Old School Gear !

first one needs to be jacked not just jack off ! 😛
Yup based out of Poland, right? I got them before the paper label. Ink on amp smudged really easy. True old school Omni. Think I only got handful. Used to get those Russian sus with the paper label
Yup based out of Poland, right? I got them before the paper label. Ink on amp smudged really easy. True old school Omni. Think I only got handful. Used to get those Russian sus with the paper label
JinkoI remember getting these in 50 and 100 amp lots because they're was always a good bulk sale going. It's was the newer paper label but they still very good!! The only bad part was they were only offer across the pond.
my first go at it was paper anabolics lol i tried an oral dbol cycle.. was very innovative at the time lol the paper anabolic that is haha. but my first ever injectable cycle was a test only Denkall T400 . at 800mg/week.. saw great results lol.. after that it got more complex with the cycles adding compounds etc.
Image from the web, not mine.. but oh man this stuff was painfull lol-- worst PIP ever.. EVER lol
my first go at it was paper anabolics lol i tried an oral dbol cycle.. was very innovative at the time lol the paper anabolic that is haha. but my first ever injectable cycle was a test only Denkall T400 . at 800mg/week.. saw great results lol.. after that it got more complex with the cycles adding compounds etc.
View attachment 38358
Image from the web, not mine.. but oh man this stuff was painfull lol-- worst PIP ever.. EVER lol
kragonThat was my first ever inject cycle lol. Shit was like injecting fire but damn if it didn’t make you feel jacked to the moon lol. First ever cycle of anything was IP Anadrol back in 02 and I gained 18lbs and was jacked and strong as hell until I lost 13lbs of it lol
That was my first ever inject cycle lol. Shit was like injecting fire but damn if it didn’t make you feel jacked to the moon lol. First ever cycle of anything was IP Anadrol back in 02 and I gained 18lbs and was jacked and strong as hell until I lost 13lbs of it lol
suraonyx23This was my first Inejctable cycle.. back then I had a different board name, I went by Korsow.. Back when anabolics.com was the board to go to lol.. then i built an off-shoot from there called premieranabolics.com with Brutus,, good times before ORD. lol
my first go at it was paper anabolics lol i tried an oral dbol cycle.. was very innovative at the time lol the paper anabolic that is haha. but my first ever injectable cycle was a test only Denkall T400 . at 800mg/week.. saw great results lol.. after that it got more complex with the cycles adding compounds etc.
View attachment 38358
Image from the web, not mine.. but oh man this stuff was painfull lol-- worst PIP ever.. EVER lol
kragonSo this is the infamous denkall t400. I've never seen it but ive heard so many horror stories on PIP and swelling. Even the vial looks a little scary with that amber vial and black labels.
So this is the infamous denkall t400. I've never seen it but ive heard so many horror stories on PIP and swelling. Even the vial looks a little scary with that amber vial and black labels.
sityslicker1Yes. The amber vials.. you had to check each shot to make sure you didnt have any floaters or part of a rubber stopper in there.. lol but it was badass at the time, most mexigear came in amber bottles.
Bro , check out what I found, and I have MORE !!

Oh man i miss the little boxes stuff came in. Lol
There were so many good underground labs sourcing on Gymace's board before the bust. It was called something like supersteriodboard or SSB?? You guys remember that? Unfortunately, I cant remember a single ugl that was sourcing there now lol, well I take that back wasn't swisher labs there? The only thing I do remember is that steriod groupy hoe aka Big Booty, irrc that's her name. She was sleeping with Gymace at the time.
No pics but Axio labs was pretty popular back in the day. They had some crazy blends. Later they created a sister ugl aka synergy labs if I'm not mistaken.
No pics but Axio labs was pretty popular back in the day. They had some crazy blends. Later they created a sister ugl aka synergy labs if I'm not mistaken.
sityslicker1Syntrop. True story. Syntrop was started by Karl from Sciroxx. Not sure what the truth is, since there are two different stories, but some how Axio got a hold of it. Axio was pretty inconsistent and had so so lab test. Syntrop was best Tren e I’ve ever used.
Syntrop. True story. Syntrop was started by Karl from Sciroxx. Not sure what the truth is, since there are two different stories, but some how Axio got a hold of it. Axio was pretty inconsistent and had so so lab test. Syntrop was best Tren e I’ve ever used.
JinkoThat's it thanks for the correction and Education.
Some Old school gh, sorry no pics.

Homer's hyges om OLM both brown and green tops
Mexi elitropins green tops then later blk tops
Thanktropins red tops
Some Old school gh, sorry no pics.

Homer's hyges om OLM both brown and green tops
Mexi elitropins green tops then later blk tops
Thanktropins red tops
sityslicker1OLM! We’re old bro. Oscaro was my go to from that board
OLM! We’re old bro. Oscaro was my go to from that board
EmanThats exactly right, OLM. Olm and promuscle were first bbing forums I joined back in 2005-2006. That's where I learned everything about this sport. These days i tend to stick to the smaller boards with a greater ratio of older guys. Mainly here and theironden. Feels more like home.

God i havent heard that name Oscaro in ages. I believe that's who I got all omna from. I thought it was euroking but it's was definitely oscara now that you mention it. Man time flys!!
Hulk labs from eroids back in the day was amazing shit! He got busted big time you can google that one

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