North of Vagina Training Log


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
For starters, if you don't know what training North of Vagina is.. you need to read 5/3/1. I don't care is you don't powerlift. The training principles in the ebook (that I have already provided all of you in the ebook section) are adaptable to any style or goal. Read it learn it, love it. It's here, it's free, and this game is all about the more you know.

Just started on Dr. A's gear. Cycle will be as follows, feel free to make suggestions or pointers. Were all here to learn:
1-20 Test C @ 750/wk
1-3 Test P @ 100mg eod
1-12 Deca @ 600mg/wk
1-3 NPP @ 100mg eod
1-20 EQ @ 600mg/wk
1-4 Dbol @ 25mg ed
1-4 Adrol @ 50mg ed

First couple weeks will be lots of pinning, but hopefully I get a good kickstart out of it. Will have Nolva and Clomid on hand for pct.. and going to pick up some caber in case prolactin sides arise (which I anticipate). May throw in some tbol or sd around week 8 or 10.. we'll see how it goes. Definitely going to get some gh from MB in the next couple weeks also.

Im going to stick with 5/3/1 throughout my cycle. Once everything starts kicking in I'll up the volume on my assistance work substantially and take advantage of enhanced recovery.

Current Stats:
Bf around 15-16%

I'll post my current maxes and training maxes this evening.
RockShawn said:
Awesome bro. I'm ready to follow along. I'm reading the 5/3/1 now
RockShawnGlad to hear that rock! Definitely a good read. This is my first log on any board, so I'll try my best.
Deca and EQ are nearly identical (only one molecule placement different). Running both at the same time would be a waste. Maybe run your EQ for the 20 weeks and save the Deca for your next cycle.
tunaman7 said:
Deca and EQ are nearly identical (only one molecule placement different). Running both at the same time would be a waste. Maybe run your EQ for the 20 weeks and save the Deca for your next cycle.
tunaman7they are not almost identical, this is a myth.
Its not very common to compare Equipoise to testosterone; however a far more common comparison is between Equipoise and Deca. I suspect this is because when Dan Duchaine introduced this compound to the steroid using community, he made an immediate comparison to Deca, speculating that it would act similarly to Deca but like a much stronger version of it. Equipoise doesn't actually act much like deca at all; Deca is actually a progestin and a 19-nor derived steroid whereas Equipoise is more closely related to testosterone (being only one double bond differ rent). Duchaine later rescinded his original statement on Equipoise and said that it was disappointing as a mass builder when compared with deca, but a far better drug than for both strength gains and vascularity. Unfortunately, the myth that Equipoises action is similar to Deca's has persisted for nearly 2 decades after he revised his opinion; this is most evident on internet message boards today, where many will advise against including both of them in a cycle because "they act the same way."
GRIM said:
they are not almost identical, this is a myth.
Thats interesting. I guess I have learned something new. I always wondered why Deca made me prone to gyno where EQ i wasnt. Thanx for the info Grim ... I am now ejumikaded!
tunaman7 said:
Thats interesting. I guess I have learned something new. I always wondered why Deca made me prone to gyno where EQ i wasnt. Thanx for the info Grim ... I am now ejumikaded!

"No. They arent even remotely close in structure. The actual belief is that they are nearly identical in results so if you run both together you notice no difference. However, I have run them together twice, and currently am for a third at the moment, and love the 2 together. They're almost synergistic IMO."

This is the reply I had given you in NOV's other thread that you said the same thing in. They're definitely not the same structure and eq has no prolactin effect as it is not a 19-nor and nandrolone definitely is.

Glad to see a log nov! I'll follow you here when I can't see you in the gym 😉
Current maxes:
215 strict OHP
540 raw deadlift
370 raw bench
490 raw squat

Will be resetting maxes the week after next.
I'm currently at the end of a four week phase, so there are just a couple workouts left before next week's "deload." Week after the deload, I'll be switching up the assistance work for the next four weeks.

