Just got in a fight at Walmart


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I just spent 30 minutes in handcuffs at Walmart with my family waiting on me. I'm even shaking as I write this. Long story but as we were standing in a massive line to check out, two guys behind us decided to get into a cussing fight (f-bombs mostly) and my kids are standing right there as well as many other young ears. So I turn around and ask them politely to quit. They agree but a few seconds after I turn around they start chattering and then cussing at me. So my wife gets pissed and turns around and asks them to stop. They decide to call her a bitch and as the adrenaline is rushing through me and I start to turn, pop! He punches me just behind the ear. Guess he was going for the back of my head. As I tried to regained my senses I have no idea how or where I hit him but I swung with all I had and landed solid. Eyes still blurry the other guy swings at me but misses and I charge him full speed, and take him straight to the ground. No hesitation I started giving him elbows to the face, he covered then some guys helped out and held him down while I basically regained consciousness. My ears were ringing and everyone was going in slow motion. Effed up feeling.

Apparently I knocked the first guy out with the punch and the second guy was a bloody mess. 30 min interrogation and about 20 other witnesses corroborating the self defense and I guess security camera footage and I was released with no charges and was told they would not be able to press charges on me since it was self defense and I was hit first. The cop said his report would show I was protecting my family and others, idk all I could think about was beat the shit outta them.

Not necessarily proud that happened in front of my kids, but I didn't know what to do. Fight or flight took over and fight it was. I'm kinda glad I had left my gun in the truck. My son keeps saying "dad that guy went stiff" which is funny, my daughters won't stop crying and aren't really talking right now. Don't know what that's about, wife thinks they are still scared I'm hurt, plus they saw the cops cuff me. When they checked my id an saw my CHL i was released pretty quick. The other two went to jail. Anywho. Have I said how much I hate Walmart.
Brother, I am very proud of you. You did the right thing and showed your kids to stand up for their selves. Feel no shame. As for your daughters, you're right they're just emotional right now and slightly traumatized. They saw their dad hit and attacked. Just give them time and act as though nothing happened. Don't let anyone make a big deal out of it. This will pass and they will be proud of their father for standing up for them.
They'll be ok Rock. Good job by the way, it does suck that your kids were there and had to see dad put out that tanker of whoopass in the middle of wal mart but hell you fit right in there now.
MY MAN ROCK !!! Listen man when it comes down to protecting ur kids, u do what u have to do, FUCK IT !!! There's only so much a guy can take , u did what u had to do!!! If anyone were ever to try and hurt my son, Idt I would even contemplate anything, I would seriously try to murder some1. Fuck it bro, kids are small they'll eventually forget it, it's prob seeing u get cuffed that stunned them. Did u ruin ur clothes , AGAIN !!! LOL , my man ROCK !!! That's y when my son turns older ima teach him to box, to stand up for himself. U did good !!! By the way , ummm what type of cycle u on??? I WANTS ME SOME !!!
Man nothing felt good about it really. My wife said I looked like I was in unconscious badass mode. I don't really remember much it was a freaking blur. I thought I was moving in slow motion but she said she never saw me move so quick. I may feel different about it in the morning.

Thanks Hanzo. We've always told our kids to be respectful to others but don't be afraid to defend yourself. I feel good that I demonstrated both. Literally I just turned and said "hey guys there's lots of kids here, can you tone down the language." And at first they were like "yeah man sorry" I figured it was over. I was getting a rush just saying that to them though.
Where they on meth , or bath slots , or spice, cause dude you are pretty big, idiots nitey nite
Lol tor. I don't have a scratch or anything. My right arm had blood in it but wasn't mine. Other than a headache, nothing. Felt like I was gonna throw up after it. Medic said it was from the adrenaline rush.

Cycle: test and tren - always!
Paulrockr said:
Where they on meth , or bath slots , or spice, cause dude you are pretty big, idiots nitey nite
PaulrockrI don't think. They didn't act drunk either. They were the ones on the wrong side of town if you know what I mean. Hispanic guys, I think they just thought they were bad asses.
See that's the thing , I'm not running Tren, gonna have to get some running thru me , but I'm already pissed off at the world, be alittle nervous using it !!!
They'll never go to Walmart again, hahahahahahaha !!! I hate faggots like that bro !!!
Torres said:
See that's the thing , I'm not running Tren, gonna have to get some running thru me , but I'm already pissed off at the world, be alittle nervous using it !!!
Torresjoe says ace aint as bad as they say and this dude has a bad temper.... Family trait
I have Tren A and E , might just start w A just to be safe !!!
Paulrockr said:
Did you ask for a copy of the tape rock lol
PaulrockrMan I was happy to just get outta there. I might should. I'm more concerned about family retaliation than anything ATM. I'm locked cocked and ready to rock. From what the cop told me, they won't be able to get my info. Idk. All precautions are out right now.
RockShawn said:
Man I was happy to just get outta there. I might should. I'm more concerned about family retaliation than anything ATM. I'm locked cocked and ready to rock. From what the cop told me, they won't be able to get my info. Idk. All precautions are out right now.
RockShawn you live in a small town?
Hell sleep well brother. I'm sure you can rest easy, brother but I know it'll take hours for that rushed feeling to go away... Best pwo drug there is adrenaline
Paulrockr said:
Hell sleep well brother. I'm sure you can rest easy, brother but I know it'll take hours for that rushed feeling to go away... Best pwo drug there is adrenaline
PaulrockrYessir, I'm gonna be awake for a while. Sent kids to grand parents so feel better about that. There are three guys with my same name here. Go figure, so they gonna have to weed through us. Lol.
GANGSTA RS hell yea bro glad u came out on top!! Dumb asses like that need to learn a lesson...I guarantee u today their xcrathing their heads in jail wondering how badly they beat u being their so fucked up...lol jokes on them tho!!!! That stiff reaction we call a dirt nap here in Pcb.....hahah
Joking aside good job bro sucks family was there but a good lesson can come from it for them also...u were bullied

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