just did 2nd pin


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i remembered to wipe the top of the vial this time, and did not pop the top off ;D. i was a little shakier tho, as my three scoops of ESP has not worn off yet. but nonetheless i think it went pretty smooth. i'm sure i'll be limping again for a few days tho. did legs this morning prior to pinning, so got that out of the way for awhile 🙂
Good to hear but next time to legs after pining so you get the blood flowing to that area and possibly help with pip.
right after pinning? one thing i forgot to do was inject air into the vial.
bossman said:
right after pinning? one thing i forgot to do was inject air into the vial.
Does not have to immediately but same day can help. Air into the vial is not a big deal. Only reason its done is not create an environmental balance in pressure in there so we can draw easier. No biggie. Only time I really ever notice a problem is a brand new vial for the most part.
i'm only on 250 mg a week of cyp as i'm still cutting/recomping. also doing transdermal test at 50 mg/day and transdermal trestolone @ 25 mg/day. 25 mg of proviron too. do you think i should up the cyp to 500 or keep it where it is?
bossman said:
i'm only on 250 mg a week of cyp as i'm still cutting/recomping. also doing transdermal test at 50 mg/day and transdermal trestolone @ 25 mg/day. 25 mg of proviron too. do you think i should up the cyp to 500 or keep it where it is?
Yes up the test to 500 other wise your shutting yourself down for pretty much nothing. I dont know much about those transdermals and I dont want to lol but unless you are running something with your test that is giving you a much larger anabolic output, 250 mgs of test is way too low. I would never even go below 300 unless you are doing TRT. Only time I do 300 is when I run Tren otherwise its always 500 or a bit higher.
Me personally...I think 400mg per week is a good base especially since your also taking proviron. Your free test level is gonna be in the 2500< range. This is plenty to make good gains and keep sides to a minimum. Best of luck!
if i move to 500, which i probably will, should i pin once or twice a week?
Bossman, I would also suggest doing a lot... a lot more research on AAS. Doses, chemical make ups, types of steroids and their intended uses, side effects, dosing schedules, and so on. The more you read and learn the better off you are gonna be. I dont mind at all answering your questions but the more you find out there the more well rounded you will become and your results will show it.
i have read a lot, sometimes i just forget what i've read. i'm not young like you any more, ya know. 🙂
Can't believe you're closing in on 700 posts and you've only done 2 pins lol.
Def up test to 500 imo
Troy said:
Can't believe you're closing in on 700 posts and you've only done 2 pins lol.
Def up test to 500 imo

i like to spend a long time in pre-contemplation and contemplation mode. Too long!
OP something that helps me with pip is hot shower and massaging injection area while hot water hits it.

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