Medical Weed



I need feedback.
I was going to post this anonymous but I figured that most of you would figure it came from me anyways.

I have been on a slew of medications such as mood stabilizers, anti depressants, sleep meds, anti psychotics, etc. over the past few years for a shitty case of PTSD. Most of them made me sick or made me want to off myself. I grow a tolerance to the sleep meds I take, or I just lay awake alot hallucinating for extended periods of time before passing out. I dont know the legitimacy or science behind throwing a bunch of garbage at me hoping different shit will work. My brain is already stew from half the crap ive taken, and I often feel the need to turn to alchohol to help me sleep or to lighten my mood up. I dislike alchohol personally.

I am not an addict, and I can stop things when I want.

Do you guys think I should look into it? I have heard it has great anti anxiety and anti depressive qualities and would be great to take before going to bed.
Brother I think it's a shame the way we treat our vets. First of all, flooding your brain with man made chemicals can never help you achieve a healthy balance. If marijuana provides you some relief, then I see no harm in it. Only you can really make that decision. At this point, it certainly can't hurt. The damage is already done. What are the current laws in your state?
They have a list, but if a doctor sees a benefit he can prescribe it. Only thing is some employment still discriminates against usage or not, but if I dont find something, im going to lose my mind from insomnia induced dilerium or have horrible adversed effects from being a biochemical experiment for ptsd.
I hate that laying awake amped feeling, just waiting for sleep to find me. Alcohol sucks (I do enjoy a drink) cause it becomes a dependancy issue and because for it to be effective, you have to get to the point where you are so "swim headed" you can't function. Pot works wonders if you can be at the house and just smoke a bowl to mellow you out. The problem is Medical Marijuana is only legal in like 14 states (I think), but it is completely illegal from a Federal standdpoint.

At this point, I would get a hold of someone you know, and get a bud or two for a trial run. Should be easy enough to find someone.
Yeah there are clinics around the corner from me. It is legal here. I should try it and see how it feels first. I guess main concern is the job sites... I dont have to tell the VA if i get prescribed because of hippa and im not on any contract anymore.
Shasta said:
Yeah there are clinics around the corner from me. It is legal here. I should try it and see how it feels first. I guess main concern is the job sites... I dont have to tell the VA if i get prescribed because of hippa and im not on any contract anymore.
ShastaAs an owner of a business in the construction industry (we do a lot of commercial work), part of that is the drug testing most Commercial GC's require. Even if you had a prescription for it, on the job use would not be allowed in any shape or form. The legality aspect is that the prescription use would state you couldn't operate any equipment, even some power tools. On residential jobsites, insurance requirements are a little less, but I think the No Med Use rule would apply. If you have a close relationship with your boss, I would ask him his thoughts on "day" use.
As far as jobs go, you can always tell prospective employers that you have a script. If they want you and it's a problem, they can give you time to clean up.
Wabbitt said:
As far as jobs go, you can always tell prospective employers that you have a script. If they want you and it's a problem, they can give you time to clean up.
Wabbitt'very true.
Where do i sign up?
Don't say anything to your boss about it none of his business and will cause issues. If your looking for a job get some synthetic Piss and use that. Also keep a bottle incase you get a random UA medical pot is great you can get different strains that will knock you out usually the Dom strains will do that the stavia strains are more of a wake in bake or a day time high
I just voted tonight. Bill 502 were I live will make it leagal without prescription we are like Cali in regards of breaking new grounds with current laws
gator said:
I just voted tonight. Bill 502 were I live will make it leagal without prescription we are like Cali in regards of breaking new grounds with current laws
gatornice. is synthetic urine legit?
Yes very legit don't have to worry about your test coming up showing your pregnant lol I have used it a few time it comes with a temp level on the side and a hot pack with a rubber band so it keeps it at body temp for 8 hours very slick I hope the it passes here if so it will open doors for other states once they see all the millions we can make on taxes and keeping the jails cleared out for the serious offenders. It takes the gangsters and cartels out of one level of the drug trade
Pot can also give you anxiety attacks. Trust me some of my worst ones were when i was high trying to get relief from a stressful day. When your high you minds tends to wonder from thought to thought very fast. At least mine does anyway.
Shasta said:
I need feedback.
I was going to post this anonymous but I figured that most of you would figure it came from me anyways.

I have been on a slew of medications such as mood stabilizers, anti depressants, sleep meds, anti psychotics, etc. over the past few years for a shitty case of PTSD. Most of them made me sick or made me want to off myself. I grow a tolerance to the sleep meds I take, or I just lay awake alot hallucinating for extended periods of time before passing out. I dont know the legitimacy or science behind throwing a bunch of garbage at me hoping different shit will work. My brain is already stew from half the crap ive taken, and I often feel the need to turn to alchohol to help me sleep or to lighten my mood up. I dislike alchohol personally.

I am not an addict, and I can stop things when I want.

Do you guys think I should look into it? I have heard it has great anti anxiety and anti depressive qualities and would be great to take before going to bed.

Bro I think your a fool if you dont. I have a battle of mine who just got out. ANd he was telling me the VA will pay for the shit now.. So if you can get uncle sam to pay for your weed why the fuck not right..... Its not like we dont deserve it..I mean fuck they wont let us fuck whores or drink down range the least they can do is buy us a joint once or twice a month.. RIght??????????????
Buck, thanks for the flip side. I used to smoke it sometimes in HS, but it was for recreation. Its been years since ive tried it, let alone have I ever tried it for a medical case.

Cross, thats pretty crazy bro. is ther any way you can give me more info on how he was able to get hooked up from the VA like that? I didnt think they recognized it as medication.
I don't smoke anymore for the reasons buck mentioned it really fucks with my head. You have to find the strains that work well with your chemical balance.
I tried some last night, all of my symptems dissapeared and everything seemed unimportant but, it was still a little hard to go/ stay asleep. I think I over did it though...
Shasta said:
I tried some last night, all of my symptems dissapeared and everything seemed unimportant but, it was still a little hard to go/ stay asleep. I think I over did it though...
ShastaBeen years since I smoked dope.....but one of the best things about it was, no matter how much you smoke, I found you could only get so stoned!! And as a child of the 80's...I smoked some dope!!
I think any anxiety associated with it comes from merely the fact that it is illegal. There is a certain stigma associated with it for that reason. If we removed those things, I doubt the paranoia and anxiety would still exist.

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