Keto with IF


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So I would like someone to point me in the right direction for Keto Diet basic set up. I would like my macros such as protein to be higher than my fat intake but looking for a good book, calculator. I dont need to know the basics like what is ketosis etc... Looking for implementation piece with any experience one might have had. Lots of the information appears to be towards a sedentary person vs someone really looking to get ripped.
look up dave palumbos vids on this, just type this in youtube

if you want science facts then look up dr peter attia, also on youtube or his books and talks

i am doing keto for years but its best you do your own research and really understand it
daves latest "ask dave" is about keto. plus google it and see lots of historic post on performance keto from dave
thanks guys, that is exactly what i want is my own research but i realize there are also a bunch of quacks out there.
if you have Q's feel free to pm me. i know a lot about ketogenic diets and bodybuilding
Whatever happened to just eating a balanced diet?? Now everyone thinks carbs are evil
tkasch30 said:
Whatever happened to just eating a balanced diet?? Now everyone thinks carbs are evil
balanced diet as in according to usa docs and 65% obesity in the west? no thanks

read on insulin and its effects on health and bodyfat storage and triglycerides and cholesterol and much much more. there are NO essential carbs, dont exist. only fats and proteins are essential.

this so called balanced diet led to biggest obesity and illness epidemic in history of humanity. nothing balanced about it
Carbs are the reason people are over weight? It has nothing to do with the fact that people over eat and do zero activity or exercise and eat 100℅ processed artificial foods? Being overweight is a lifestyle problem, not a carb problem. Insulin has good effects too, it's a normal process of the body, not just fat storage.
tkasch30 said:
Carbs are the reason people are over weight? It has nothing to do with the fact that people over eat and do zero activity or exercise and eat 100℅ processed artificial foods? Being overweight is a lifestyle problem, not a carb problem. Insulin has good effects too, it's a normal process of the body, not just fat storage.
yes carbs are the main reason. ofcourse not working out and being lazy pigs adds to it but eat just fat and protein and not workout and be lazy pig and still you wont be fat. i am not saying carbs are evil, i am saying they shouldnt be staple of western diet like they are now. i am much more of proven mediterrenean diet with its good fats and fibers and fish etc.
while i don't think carbs are necessarily evil, we consume entirely too many carbs in the average American diet. i'm sure i get plenty of carbs and more than i think i do, and i'm trying my best to do keto
i'm with TK.. a balanced diet is my goal.... now i'm sure there are some folks who perform and feel better with low carbs... but not the majority of hard training folks.. carbs are probably very beneficial...

there were some very ripped dudes in the 80's and 90's when low fat high carb was the norm...

i get my protein in and don't really worry where the rest of my calories come from... carbs or fats... maybe if i was getting contest ripped i would need to get low carb or something
Proteins for muscle
Fats for energy
Carbs to fill glycogen stores

Chose clean foods, avoid hydrogenated oils and bad oils
Use moderation in all things
Healthy lifestyle is what you make it, some want muscles some want to be lean others just big as a house
For me, I notice starchy carbs cause me to get fat and high trigycerides. I hired a trainer who put me on a low fat diet with lower carbs, higher protein. He did teach me some dieting basics. I did lose bodyfat but my hdl ended up in the fourties when it is normally fifty five to sixty. My cholesterol ratio went in the tank also. I looked better but maybe my metabolism is meant more for a ketogenic diet. I want to try it and see how my labs look vs the low fat vs atkins. There is some benefit to teaching my body how to utilize fat more efficiently. Science is learning your mitochondria can change the way it utilizes calories to an extent.
Mister B, as I am getting older it is more wiser for me to be a lean machine not a 270 pound mass monster with twenty percent body fat. I already lost 30 pounds using the trainer and now I want to take it to the next level. That is why the ketogenic interests me. My heart cant take that much weight into my fifties without a bypass. lol
I have never been a fan of extreme diets unless you are doing it for a specific goal and only for a short time. Like if you are trying to get ready for a show or photo shoot. Maybe just looked ripped for summer. Bottom line keto is an EXTREME diet. Less than 30 grams of carbs a day in most cases to send your body into a state of ketosis.... Trust me most people on a keto diet probably are not really doing it. 30g of carbs is less than a medium sized banana. Its bound to fail for the average person and you are going to rebound b and gain the weight back. Its a ridiculous lifestyle choice IMO.

