Melanotan injections

you took too much Mt2, so for now lay off the stuff and recover. drink plenty to dilute it as much as possible

next time i advice to take no more then 250mcg per day, 15min before sun, for 7-10 days or 14 max if you are more pale. build it up slowly, cause the colour hits and if its too much you will look like a Paki dude in 1 day
drakonrep said:
you took too much Mt2, so for now lay off the stuff and recover. drink plenty to dilute it as much as possible

next time i advice to take no more then 250mcg per day, 15min before sun, for 7-10 days or 14 max if you are more pale. build it up slowly, cause the colour hits and if its too much you will look like a Paki dude in 1 day
jshredz said:
Ok bro your complicating yourself..
You said you put 1ml of water.

If you injected 10iu then you injected 1mg of MT2.

A slin pin is a slin pin, it doesn't matter of its a .3ml, .5ml or 1ml.

10iu on a slin pin is the same. The concentration is based on the amount of water.

So based on what you said 2.5iu on the slin pin will give you a 250mcg dose of MT2

Is it just me or did I get two totally different answers here?

Did I inject too much by using 10 units, as drakonrep says. Or did I inject exactly what I was supposed to, 250mcg , as jshredz said?

Both guys know their shit so I'm still confused.
if you put 1ml in 0.3cc needle = you injected much more then you wanted or should have. 250mcg is normal dosage and will give you 10mins of semi bad feeling, nothing more.
I think that's where the confusion is coming for others trying to help. I injected 1ml of BA into the 10mg bottle. I injected 10 UNITS of the mixed solution into myself.

I have no idea now many mcg that is. And you are correct, I feel like shit almost 24 hours later.

I will say however, that my face is plenty tan! Nothing else but my face.
1 ml total solution. you injected 1/3rd of 1/3rd which is ofcourse 0.1 ml. 0.1 ml = 1mg Mt2

it seems you injected 1mg of Mt2. no wonder you are feeling like shit now. take it easy, hydrate and dont think about sex....cause the boner you will get will be epic!
T-bar said:
I think that's where the confusion is coming for others trying to help. I injected 1ml of BA into the 10mg bottle. I injected 10 UNITS of the mixed solution into myself.

I have no idea now many mcg that is. And you are correct, I feel like shit almost 24 hours later.

I will say however, that my face is plenty tan! Nothing else but my face.
Ok you injected 1mg of MT2 which is too much.

Inject 2.5 ius of the solution you have for a 250mcg dose.

We're saying the samething.
drakonrep said:
1 ml total solution. you injected 1/3rd of 1/3rd which is ofcourse 0.1 ml. 0.1 ml = 1mg Mt2

it seems you injected 1mg of Mt2. no wonder you are feeling like shit now. take it easy, hydrate and dont think about sex....cause the boner you will get will be epic!
Oh like that's going to make me want to not think about sex! Shit.

This is going to be one heck of a workout if a certain trainer is there in her tiny little shorts today.
T-bar said:
Oh like that's going to make me want to not think about sex! Shit.

This is going to be one heck of a workout if a certain trainer is there in her tiny little shorts today.
dont think about her bending over, legs all straight, looking back at you with a cute kinky innocent smile...asking if you can help her with ass to grass squats while you smell her hair from behind. do NOT think about this!
Ok, giving an update just to make sure I'm spot on this time seeing I was sick as a dog for three days from this last screw up.

I am going to inject 1ml more of BA into the Mt2. (I already injected 1ml)

Now I will draw and inject a 250mcg dose by using the 5iu mark on my new 1cc slin pin.
T-bar said:
Ok, giving an update just to make sure I'm spot on this time seeing I was sick as a dog for three days from this last screw up.

I am going to inject 1ml more of BA into the Mt2. (I already injected 1ml)

Now I will draw and inject a 250mcg dose by using the 5iu mark on my new 1cc slin pin.

with 2 ml mixed with 10mg MT2, you will get 250mcg by using 5IU mark on 1cc slin pin. g2g
T-bar said:
Ok, giving an update just to make sure I'm spot on this time seeing I was sick as a dog for three days from this last screw up.

I am going to inject 1ml more of BA into the Mt2. (I already injected 1ml)

Now I will draw and inject a 250mcg dose by using the 5iu mark on my new 1cc slin pin.
Yes you can still do that to keep it simple.

So the 5iu mark on the slin pin will yield approximately 250mcg.
or I can stick with using 5x the amount suggested and being sick for 3 days straight. Tough decision.
T-bar said:
or I can stick with using 5x the amount suggested and being sick for 3 days straight. Tough decision.
T-barbut you sure will tan nicely. also the boners would be epic so best 1mg ED for 3 months straight. will work nicely!
LOL, something tells me that my wife will not appreciate this advice.
T-bar said:
LOL, something tells me that my wife will not appreciate this advice.
there are VERY few to no things a women doesnt appreciate more then a magic boner. yeah i know women in usa and north eu act like they dont like it but 100% any woman would prefer having a stiff one in her right NOW then doing whatever she is doing at this moment. its nature, cant beat it
Well technically you can beat it. But who wants to?

Yes she loves a good stiff one. What she wouldn't appreciate is a constant stiff one with a test filled horn-dog attached to it chasing her 24/7..

I swear somebody doesn't want me using Melanotan.

So I stop by Walmart to grab some 1cc insulin syringes. No problem. I tell them exactly what I want... Sure, they have them and they're less than $2 for a pack of 10. I get back home and what did they give me??? The same fucking 3/10 pins I already have!!!!!!!! What happened to the 1cc pins I asked for????

Headed back to Wally World now. Holy crap.
So now that I have the correct syringe I decided to see how badly I screwed up, seeing I still feel shitty from a shot so many days ago.

So I took the original 3/10 pin and loaded what I had put into my body the first time. I then transferred the water to a separate container and sucked it up with the correct 1cc pin. Turns out I took twice the amount I was supposed to use, and I took it at twice the strength.

At least we know the stuff won't kill ya, although it will F up your week pretty good.

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