North of Vagina Training Log

Monday March10, 2014

Deadlift Day

Deadlift: TM 495
1x5x65%= 320
1x5x75%= 370
1x5x85%= 420

Front Squat: TM 260
1x10x50%= 130
1x10x60%= 155
1x10x70%= 180

KB Swings

Farmer's Walk
2 min@ 45lb

Decline Sit Ups

Neck Harness Extensions
Hanzo said:
Gotta' love the Farmer's Walk. Good work man!
HanzoAbsolutely. I used 45s in each hand, 2 minutes is all I wanted. I usually just do sets of a certain distance, but that two minutes consecutively was tough lol. Each workout I use them, I'll add an additional 2 minute "set."
NOV, First time looking at your log. I am a powerlifter. I have never tried 5/3/1/, but I know Wendler is sharp. I have never had luck with percentage based routines. My training is typical WS give or take dynamic work depending on how I feel and how much time I have. I think when you can tell you are no longer making gains its time to deload. I would also say that IMHO you could make the same gains with less gear. My last meet I ran 300test, 300tren 300npp wk and 1 anadrol a day and I weighed in at 306. I used to always run a gram of test or more but looking back it was a waste. Just saying you might experiment some time. Nice log. Keep up the work.
Training looking good bro, ready to see those numbers on PR day! I'm sure you'll crack ahead of me during my prep, but come winter after august I'll pass you right up!! Muahahaha 😉
CB1 said:
NOV, First time looking at your log. I am a powerlifter. I have never tried 5/3/1/, but I know Wendler is sharp. I have never had luck with percentage based routines. My training is typical WS give or take dynamic work depending on how I feel and how much time I have. I think when you can tell you are no longer making gains its time to deload. I would also say that IMHO you could make the same gains with less gear. My last meet I ran 300test, 300tren 300npp wk and 1 anadrol a day and I weighed in at 306. I used to always run a gram of test or more but looking back it was a waste. Just saying you might experiment some time. Nice log. Keep up the work.
CB1Thanks brother. I was actually researching some low test cycles, considering moderate test high Tren next time around with drol.
ajordana said:
Training looking good bro, ready to see those numbers on PR day! I'm sure you'll crack ahead of me during my prep, but come winter after august I'll pass you right up!! Muahahaha 😉
ajordanaHaha.. im always down for a challenge bro ;D
N.O.V. said:
Haha.. im always down for a challenge bro ;D
N.O.V.Hell yeah 😛 Id be lucky to still squat 500 and bench 385 right now hahah, but after my comp id say I can be right back where I was in 2 months, then its on!!! I'm sure you'll be pretty close to my bench max by then and probably at or past my squat. So it'll be a fun ride lol
ajordana said:
Hell yeah 😛 Id be lucky to still squat 500 and bench 385 right now hahah, but after my comp id say I can be right back where I was in 2 months, then its on!!! I'm sure you'll be pretty close to my bench max by then and probably at or past my squat. So it'll be a fun ride lol
ajordanaAbsolutely. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone!
N.O.V. said:
Thanks brother. I was actually researching some low test cycles, considering moderate test high Tren next time around with drol.
N.O.V. It seems to be a trend that is catching on. The high test kills your collagen levels. Deca and Eq will raise collagen levels. I think this is so much better for your joints and tendons which we have already pushed beyond their limits. If you run the low test with tren I would look at winny for your oral. OB had research that winny combats the prog from the tren.
I agree. I've ran over a gram of Test/week and now I think it was a total waste. I'm more into lower Test (actually around or a little above trt levels) and run the Tren either close (at least 350mg's/week) or a little higher.
Hanzo said:
I agree. I've ran over a gram of Test/week and now I think it was a total waste. I'm more into lower Test (actually around or a little above trt levels) and run the Tren either close (at least 350mg's/week) or a little higher.
Hanzoit all depends what level you are at, training and diet.
Just throwing a shitload of gear is no good and total waste for most.
Currently running 200 test, 400 tren and 600 EQ and already one of the best yet. I'm becoming a firm believer that the lower test with other compounds is a good thing! Side are minimal and strength is climbing steadily...
sportsfreak said:
Currently running 200 test, 400 tren and 600 EQ and already one of the best yet. I'm becoming a firm believer that the lower test with other compounds is a good thing! Side are minimal and strength is climbing steadily...
And your lookin good gotta a good frame that will serve you well. A besides...we have to keep up with our Vared up wives...they put us to shame.
N.O.V. said:
Generally every fourth week, but being back on cycle, im going to stretch it to every seventh week. I know it's necessary, but I hate it. I want to progress! Lol.
N.O.V.Suck it up, N.O.V...........Deload is vital to the 5/3/1 program!! It's one of the best strength building regimens out there. The first 2 or 3 cycles of de-load week are pretty easy weight wise, but hang'll get to the point where you'll be glad you're there. (Ok, really you'll always hate the light weight of de-load, but it's still a welcome blessing after 3 weeks of progressive heavy) Lol
TSizemore said:
Suck it up, N.O.V...........Deload is vital to the 5/3/1 program!! It's one of the best strength building regimens out there. The first 2 or 3 cycles of de-load week are pretty easy weight wise, but hang'll get to the point where you'll be glad you're there. (Ok, really you'll always hate the light weight of de-load, but it's still a welcome blessing after 3 weeks of progressive heavy) Lol
TSizemoreHaha I hear ya man. Actually, I was reading in beyond 5/3/1 where he offers a six week progression, and a seventh week deload. Im going to give that a shot, if it proves too much I'll step back to every fourth. Poundages are climbing rapidly, raw totals should be around 1460-70 in no time.
March 13, 2014

Bench Day

Bench: TM 340

Incline Bench: TM 255

Karowski Shrugs

Rope Upright Rows

Hammer Curls
Rope Pressdowns

Face Pulls

Neck Harness Extensions

Weighed in at 241 today. Definitely packing the pounds on already. Felt amazing in the gym, could've gone for two more hours. Massive pump. Looking nasty large right now.. shoulders look like I need to turn sideways to walk through the door. The test, npp, and orals are all doing their job. Won't be a bit surprised to finish this cycle out at or over 260.
Update.. I've been a few days behind.
Current Maxes/Training Maxes
OHP 220/200
Deadlift 550/495
Bench 375/340
Squat 500/450
Close Grip 325/290
Front Squat 285/260
Incline Bench 280/255
Stiff Leg Dead 450/405
N.O.V. said:
March 13, 2014

Bench Day

Bench: TM 340

Incline Bench: TM 255

Karowski Shrugs

Rope Upright Rows

Hammer Curls
Rope Pressdowns

Face Pulls

Neck Harness Extensions

Weighed in at 241 today. Definitely packing the pounds on already. Felt amazing in the gym, could've gone for two more hours. Massive pump. Looking nasty large right now.. shoulders look like I need to turn sideways to walk through the door. The test, npp, and orals are all doing their job. Won't be a bit surprised to finish this cycle out at or over 260.
N.O.V.Awesome!!! Overall, sounds like a good day!! Love those!!!
March 14, 2014
Squat/Power Clean Day
Squat: TM 450

Power Clean (never done these before, started at a comfortable weight until I get comfortable with them)

Stiff Legged Deadlift: TM 405

KB Swings 100x44lb

Ab Roller 50 reps

Farmer's Walk

Neck Harness Extension

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