Just got in a fight at Walmart

See if u can get the tape! Walmart may give u a copy if u have a good story when u ask...say its to show lawyer in case anything further develops
Blueedge said:
See if u can get the tape! Walmart may give u a copy if u have a good story when u ask...say its to show lawyer in case anything further develops
That is a good idea, Edge have u gone thru this b4 , lol !!!
Torres said:
That is a good idea, Edge have u gone thru this b4 , lol !!!
TorresNot exactly...bit I have spent to much time in the court room and in lawyers offices...its a good idea to have the tape even for sake of a civil suit if they tried to sue rs......many places delete tapes so rs needs to go try to get it asap..
Rocky, Rocky, Rocky 😛
Damn Son........I'm proud of you! You handled it right from the beginning. You asked them to stop, and you didn't threaten them. They hit you first....and they sucker punched you. It is a real shame your girls were there. Your boy will think you're a Superhero for awhile. The girls will take some time to get over it, but that's the way they are made. The Jackass's got exactly what they deserve......and hopefully will think twice next time someone tells them to be quite.
Just heard an even better term for "going stiff" ..Dana white calls it "getting starched" lmao I like that better than dirt nap
TSizemore said:
Damn Son........I'm proud of you! You handled it right from the beginning. You asked them to stop, and you didn't threaten them. They hit you first....and they sucker punched you. It is a real shame your girls were there. Your boy will think you're a Superhero for awhile. The girls will take some time to get over it, but that's the way they are made. The Jackass's got exactly what they deserve......and hopefully will think twice next time someone tells them to be quite.
TSizemoreThanks T. Funny thing, I didn't realize till I heard my son late last night tell mommy that it was a good thing daddy had on his superman shirt. He's 5. Never even crossed my mind but I was indeed in a superman tshirt. It's so surreal. It seems like a blurry dream.

Walmart manager said they cannot release the video to me. Only by attorney or court order. We'll just see what happens. I didn't press charges and they can't and were arrested so my name may be literally unknown to them. Lol may be with the shirt I had on, they told those guys superman kicked their ass.

Didn't sleep for crap last night. I was up till 2am. But I dreamed about a messed up vacation with my family. Weird.
You guys never heard of someone getting starched? Another good one is getting stretched out.
Hanzo said:
You guys never heard of someone getting starched? Another good one is getting stretched out.
Nope, but heard of "pressing you out" "nice and flat"
Start it at 1:07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyxDwuvtjB8
Im with you all the eay on this...they needed to be taught a lesson...i would have stepped over one of them and said "you got knocked the fuck out!!"
Just read this now! Wow man, glad you got the best of those faggots! You did the right thing my man.

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