I could sit here and argue with you inhuman but at the end of the day you dont know and i dont know. HOWEVER i know a guy that ran nothing but test and tren, he never drank, never smoked just test n tren. He did stupid amounts for stupid time and wouldnt listen to me. He is now going through liver failure, so you can say what you want but i know for a FACT that shit WILL shut you down. Am i saying it is to HIM NO, am i asking for more details to DETERMINE the issue, you bet your ass i am. The fact that you just sit there and defend a compound and dont give a shit to hear is cycle layout is ridiculous to me. However if he doesnt want to lay it out, then there is no point in any of us sitting here debating a goddamn thing to one another. His thread not ours, so bro either tell us your layout or we really cant be of any more help to you. seacrest out.