Pristyn MY Take

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Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
This is not meant to start a fight but I feel like I should respond. My name has been thrown around lately (only by Admin) as having known that the previous vendor known as Pristyn was going to rip people off. I was a rep for Pristyn and yes, I talked to him all the time and was very excited to be a part of his UGL. We took care of several members after the Joker debacle and he was on his way to good things. We were growing and adding new items to the list and were on several boards. Pristyn paid a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to SF and had also been a very long standing member here. His gear was very good and his service (while it lasted was great).

Now the bad part... We were getting ready to add several new items to the list and I contacted him asking how things were going. He said he had not heard back from his raw supplier in about a week. Well one week turned to four. Instead of going with an untested source he decided he would close until he could find a new TRUSTED source. He had a good size inventory left and was going to liquidate it. At that time I told him I was going to step down as a rep as I was no longer needed until he found a trusted supplier. This is all documented.

AND YES I DID SAY ALL WAS GOOD BECAUSE IT WAS.. Then he decided to have a BOGO sale after I was no longer the rep. It is not a reps job to tell anyone about a UGLS source period..... I did tell certain members that asked me if Pristyn was still GTG after I stepped down and I said YES because he was.

I had no clue he was going to do what he did.... I was planning on returning as a rep when he got his shit squared away.

This is what I think happened. He had a decent size inventory when I left. There are members out there that know this is a fact. I think he got in over his head with the bogo sale and made up what ever story he told. The last contact I had from him was well before the bogo sale or contact he had with Grim or other members.

I have done nothing but help and warn others here the past three years. Admin believes I had some insight into this. I have already PMed members a while ago effected by this and them what I typing now. If anyone believes that I had the slightest knowledge that Pristyn was going to rip people off (besides Grim) speak up now please so I can address it or make things right.

I will not have my name be included in this BS....

Thank you LT
i am not bashing you lt. you however always seem to think iyd my fault when something happens.

only showing you as a rep bad happened

you have also contradicted yourself on eg about this.

tbh i didnt even read most of that but never did i say you knew he was going to rip off.

if your constant bashing held any logic youd be blaming yourself...
grim said:
i am not bashing you lt. you however always seem to think iyd my fault when something happens.

only showing you as a rep bad happened

you have also contradicted yourself on eg about this.
This thread is for those that think I had a part to play in this.. If you believe I had any knowledge post your proof or belief.. I am not going to fight about this. Also please list any red flags that were shown that he was going to rip anyone off I might have missed for future reference.
Quote from: LittleTom on 2016-05-01, 09:40:29

Don't you fucking tie my name to Pristyn. I left because of the very reason of not knowing where is next product was coming from. So go fuck yourself.

his quote when he stepped down

Quote (selected)
Just wanted to let you guys know I am no longer Pristyns rep. Just taking a break, all is good.
grim said:
Quote from: LittleTom on 2016-05-01, 09:40:29

Don't you fucking tie my name to Pristyn. I left because of the very reason of not knowing where is next product was coming from. So go fuck yourself.

his quote when he stepped down

Quote (selected)
Just wanted to let you guys know I am no longer Pristyns rep. Just taking a break, all is good.
How is that wrong????? Thats exactly what I stated in the above statement
You should read it.
I will quickly rehash.... I left because he was going to find a new source... so I told him I was no longer gonna rep til he found a new one.... He was gonna get rid of his old stuff and get a trusted new source... Now sure what you dont get about that Grim....
lt you say all is good then state AFTER all is good you actually left because of not knowing where his stuff was gonna come from. A contradiction from assuring members everything was good.

I didnt even read your post as yet again I am NOT blaming you.

Simply showing you shit happens out of your control.

You blame me constantly for vendors yet I bust my ass to get ppl their shit, where you just walked away
LittleTom said:
I will quickly rehash.... I left because he was going to find a new source... so I told him I was no longer gonna rep til he found a new one.... He was gonna get rid of his old stuff and get a trusted new source... Now sure what you dont get about that Grim....
LittleTomsigh that goes above all is good LT and pretty spot on with what happened to pacific that you constantly bash.

YET AGAIN I am NOT blaming you, I dont see whats so hard to understand..
It was all good Grim.... let me try this again.... He was gonna sell the rest of his stuff...ok...... and then find a new source ok..... so why would I think there would be any issues selling his old stuff..... should I keep texting him and asking "are you sure your inventory is not getting to low..?"

I am truly baffled by your argument. Any way Grim... things between us are cool. Anyone else have an issue post it or shoot me a pm.

