Need advice/help with a question

I get throbing in my ear from fluid build up...which in turn casues headachs....get your ears and BP checked with the cahnge in season it could be either or both.
I appreciate the advice guys, even if some of it is scary. Joker, I appreciate it. I've got a pretty good relationship with my Doctor; I've contemplated telling him the deal and going from there. He's bound by all the HIPPA crap anyway so I'm not worried about him telling. I figure the worst he could do is refuse to see me but I don't think that would happen. If he really cares about being a doctor his focus should be to help me get better despite the reasons. I'm gonna take my BP next time it happens and see, of course probably gonna be hard to explain to the wife. Lol
Joker, I think you and I have a similar way of looking at things. I think coming clean with the doc is the best way to get accurate care. I'm still on my first and only wife but that may be because I've been pretty good and deciding what has been need to know over the last 17 years. Lol
So I went and gave blood today. My blood pressure was 130/90. Two weeks ago it was 126/79. Looks like that's probably gonna be the problem. I went today after the gym so don't know if that elevated it as we'll. Either way gonna have to keep an eye on that.
doesn't elevated estrogen levels have something to do with blood pressure on cycle?... at 500 or so of test a week estrogen is going to be elevated right?

estrogen can and does cause water retention and i think that can lead to the increase blood pressure?... i don't really know?

grim seems to keep his blood pressure in a great range on cycle... i forgot his tips and tricks though.
Joker, I've already got the BP monitor from when my wife needed one with our last kid. Gonna make the Dr. Appointment and follow your advice. Guess we will see how the doc reacts. Krustus, you've been my go to on this stuff so any help/info is appreciated.
brother you got High blood pressure, are you using and AI med ? get labs done right away and control E2 thats giving you water retention around your heart
IMO no need to tell your doc about gear right away or ever. My fear has always been that insurance rates would be affected. If they charge smokers higher rates, why not 'outrageously risk taking steroid junkies'? Also, won't transplant lists (god forbid any of us ever need one) deprioritize someone with a history of illicit drug use?

It's either blood pressure related or any number of more fucked up issues that would need blood tests and or scans in order to be detected.

If you open the conversation with I stick needles in my ass, he's only going to say get off all gear - and hold you to it - and then just go about testing the things mentioned above anyway.
I agree with your statement that most family docs don't know much at all about gear, which is partly why I don't bother divulging the info.

I monitor my BP, get bloods before and after blasts, and get regular check ups.

I guess I'll stay in the minority of guys who don't tell their doc.

No, a doc won't ever call an insurance company. But I don't even want that in my medical record. The socialist direction this country is headed - only a matter of time until your doc is a federal employee.

I'm pretty sure insurance companies already have access to your medical records. Don't need your docs permission.

Just my 2 cents.
Since I'm new to all of this I've already made a few stupid/uninformed decisions. One of which is probably an approach to AI meds that is probably a little more lackadaisical than it should be. I'm correcting that. Gave some blood today, don't know if that has any affect, but in my mind it did. I appreciate all of the advice. That's why I'm here, to learn from those far more wiser and experienced than I.
Actually a really good thread and handled very well. Kudos guys. I learned some stuff myself. Thank you very much joker. You're really and asset here.
Thank you very much joker. You're really and asset here.

was thinking the same thing...

McCraken we all are learning and everyone is a little different when it comes to these hormones... just learn and always keep you health in mind
krustus said:
was thinking the same thing...

McCraken we all are learning and everyone is a little different when it comes to these hormones... just learn and always keep you health in mind
Totally agree. Research, research and research. This is our lives we're talking about here and common sense coupled with knowledge are paramount. Learn everything you can about the compounds you're about to put into your body, along with ancillaries. YOLO.
Hanzo said:
Totally agree. Research, research and research. This is our lives we're talking about here and common sense coupled with knowledge are paramount. Learn everything you can about the compounds you're about to put into your body, along with ancillaries. YOLO.
great point. Karma

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