Re: Out with the old...
well fuck a duck, i dont know what to do about my cycle now. It was mostly going to be rhinos gear, and now I dont know if i have been on jack shit or not. None of his gear crashed in the freezer, and the npp doesnt even taste like it has solvent in it. I. still unsure about the prop.. i know my workouts have been great, my nips were more sensitive and hard all the time.. but the placebo effect can be very powerful. Is it this powerful?
So now I have 10ml of test e, 20of good prop, and a little bit of eq (with more coming).
i have some more test e waiting to brew up as well.
I think im going to go this route:
100mg prop eod
300mg test e /week
400mg eq /week
after six to eight weeks ill drop the prop and bump test e to 600/wk.
for the last 3 weeks i think ill be trying out winny, oral, not sure on dosage yet.
total time is to be determined, but ill probably keep it long, 16 to 18 weeks.
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