My 1st blood test...

I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. This is really putting unwanted stress on myself. Thank you guys seriously for being there and trying to help out my shitty situation. I really really want this resolved. So I've been reading more and more about Tren and guys coming off of Tren but still staying on Test. Lots of guys have experienced what I am... low to no sex drive/libido. I don't even feel the urge to jerked off...when normally I had the urge 2-4times a day. I never ever want to mess with any compounds that fuck with Prolactin issues. So if I do use .50 of Caber twice a week do I still use 12.5mg ED of my Aromasin for my Test dose??? I might lower my Test to 400mg/wk but right now I'm keeping it at 600mg/wk. Pin twice of three times a week make a big difference to help estrogen? What about Proviron to help with sex drive??? I heard that's good. What would be the complications with using Proviron at 25mg-50mgEDwith my Test? Just wanting my "horny" old self back! Lol! I'm still gonna be getting the blood test. 🙂
Use caber at 0.50mg twice a week. Take aromasin 12.5mg every day. Take proviron at 50mg a day.

Are you just going to run test or you plan to use another 19Nor compound i.e. Tren, deca, NPP, etc?

If I were you if you don't plan to use a 19nor just run the caber for 2 weeks and see how you feel. By then the compound should be mostly out your system.

If you plan to run a 19nor just continue the caber indefinitely on cycle since your prone to sides.
Private med labs coupon code "FBSPRING" for 15% off.

Ok for testing: hormone panel with prolactin. It's $100. But with that one it won't show testosterone level over 1500 because that's the max. It covers everything you need. If you want to know your total testosterone above that 1500 level which when generally using gear well exceeds 1500 total level then choose Hormone panel with F&T testosterone LC/MS-MS for $106 and also select prolactin test for $47.

So basically if you want to know your levels above 1500 total testosterone you will spend $50 more.
test and estro balance is very individual thing... a person with more body fat will convert more estro.. someone with pre existing gyno issues... is probably very estro sensitive..etc...

if you are on trt levels of test only 150mg a week and below.. most don't need any aromasin...but i find my sex drive is higher if i take a small dose twice a week... if i was on 500mg a week of test i may need a hefty does of aromasin..

only way to know is blood work and then as you get more experienced you'll need less blood work to know stuff..

prolactin issues are a little overblown for the majority... but if you have pre existing gyno from puberty that changes a lot of things.. once you have the breast tissue growth... it only takes a little prolactin and you get milk!

number one thing is get that estro right...if you are gonna run high test (500mg or more a week) you will need a decent AI dose... maybe someone that runs it high will chime in on a good starting point.

i have no experience with gyno and i really can't say if you already have gyno ..should you run some caber on cycle and how much?
Daredevil said:
Use caber at 0.50mg twice a week. Take aromasin 12.5mg every day. Take proviron at 50mg a day.

Are you just going to run test or you plan to use another 19Nor compound i.e. Tren, deca, NPP, etc?

If I were you if you don't plan to use a 19nor just run the caber for 2 weeks and see how you feel. By then the compound should be mostly out your system.

If you plan to run a 19nor just continue the caber indefinitely on cycle since your prone to sides.
Thanks Daredevil! I just plan to run Test E at 600mg/wk for now. I'll run my Aromasin and Caber like you said. I might get some proviron then. So as far as the Private MD labs blood test goes I was reading they do not test males for the sensitive Estrogen??? Guys on many other boards were saying a Tren would show up as an Estrogen??? What are they talking about? Some of them said to avoid Private MD Labs and go through Personal Labs because they use LabCorp or Quest???
Use labcorp do the tests I recommended. Pay the extra to know your total testosterone. Use the caber for 2 weeks maybe 3 depending how your feeling. I'm assuming you used Tren E, 3 weeks is sufficient.

As far as AI use aromasin 12.5
As you have. If you switch to arimadex start off at 0.30mg a day.

Also Proviron is recommended because it releases sex free testosterone. Forgive me for not remembering the exact term, I'm somewhat tired today.

