probably going to the county for a little



Got cited for driving on a dui suspended license last night. This would be my second offense. Anybody have ant experience with this?
depends on state, def contact an attorney!
Yup been there a couple times man. First offense I didn't blow got off very easy paid a fine and alcohol classes. Second offense dwi was one year probation with a breathalyzer installed in my truck. Suspended my license. That was in tx. Violated that and spent a few weeks in parish.
inhuman88 said:
Got cited for driving on a dui suspended license last night. This would be my second offense. Anybody have ant experience with this?
Paw paw told you to take care of that man. Now look at the shit you in? Fuck man, you don't need this shit right now…. Damn it.
JM750 said:
Paw paw told you to take care of that man. Now look at the shit you in? Fuck man, you don't need this shit right now…. Damn it.
I know man! You know I'm hard headed some times...paw paw knew better
You can't fuck with the Registry. They are higher then the fucking court system. I got a breath machine in my car for 6 fucking years! I still have 4 to go….
went out with a buddy last week and we got pulled over. 21 years old and he has his 1st
What don't you all understand about drinking and driving??? YOU DON'T DO IT!!! One reason I hate alcohol, well one of many reasons!!! Best of luck bro...hopefully lesson learned!!!
Wow, I guess its good you didn't kill anyone. Or put someone in a wheel chair. I think you need to do some time, once is fuck up. Twice is fuck you.
Jinko said:
Wow, I guess its good you didn't kill anyone. Or put someone in a wheel chair. I think you need to do some time, once is fuck up. Twice is fuck you.
Gp fuck yourself asshole. I wasn't drinking and driving fuck face. I had a dui a while ago and my license is still suspended. I'm in trouble for driving with the license suspended not for drinking and driving
Never understood how someone gets a DUI. It's so easy to avoid; if you drink, don't drive. The repercussions of driving drunk are just to great.
How about this "internet tough guy". I'll fly you out here and put you up in hotel for night. Then we can settle this. Don't PM me. Lets keep this in open. Seriously calling me a fag, that's all you got?
I misread the original post as well. Hopefully a lesson was learned after the first one. Don't know what state your in but a suspended license is a never ending wormhole of problems. You don't realize how hard everyday life can be until you can't drive. Usually it's not just an arrest but the fines that add up to be a huge problem. Good luck.
Jinko said:
How about this "internet tough guy". I'll fly you out here and put you up in hotel for night. Then we can settle this. Don't PM me. Lets keep this in open. Seriously calling me a fag, that's all you got?
Yes please fly me out to where you are...lmfao tough guy
Seriously when are you flying me out there? I could use a vacation

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