Obama Care

Hanzo said:
How can single payer be "debunked" when it will only occur when ocare fails?? The vast majority of economists and insurance execs feel it's too bloated to float. What happens then? Ocare is a giant tax. How much more taxation and regulation do you think the country can stand?

Ocare isn't a true attempt to fix anything, it only adds more layers to a already massive juggernaut of bureaucrats. It's not giving "free" healthcare to anyone.
HanzoDid I say it fixed anything? BTW you even debunk it being a single payer system in your statement..

I believe in on record NUMEROUS times stating it needs fixing.....
Hogslayer said:
Oh course they are liars. The only real change was going to be JFK and the puppet masters knew it and so bam he's dead along with multi family members
HogslayerBoth parties need to die...
Grim u think Obama care is a good thing? One of the man architects of obama care was on tape saying something about how the American people are gullible and pretty much was counting on the fact of how studio everyone is and that's how it was going to get passed.

Of course none of the left wing media reported any of it

I forgot what exactly he said but it was unbelievable. This country is falling faster than ever before thx to Obama and the destruction he has created

I just don't understand why you sound like u all for this guy. He really doesn't like this country. Can u see that?

Every move he makes only makes us weaker

The dude conquers and divides by income, race, religion. Everyone is against each other more than ever before

Racism only grows under this guy. And he had broken so many constitutional laws. Be basically wipes his ass with it

I will never understand why people are for this guy

And unemployment is up in certain states. You know why? Cause of the brilliant move to up minimum wage.

If u work in fast food you should NOT get 15 an hour. That's absurd. Want more money get an education and look for a career not a job

McDonald's is also going to start using robotics to start replacing workers. Something I heard about today.

This country is bleeding and it's only getting worse
SkinNbone said:
Grim u think Obama care is a good thing? One of the man architects of obama care was on tape saying something about how the American people are gullible and pretty much was counting on the fact of how studio everyone is and that's how it was going to get passed.

Of course none of the left wing media reported any of it

I forgot what exactly he said but it was unbelievable. This country is falling faster than ever before thx to Obama and the destruction he has created

I just don't understand why you sound like u all for this guy. He really doesn't like this country. Can u see that?

Every move he makes only makes us weaker

The dude conquers and divides by income, race, religion. Everyone is against each other more than ever before

Racism only grows under this guy. And he had broken so many constitutional laws. Be basically wipes his ass with it

I will never understand why people are for this guy

And unemployment is up in certain states. You know why? Cause of the brilliant move to up minimum wage.

If u work in fast food you should NOT get 15 an hour. That's absurd. Want more money get an education and look for a career not a job

McDonald's is also going to start using robotics to start replacing workers. Something I heard about today.

This country is bleeding and it's only getting worse
SkinNboneHe said something to the effect of if we had to be transparent about the Obamacare bill it wouldn't have passed
I agree about both parties. It's almost one party now. The liberal democrats are taking over everything threw lies and deceit and the republicans are caving and forgetting about their beliefs and jumping on the liberal bandwagon. They are all too powerful and this will only lead to a revolt
Sorry guys. I am done with my rant. I don't want to get into it. Some of us see things differently. And that ok. Just to let you know. If shit would hit the fan and u needed my help I would be there. I will not turn my back on an innocent human life
Nope never said its good. Parts could be good. It needs reworking, it needs the myths on both sides to die and both sides to get their heads out of their asses.
I work in health care too, lot to be fixed but we still make over two billion in profit every year , affordable care act gave us maybe 3 million new members . Now to lean on insurance companies and drug companies to lower or distribute the cost, we know America pays for all development shit same drug elsewhere in the worlds pennies
GRIM said:
Did I say it fixed anything? BTW you even debunk it being a single payer system in your statement..
I debunked my own statement? First, that doesn't make sense. Second, I suggest you read it again. I clearly stated that the end result of ocare WILL BE single payer, not that it is now. Isn't that obvious to everyone?
Hogslayer said:
Oh course they are liars. The only real change was going to be JFK and the puppet masters knew it and so bam he's dead along with multi family members
Really? The Kennedy's are one of the most corrupt political families ever. Joe Kennedy was a mobster and a rum runner during prohibition, he was also a Nazi sympathizer (being a virulent anti-Semitic).
And that's why they were originally trying to put him in the power Hanzo. If you read up on your history you'll realize he wasn't having any of that and just as soon as they found out he wasn't going to fall in line like the rest of his family they took his ass out and stating that when he became president he was going to take the CIA and rip it up into pieces and throw it into the four winds he should have kept that to himself
Hogslayer said:
And that's why they were originally trying to put him in the power Hanzo. If you read up on your history you'll realize he wasn't having any of that and just as soon as they found out he wasn't going to fall in line like the rest of his family they took his ass out and stating that when he became president he was going to take the CIA and rip it up into pieces and throw it into the four winds he should have kept that to himself
I'm actually a History Major, I have 2 degree's. You only scratch the surface, at best. Kennedy was a philandering doofus. His "exploits" on PT109 have been examined and, while not as bad as Kerry, let's just say the report on his combat experience was uh, massaged. One other quick point, most people think JFK was assassinated because he was going to order the Treasury Dept. to print and issue greenbacks. While some think this was done to screw the Fed and big banks, think not, as he wasn't going to reinforce the gold standard, which Nixon did away with in the early 70's anyway.