Thanks guys.
this is why I really felt I needed to post something... A quote from you Grim while I was banned... I guess maybe I just took it the wrong way. It just kinda reads a little like I knew something... No biggie

grim said:
the point is he knew things were going south and did not warn members.

actually jv was for 1 vendor. that vendor didnt go belly up and jv fought to get members their stuff.

im not blaming lt simply saying hes one to talk when he knew things were going south. reps know more than staff...
honestly... when you stepped down suddenly LT... i felt there was something going wrong.. i didn't get in on the BOGO sale because of that...

did you know he would fuck people over... no way in hell i believe that... did you know it was going a little off the track?.. maybe?

i really like you of my best friends here... hope we stay that way... but that's how i saw it.

that being said as a rep... how could you have said anything ? you couldn't put a post up saying he was having trouble would have destroyed pristyn... and i'm sure you believed he was coming back and not going to fuck people... put you in a weird spot i'm sure.

so the way i see it ...we are all grown men...responsible for our own decisions ... and any vendor at anytime could go scammer.. so LT could not be to blame...


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Not your fault LT, plain and simple, pristyn could have just used another raw source instead of Fucking guys over.
krustus said:
honestly... when you stepped down suddenly LT... i felt there was something going wrong.. i didn't get in on the BOGO sale because of that...

did you know he would fuck people over... no way in hell i believe that... did you know it was going a little off the track?.. maybe?

i really like you of my best friends here... hope we stay that way... but that's how i saw it.

that being said as a rep... how could you have said anything ? you couldn't put a post up saying he was having trouble would have destroyed pristyn... and i'm sure you believed he was coming back and not going to fuck people... put you in a weird spot i'm sure.

so the way i see it ...we are all grown men...responsible for our own decisions ... and any vendor at anytime could go scammer.. so LT could not be to blame...
Nothing wrong with that statement at all Krustus. The only thing He did that I was a little uncomfortable with was have the BOGO sale. (however I was no longer a rep at that point and did not know he was going to liquidate with a sale like that. ) Also there is no way I would have made a post or even told admin that "I am worried about Pristyn crunching the numbers for the sale." I get beat up enough warning people about something that is truly a threat. The only reason I did not like the BOGO is because you better be damn sure you can track your inventory good. Even with that being said I had a member who has posted in this thread contact me to see if Pristyn was still a reliable vendor and I told him yes because I fully believed he was. I never had an inclination that he would not be back at some point and never thought he would go scammer.

With a wife like yours Krustus we will always be friends 😉 Your a good guy brother.
krustus said:
honestly... when you stepped down suddenly LT... i felt there was something going wrong.. i didn't get in on the BOGO sale because of that...

did you know he would fuck people over... no way in hell i believe that... did you know it was going a little off the track?.. maybe?

i really like you of my best friends here... hope we stay that way... but that's how i saw it.

that being said as a rep... how could you have said anything ? you couldn't put a post up saying he was having trouble would have destroyed pristyn... and i'm sure you believed he was coming back and not going to fuck people... put you in a weird spot i'm sure.

so the way i see it ...we are all grown men...responsible for our own decisions ... and any vendor at anytime could go scammer.. so LT could not be to blame...
I agree if LT would have said Pristyn doesn't have a raw supplier at the moment then you would have killed his business and EG would have lost another vendor. But in hindsight EG still lost that vendor and a few members lost out on gear.

Myself personally if I was a rep, I would have mentioned it to admin or a mod and let them casually inquire.

But all Pristyn had to do was lie and say he had over 1K in vials and you wouldn't have known any better.

I have no ill will towards you about Pristyn. I got my gear from his BOGO sale, guess it's because he had those cheaper compounds in stock.

I think Grim is just trying to say not all situations can be avoided.

All is well here. 49Er love your photo posts lol.
I appreciate your comments DD but what would you have told admin.... That the vendor I no longer rep for is liquidating his stock so please make sure he he keeps good track of his stock and does not run away... I knew his source was gone and his plan was to sell the rest and find a new source... Pristyn fulfilled some of his BOGO orders and then just up and left... there was nothing I felt admin even had to be aware of. Again hindsight is 20/20 and the issues with Pristyn are vastly different then with vendors that we have dealt with in the past. To even put Pristyn in the same category as Joker or Pacific is far fetched... those vendors had glaring warning signs.... If a guy losing his source and getting out until he finds a new one is something we should all be concerned with were the hell was everyone jumping down these other guys throats.... it was mostly just me 😉
I don't know exactly what I would have said. You were his rep and y'all had a friendship or maybe just a business dealing. I guess what I would say is dependent upon how I felt about the guy and my past encounters/dealings with him.

Obviously you didn't think he would just up and disappear on anyone, so there was some level of trust between y'all.

It's all hindsight and I don't think any member holds you accountable. The whole situation appears that he ran out completely, made good with some, didn't make good with a few and had no money to reimburse.

Either way, all is good. We can't foresee some things in life.
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