We are considering pulling out in a month or so !! Will update as we decidev hats best for us

In which they were losing business because of their poor turn around. Even the rep is having to wait a long ass.time for answers.

Yet again the rep has told me the order was submitted by him to ischus, its EXTREMELY early especially with a vendor who's having such poor turn around and I am ACTIVELY working on it
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