Alright try to get this thread back on track the holidays plus being sick was a shit show. I apologize. Going to get the mediphorm going again also I have 50ml 1% hyaluronic acid 1.5ml of BA filler I just put together tonight. It has to set up overnight. So I’ll let you all know the consistency tomorrow evening and my thoughts. I’m thinking 2% is going to be what we want but I had to try 1% first.
1% hyaluronic acid vs mediphorm RL
Looks like to me mediphorm is 2% going to pin mine tonight and go from there.
Here’s another pic I put my batch in a mediphorm bottle I just finished. Left mine right mediphorm hyaluronic acid should for the most part be clear mediphorm has the pearl color to it because they add it fir some reason I’m not sure but that’s what I read.D734EEE4-D473-4C0D-9AD2-81494B0799DF.webp
Also I got some of this on my hands and it’s honestly the most hydrating shit Iv ever come in contact with to be honest I’d like to take a bath in it
They look almost identical. How's the injection site feel after doing that E? Where are you using it? You pretty sore afterwards? I know a lot of fucking questions right.
Thanks for the update Eman.
Thanks man .It almost instantly swells the muscle I’m using it in my biceps 2.5ml in each head. At first it feels like you stopped lifting for awhile then you start again and try to pick up exactly where u left ouff the your sore as hell the next day but that subsides in about 15 min once it has time to dissipate. The It just feels like you left the gym and got a nice pump I do mine in the evening 2x a week before I go to bed by morning it’s like I never injected anything. Any other questions don’t hesitate to ask bro
Well I pinned both of my traps with 1.5ml each of my 1% home brew it’s been 24hours nothing out of the ordinary to report. The 1% dosent seem to knot up as bad for 15 min after I pin so I’m assuming it dissipates through the muscle quicker. Going to make a 2% concentration batch in a couple days because that’s what I believe mediphorm RL is. Here is a pic of mine vs mediphorm 24 hours after batch was made
I know this is old but just wondering how all your results turned out?

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