Keep pluggin' away.
Hahaha your a funny guy but irregardless of your opinion which is just that I'm not putting Kennedy or anyone else evolved in politics above the common man because that's exactly what they are some men are afforded opportunities some not as far as your two degrees which is laughable because I could come on here and say I'm an astronaut see the point so I respect your opinion but it's like ass holes every one has one unless you were directly involved in there lifes you'll never no the absolute truth of anything they were involved in but you know that already
i think it will be good long-term, but like any huge bureaucratic endeavor like this, it is not without its hiccups. here is a list for the Obama haters:

bossman said:
i think it will be good long-term, but like any huge bureaucratic endeavor like this, it is not without its hiccups. here is a list for the Obama haters:

I agree with you 100% lets take a look at some other federal programs that have been such a success

1) Prohibition: For 14 years, the United States was officially “dry.” Problem was, it wasn’t. The black market flourished, as did crime, the mafia and rampant violence. Enacted in 1919, in 1933, it was finally repealed – ending one of the greatest “big government” experiments ever.

2) No Child Left Behind: Under President George W. Bush’s education program, federal spending for schools more than doubled – problem was, student test scores didn’t budge. Not one bit. We still lag behind much of the industrialized world. (It didn’t used to be that way though, before the feds poured all the money – and rules – into local schools, we were at the top of the list.)

3) Medicare: When it was started in 1965, it was estimated Medicare would cost $9 billion per year by 1990 – it cost $67 billion. Now? $390 billion. And are we that much healthier than we were 50 years ago?

4) Medicaid: Same deal. It was estimated to cost $100 million, now it costs $211 billion.

5) Immigration reform: The number of illegal aliens entering this country has more than tripled since Reagan was president. Whether we should increase or decrease the flow of immigration, it’s clear the feds have no idea what they’re doing.

6) The War on Drugs: Since Nixon, we have spent over $1 billion and incarcerated millions of Americans over relatively minor drug charges. This is one of the most spectacular failures of our government.

7) Farm subsidies. Paying farmers not to grow crops? Why that plan can’t possibly fail!

8) Ethanol: Over the last 30 years, the feds have given almost $45 billion to support the ethanol industry. Problem? It’s inefficient, more polluting and raises the price of corn. Genius.

9) “Green Jobs:” When he was elected, President Obama launched an all-out campaign to kickstart the Green Economy. They launched a new training program, hoping to find 125,000 green jobs. When it was all said and done, about 8,000 got jobs and we paid $62,000 to get them those jobs.

10) Banning DDT. The malaria-killing chemical (which saved 500 million lives in Africa) was banned in 1970 because it was believed to kill birds. Since then, countless millions have died horrible deaths because Western powers refuse to admit they were wrong.

11) The War on Terror: Started under President Bush, we have spent over a trillion dollars attempting to secure our borders and defeat terrorism. Not to mention thousands of lives and a soiled reputation.

12) The Assault Weapons Ban: Since the ban expired in 2006, the number of deaths from guns (assault weapons or not) has declined precipitously. Enough said.

13) When it was started in 1935, Social Security was a tax of only one percent of income. Now it is over six percent and climbing. In the next 75 years, as America ages, Social Security will go broke.

14) Obamacare: When he proposed the Affordable Care Act, President Obama assured Americans the plan would cost less than $1 trillion. The latest projection is the program will cost three times that.
well, we all know government is too big and overspends. we need a new party to rise to prominence and have a legitimate shot to win elections and make some serious changes. but with our corrupt lobbying system and corporateocracy, that isn't gonna happen. i think i just made up a new word.
Hogslayer said:
Hahaha your a funny guy but irregardless of your opinion which is just that I'm not putting Kennedy or anyone else evolved in politics above the common man because that's exactly what they are some men are afforded opportunities some not as far as your two degrees which is laughable because I could come on here and say I'm an astronaut see the point so I respect your opinion but it's like ass holes every one has one unless you were directly involved in there lifes you'll never no the absolute truth of anything they were involved in but you know that already
I'm not trying to be funny, just telling it like it is. Try to use periods, you have 1 giant sentence that's fairly indecipherable and nonsensical. Just sayin'.

Keep pluggin' away.

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