Feb 26, 2014
Bench day
TM: 345

Daily warmup includes the Agile 8, and 2-3 warmup sets on main movement building up to work sets.

Bench 1x5 @ 75%= 250
SS Chins 1x10xBW
Bench 1x3 @ 85%= 285
SS Chins 1x10xBW
Bench 1x1 @ 95%= 320
SS Chins 1x10xBW

Assistance work
OHP 5x10 @ 50%= 100
Chins 2x10xBW
Tricep Pushdown 100x50
Face Pulls 100x60

Everything felt damn good tonight. A little shot of TNE and EQ pre workout.. intensity was off the chart. Call me crazy, but I could already feel a boost from the test p & npp. Fuckin sweet.
What do you guys think about a deload week while on cycle? Obviously its for cns recovery also.. but do you see it necessary? Or should I take advantage of the enhanced recovery and just keep moving forward?
I can see deloads being less frequent, I wouldn't do them frequently but they still have their place on cycle. Recovery is much better on cycle but definitely not indestructible. CNS still needs the breath that its used to. I definitely need to start doing more deload weeks myself lol
ajordana said:
I can see deloads being less frequent, I wouldn't do them frequently but they still have their place on cycle. Recovery is much better on cycle but definitely not indestructible. CNS still needs the breath that its used to. I definitely need to start doing more deload weeks myself lol
ajordanaWhat do you think bro? Two three week waves back to back then a deload on the seventh week?
N.O.V. said:
What do you think bro? Two three week waves back to back then a deload on the seventh week?
N.O.V.Yeah man is go for it. If it turns to be too much your lack of recovery will let you know, at the least you'll know for the future
Feb 27, 2014

Squat day
TM: 445
Typical warmup, agile 8 and warmup sets.

Squat 1x5 @75%= 335
Squat 1x3 @85%= 380
Squat 1x1 @95%= 425

Deadlift (Sumo) 2x10 @ 50%= 225
Was going for 5x10, but tensor fasciae lataes were feeling a lot of strain, so stopped at 2 sets.
Back Raises 4x10x44lb KB
Decline Situps1x50
Hip Abduction 4x15x125
Threw these in due to the discomfort in my hip flexors.. not sure if it's strain or a muscular imbalance so I decided to strengthen them a little.

All in all, felt great. Probably could have repped 425 on squat for 10-12. The prop & npp are definitely influencing my energy level already. Next training day will be OHP.
Mar 1, 2014

Went ahead with a deload this week. New accessory movements required me to max out on some new lifts, so I went lighter this week. Starting the Simplest Strength Template variation of 5/3/1, which introduces a secondary strength lift.


OHP 3x5x135
SS Chins 3x10
Close Grip Bench 3x8,8,6X185
SS Chins2x10
Kroc Rows 3x10x100
Barbell Curl (bench bar) 5x10x85

Definitely had some left in the tank, but got a good workout in.

On an additional note, up to 235 today.. gained 3lbs (food intake im sure).
Quick update..

Monday, had some personal shit to tend to, so I had to keep deload pull day short.
Deadlift 3x5x225
Front squat 3x3x225

Yesterday was bench day.. felt a little off. Still deloading. Hit a few sets of bench and got out. Shoulder and elbow were bothering me, and feeling sickly. Gonna redo bench day on my next training day.
Bench 3x5x225
RockShawn said:
How Often do you deload?
RockShawnGenerally every fourth week, but being back on cycle, im going to stretch it to every seventh week. I know it's necessary, but I hate it. I want to progress! Lol.
Sunday March 9, 2014

Skipped the rest of my deload. Felt great, was ready to move forward. This was the first of a new assistance program with a lot of neck/trap focus.

OHP: TM 200

Close Grip Bench: TM 295

Shoulder Complex (BB press/ Lateral Raises/ Bent Over Rear Laterals in giant set)

Glenn B Shrugs (100 reps without setting the weight down)
1x100x88lb KB

BB Curl

Neck Harness Extensions

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