Need advice/help with a question



I'm new to the gear scene so I'm trying to learn as much as possible and be smart in my choices. I have a question that may sound stupid; I just figured that with the wealth of knowledge on this site that I can't be the only one that's had this problem. I'm 41 and started by doing roughly 3/4cc of Test Cyp 300. I swapped brands and ended up with Test E 250. To compensate for the difference I went to 1cc. Did that for about two weeks. Maybe it's a coincidence but I began to get an awful headache when I exerted myself and it then began during sex. It consistently happens during sex right as I squirt (that's a technical term, Ha Ha). The headache is always right behind my left ear and hurts like hell for a few minutes before it goes away. I can feel it coming on as I get closer to climax. This week I added in NPP and Masteron. I've done one shot of that (Test, NPP, Masteron). Still getting the headache, consistently, during sex or even masturbation. One of the benefits of the gear is the increased sex drive which honestly had been pretty bad for a while. I know my wife has been happy. The problem is I don't even want to do it right now because I know the headache is inevitable. I went to the doctor a week or so ago and everything checked out fine so I don't believe it BP related or likewise. I have had a few of the headaches in the gym during exertion but it seems to be more related to sex. Any one else had a similar experience, any thoughts, comments, or just want to laugh at an old guy? Thanks guys.
Sometimes my ears ring like a bastard after blowing a nut, but that's it.
I would take the ear ringing over the headaches. The first time it happened I was working out and thought I was having a stroke or something. It's amazing how bad it hurts but then it's gone in a minute or two once I stop. Very odd.
I agree that could be a reason, but why did it start all of a sudden and not earlier in the cycle? I'm too new to all of this to understand all of the subtle differences in changing dosages slightly, etc. I need to learn fast.
mr mccraken is a good bud of mine and to clarify he's been on around 400mg of test then upped it to 500mmg a week...

taking a full cc of test 250 every third day...mon-thurs-sun-weds-sat -tues...etc....

if any of that makes a difference... i was thinking it could be water or hydration related, but not real sure? does the gear make your body require more fluids? and the adrenaline thing seems like a plausible explanation?
McCracken, 250mg's @ e3d you're getting 584mg's/week, a bit more than you thought. I'm not sure what would be causing those sides tho.
Joker said:
Get your blood pressure checked.
Based on what I'm hearing, that would be my first prognosis.
AAS for some,can cause high blood pressure.
Check it out
that was my thought
Thanks guys, I had to go to the dr for an unrelated reason right after it started and my BP was fine. Maybe I should check it after the headache starts and see what it looks like. I feel fine the rest of the time.
I agree with joker on the BP. Sounds the most logical. A Baby aspirin might help, but my concern is a blood clot, not that I'm a doctor, but that's what I thought of when you said behind your ear. strange it only happens during exertion.
I dont think its from the gear. Gear would cause high bp but sexual headaches are usually caused by low blood pressure. This is actually quite common in men. If you dont have anuerysm or a tumor the headaches arent a serious issue. They will just be annoying as hell
McCracken, 250mg's @ e3d you're getting 584mg's/week, a bit more than you thought.

thanks hanzo... so close to 600 a week slow down
Blood clot.... Damn, Rock, now I'm scared! Seriously, I'm a pretty healthy dude and just had a physical and everything seemed okay. Guess I will keep an eye on things and see how it progresses. I've heard giving blood while on cycle is good. Think that would be of any benefit? Also, Krustus, just to clarify, when I was only on Test I was doing a Monday/Thursday schedule. Don't know if that matters or not.
McCracken said:
Blood clot.... Damn, Rock, now I'm scared! Seriously, I'm a pretty healthy dude and just had a physical and everything seemed okay. Guess I will keep an eye on things and see how it progresses. I've heard giving blood while on cycle is good. Think that would be of any benefit? Also, Krustus, just to clarify, when I was only on Test I was doing a Monday/Thursday schedule. Don't know if that matters or not.
Not trying to be a Downer Bro. Just what I thought of. Might just run it by your doc but leave out the fact you are on test.
I also agree with joker and Shawn. Only because I just got put on BP meds. Are you taking an AI? If you mentioned, I missed it. I would really focus on that. Go get a cuff and take it daily.
To me this sounds like the cause
Joker said:
Sex headache is also called coital cephalgia, orgasm headache or primary sexual headache. They can happen to both women and men. Although the exact cause of sex headaches are unknown, but they could be a form of exertion or exercise headache. They could also be due to muscle tension or high blood pressure. Anyone prone to getting headaches during or just after a vigorous workout may also be prone to sex headaches.
There are three types of sex headaches: early coital cephaligia which tends to stop during orgasm; orgasmic coital cephalgia which occurs just before or during orgasm; and late coital cephalgia which can happen hours after the sex act and can last for days. "Migraines For Dummies" (Wiley Publishing; 2003) recommends that any headache or migraine that goes on longer than 72 straight hours is a medical emergency.

Muscle Tension

Another theory for the cause of sex headaches is the intense muscle tension that happens during sex, especially around the neck and head muscles. This constant tightness, coupled with highly physical nature of the sex act, may trigger nerves to send pain signals to the brain.

After sex is complete, pain tends to quickly go away in the first two types of sex headaches. The National Headache Foundation recommends massage of the neck and shoulders before or during sex to help the headache sufferer and to take a painkiller before the sex act.

Rise in Blood Pressure

Sex gets the blood pounding, which is not always good for a person's blood pressure. This may contribute to sex headaches, but only rarely. Some people still have their headache even long after their blood pressure returns to a normal rhythm. Some people may even have migraines which usually affects only one side of the head and can be accompanied by nausea, dizziness and sensitivity to lights and sounds.

But many people with migraines or other types of headaches take blood pressure medication as a preventative. These medications include beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers. Although these medications are not approved for treating headaches or migraines, they are often prescribed off-label for that treatment. The National Headache Foundation suggests that people with predictable early coital cephaligia or orgasmic coital cephalgia talk to their doctors about blood pressure medications.

Internal Injury

The most severe type of sex headache is late coital cephalgia, where sufferers often have to be hospitalized. There could be an internal injury to the spine that was suffered during the sex act. Stroke may have developed. Also, some people may get temporary amnesia or become far more confused than normal. This needs immediate hospitalization.


"Migraines For Dummies." Diane Stafford & Jennifer Shoquist, MD. Wiley Publishing; 2003.

Patient UK. "Primary Sexual Headache." (link)

National Headache Foundation. "Not tonight dear, I have a headache."
Yes, it's true. Medically, the condition is known as coital cephalalgia, and surprisingly, it affects men more often than women (who generally get more headaches than men) While no one is certain what's behind the problem, some say it may be related to the sudden change in blood flow and subsequent drop in blood pressure following orgasm. Others contend it may be the result of a release of adrenaline that floods the body during periods of intense sexual activity. While some people can have sex headaches for several weeks followed by permanent remission, for others the problem may come and go indefinitely, or sometimes be present with every sexual encounter. Although you might not suffer from migraine headaches, sex headaches are thought to be chemically related and frequently respond to similar treatments. One word of caution: Don't assume that a headache you experience after sex is a sex headache. Experts say sometimes benign lesions in the brain or aneurysms (a blood vessel disorder) can also cause headaches after sex. To rule out such problems, don't diagnose yourself -- see your doctor.

wedmd (not a very good source but im in a hurry lol)

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