Also... Carbs make people fat, wow... We are supposed to be some of the most educated people when it comes to nutrition. We are bbs and sculpt of bodies on a regular basis. Well some of us. We eat too many carbs....who are you refering to? The fat ass average american? Thats not us here. We use carbs to our advantage for glycogen. And insulun spikes to grow our muscles. Can this be done on keto yes, the body will adapt to what ever you do eventually but again its not how the body is meant to work for long periods.

Even as a short term solution for fast weightloss this is a fad diet and you better have amazing self control and know how to eat properly before this because like I said this is not sustainable for the average person.

What happened to common sense??? People think this is another magic bullet weightloss system like Atkins. If anything learn how to carb cycle and learn how and when to consume carbs to make the most of them.

This diet sound to me like a cry for help. I cant eat right so Im just not gonna eat any carbs at all. Its like saying I drop a lot of stuff so Im just gonna cut my hands off.... Just learn how to use them and realize how impirtant they are.

Unless you are trying to meet a very specific short term goal and already know nutrtion inside and out and your will power is impeccable, likey not going to make it long.
guys, just check your markers. if your triglycerides, cholesterol, hdl and ldl and ldl-p and ldl-c and fasting sugar levels are normal and better then normal THEN your diet is good. the rest is just talk and bro science and common sense which in many cases is wrong

check your markers, i check mine. this should be the basis for all talk, not what our grandmothers taught us is good food, this doesnt mean anything. how we look and feel is also irrelevant. millions of slim toned people with insulin resistance issues and are pre-diabetic (nr 1 killer is diabetes). check your markers and you will know. the rest is just empty talk
drakonrep said:
guys, just check your markers. if your triglycerides, cholesterol, hdl and ldl and ldl-p and ldl-c and fasting sugar levels are normal and better then normal THEN your diet is good. the rest is just talk and bro science and common sense which in many cases is wrong

check your markers, i check mine. this should be the basis for all talk, not what our grandmothers taught us is good food, this doesnt mean anything. how we look and feel is also irrelevant. millions of slim toned people with insulin resistance issues and are pre-diabetic (nr 1 killer is diabetes). check your markers and you will know. the rest is just empty talk
I agree on checking your markers but diet and nutrition is far from bro science... Its one of the few things in bbing that has a lot...alot of actual science behind it. We know what our bodies do with carbs, protiens and fats... We know how our bodies react in the absence or abundance of them. This IS science... We know what happens when we go into ketosis... Will it work, absolutly. We know a lot about how our bodies use food that is backed 100 % by science. What we do is try to manipulate the science. I think thats kinda of cool. Sometimes it pays off big time. Sometimes we just cant fight mother nature.

I also agree we should not listen to what was pooular in the past but also realize all this new shit that pops up really is not new... Keto... Sure dont eat any carbs and you will lose weight. It will work but is it the smartest most sustainable way? You decide.

I eat a very balanced diet with lower carbs on the days I dont train and if im trying to lose weight I consume most of my carbs before i workout or shortlt after. Plus just yesterday I ate hashbrowns, 5 pancakes, 3 bowls of cereal an omelet, 2 chicken strips, 2 mozzarella sticks, 4 onion rings and a yogurt in one sitting and you know what. Im gonna look better in the next couple days than I do most the week.

We HAVE to know what works for us. Plus if your on cycle traing to put on mass and your doing keto.. You will have better luck jumping out of 4 feet of water.

All in all I love to learn and there is a lot of science and a lot of fad out there. This is a fun topic.
correct littletom. my emphasis was on health, not bodybuilding growth. if you wanna grow you do need some carbs yes. but for health its better low to now carbs. pls check your markers, you are eating some good sugar and if not now when you are young then later it will have bad effect on your lipids and triglycerides and fasting sugar levels. you looking better after those many carbs says nothing of importance, check your markers and you will see and know. and you are following a CKD diet almost with low carbs and then some carbs around training so you are not far off keto

bodybuilding should be a health oriented sport, atleast in my opinion. people need to check their blood every few months max to see where they are, only real way of making sure its going well. looking good doesnt mean anything

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