And most of all stop worrying or you dick won't work because your stressing yourself out!
Hulk please follow up with me and let me know how the test results were. Also pay attention to your red blood count level and possibly consider donating blood if your rbc hemoglobin level is high(over 18.5)
Actually I was using Tren A the whole time I used Tren. Dropped Tren A (300mg/wk) about 2 months ago. Dropped EQ 2 weeks ago. Ok, so I placed an order. I have Caber on the way. I will wait on Proviron for now. It will be order next. So as far as Caber goes... if I do have slightly high prolactin levels obviously I think I do because if I squeeze my nips hard as hell they do have a little but the MOST SMALL amount of fluid trying to come out.... it's not milky, dripping or leaking though. If I use Caber .50mg twice a week say for 2 weeks and my sex drive feels better do I come off of it completely??? Then will my prolactin levels go back up after I use it? I don't know a lot about prolactin. Would it only go back up if I used a compound like Tren or Deca again????
Bro, first and foremost do the private med labs test ASAP. Do you have Letro on hand, if not you need to order that and always have it on hand. Also have you developed gyno induced breasts?
Sounds good. I'll try to get in this week. I'll use Private Med Labs. So LabCorp is an option through them??? I know the test you suggested. And I'll do them. I have a very small amount of gyno that I had gotten going through puberty. It's not much at all and it has not gotten any worse since then. The only thing in notice it is sometimes it flares up and tingles a bit. That's it. So if I have to use Caber for a couple weeks to bring down possible prolactin being high does prolactin go back up after Caber use??? Lastly what are some of the side effects of using Proviron if any really at all. All I know about it is its great for libidO and it's DHT based. Why is it so good for libido?
Bro, being that you have been off Tren ace for awhile now, I'm not sure if it's prolactin at this point. It may be. It could be estrogen or both.

I've never had to face the issue that your facing. You may have to do Letro and caber to get rid of the gyno and lactation.

There's some members on here that are better suited to assist and have experienced this before.

They will chime in shortly.
Also wanted to add a little tid bit here.

If running multiple compounds like Tren or any other 19-nor you must get the Hormone Panel that uses LC/MS-MS testing procedures. Compounds outside of Testosterone can throw of normal testing procedures and give false readings.

I have blood panels taken using the Female Menopause Panel and had estradiol readings over 1000ng/dl!!! Go back the next day and get the LC/MS-MS test and total flip on the readings.

Best of luck getting your issues in order brother!
i have never had fluid from my nipple ... so no first hand experience... but gyno is always estrogen related! prolactin alone won't induce gyno...might kill your sex drive...

get that estro checked and find a sweet spot for you... listen and learn from what your body is telling you... everyone is different... i personally think caber is a waste of money.. if you get your estrogen right you will be good... maybe if you ran really doses of deca? prolactin could become an issue... maybe? never done that... 400mg a week of NPP max for me
krustus said:
i have never had fluid from my nipple ... so no first hand experience... but gyno is always estrogen related! prolactin alone won't induce gyno...might kill your sex drive...

get that estro checked and find a sweet spot for you... listen and learn from what your body is telling you... everyone is different... i personally think caber is a waste of money.. if you get your estrogen right you will be good... maybe if you ran really doses of deca? prolactin could become an issue... maybe? never done that... 400mg a week of NPP max for me
Krustus is spot on here. From my experience and from dealing/helping local guys with issues is this:

1. 19nors will raise prolactin but only in an estrogen rich environment will cause things like leaky nipples. So keeping the estradiol levels at a comfortable level for your body will keep issues like this at bay.

2. Even with estrogen under control a spike in prolactin can have other effects on labido. AKA Tren Dick and Deca Dick. If coming across these issues i suggest a mild daily dose of Cialis. Not only will it help with the labido issues but will also help with BP.

My personal experience:

Test Acetate
Tren Ace

When running these three compounds I have never experienced prolatin gyno issues but have on a regualr basis dealt with Tren Dick. The up and down erection can be a pain to deal with. For me, increasing the amount of Test ran weekly cures problems or keeping the Test lower than Tren but adding a mild daily Cialis dosing will also cure the problem for the remainder of the cycle.
So the blood test that I will do is "Hormone Panel with F&T Testosterone LC/MC-MS with a Prolactin" test added on. This is the one I need right guys?
those test will give you a lot of good info.... but you will also do yourself good to run a test when on a full scale blast...tren, npp, or whatever... so you can see what it does to you...

as you get more experienced you will not need the labs ...or not very much... you will find what works for you
I skimmed through and so I may have missed it but I havent seen anyone mention a SERM like Nolva.
That shit works wonders for me and I get research shit dirt cheap from superior peptides.
Blood test time. I will know the results in about 7 days. That's what it said on the website anyway. So when my Caber comes in I will use it twice a week at .50mg and continue Aromasin daily. Hopefully I won't need Caber more than a couple weeks. So if it is a Prolactin issues which I'm betting it is cause I have said I can see some fluid trying to come out if I really squeeze my nips... would Prolactin go back up if I discontinue Caber?
i got test results the next day... but if the prolactin issue were caused by juice...they will go away... but if you have some other issue it might bounce back up..

but i doubt it would come back up...never heard of that...unless you start back with Deca or something

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