probably going to the county for a little

hahah you guys are funny. Calm the fuck down the both of you. EG aint the place for this shit
McCracken said:
I misread the original post as well. Hopefully a lesson was learned after the first one. Don't know what state your in but a suspended license is a never ending wormhole of problems. You don't realize how hard everyday life can be until you can't drive. Usually it's not just an arrest but the fines that add up to be a huge problem. Good luck.
You can say that again
i dont drink and drive pulse idk why but i love walking to a place when drunk its so fun lol
Jinko said:
Wow, I guess its good you didn't kill anyone. Or put someone in a wheel chair. I think you need to do some time, once is fuck up. Twice is fuck you.
That's a lil harsh to say to a fellow EG member here. This is B/S that gets said at places like ology and SI and all those other bullshit sites. Not here. Please keep these kind of coments out of here. I wouldn't wish any member here do any jail time.

People fuck up. We all fuck up. No one is perfect. It is learning from our mistakes is what counts. And going to jail is not a place where you learn to become a good boy.
He didnt' start this thread only to be harrassed...
Everybody makes mistakes. It's human. I got a dui about 12 years ago. It sucked. It was a big learning experience for me! If u need anything IH, u know I'm right around the corner.
To the shit talkers, very uncalled for. I'm sure u got some skeletons in the closet too. Nobody is perfect. If your buying plane tickets, better get extras. Not the place for all that. I talk my shit to stupid clowns @ ology. Everybody is respected here, or should be.
DAMMNIT!!!!! That sucks bro.. I have had a few DUS... I think jail time is really going to depend on over crowding.. I do know for sure you will have some classes(defensive driving) and you will have a big fine. Your suspension will start at the time of incident as well. So you just lost your license for another year.... I know its damn near impossible to not drive bro, you really have to figure out a way not to though... take the bus, summer is coming up, put on your spandex and ride your sexy bike.... Seriously though better than jail...... Man I hope it works out for you bro...

Tell ya what G can come stay with me while your in there playing pee pees and butts =)..... This sucks =(
Alcohol Related "crimes" are tough for some people to talk about rationally or calmly. I have a sister in law that is an alcoholic and we know it's just a matter of time before we get a bad phone call. It stirs up a lot of emotions. That said, We will have respect here and everyone, I mean EVERYONE, messes up in one way or another. Jinko, reel it in - I mean that was not a cool post.

Inhuman, Hope you the best in the situation and I'm actually proud of you that it wasn't a second DUI but just a suspension violation. Hopefully they will take that into consideration when assigning punishment bro, sorry to hear you are in that mess.
I didn't come here to harass anyone, but when you put your shit out there its chance you take.

I have good friend from college. He is a quadriplegic, he will never walk again. At 21 some clown, driving drunk hit him. Think about it at 21 you in chair for life. Sorry man no remorse for people driving drunk.
way too many biased opinions here. I rarely drink anymore however, I don't look down on those that do. I also think the dui laws are bullshit, yes I don't want to see anyone getting killed however the limit being set low enough that the average guy can't stop for 2 damn beers on the way home from work is quite absurd. This whole thing went the wrong fuckin way and I really don't like what I've seen out of quite a few EG members.... Obviously quite a few did not read the thing correctly and jumped to conclusions. IH was just sharing his bad experience with us to get it off his chest and has to get hammered like this????? This is not what this board is supposed to be about. It really opened up my eyes to some. Inhuman, anytime you need to vent, hit me up PM, its not worth this kinda bullshit on our open forum if its going to turn into this.
Jinko said:
I didn't come here to harass anyone, but when you put your shit out there its chance you take.

I have good friend from college. He is a quadriplegic, he will never walk again. At 21 some clown, driving drunk hit him. Think about it at 21 you in chair for life. Sorry man no remorse for people driving drunk.
Stay the fuck out of my thread and with any luck you'll get hit by a drunk too
lith56bigguy said:
way too many biased opinions here. I rarely drink anymore however, I don't look down on those that do. I also think the dui laws are bullshit, yes I don't want to see anyone getting killed however the limit being set low enough that the average guy can't stop for 2 damn beers on the way home from work is quite absurd. This whole thing went the wrong fuckin way and I really don't like what I've seen out of quite a few EG members.... Obviously quite a few did not read the thing correctly and jumped to conclusions. IH was just sharing his bad experience with us to get it off his chest and has to get hammered like this????? This is not what this board is supposed to be about. It really opened up my eyes to some. Inhuman, anytime you need to vent, hit me up PM, its not worth this kinda bullshit on our open forum if its going to turn into this.
Thank you lith and everybody else who wasn't a dick. I rarely ever drink any more and my dui was a mistake from quite a while ago
I have struggled with alcohol all my fucken life. People who don't drink, or drink very little will never understand how hard of a battle it really is. So it is easy to throw them under the bus for a mistake.
I started drinking at 14 yrs old and pretty much drank up until 15 months ago.

That was when I was ready to give up drinking for a BB life. My positive gains and the constant encouragement and friendships I get from this forum keeps me straight and narrow. I am a living example of why an EG member does not need his balls cut off from an alcohol related incident.
If I didn't have this in my life, who knows where I would be.
I'm 50 yrs old and going strong Brothers…..
I have an OWI as well :/
I understand everyone's opinion. Driving drunk is stupid, no way around that statement. Driving on a suspended license is different. How the fuck does the gov expect you to work and pay your fines if you can't drive. Have you looked into the hardship license? If not definitely do, very important. Everyone fucks up. Good thing something worse didn't happen, but he is our bro and we should be there for him. I know him and German for a little bit. Inhuman is a good dude not some fuck up like some jumped to imply. Look, I've had three. 2 were turned into SIS and the third I took the dwi on the third. Punishment was all over the place, the first was the most harsh for sure ironically. Pm me if you want specifics. If your ever going to drop $$$ on something a GOOD lawyer is what you want to do. Shit happens, just learn from it bro and use it as a way to better yourself.
Has anyone just thought to revert back to the original topic of this
Our brother wasn't popped for dui , some attacks could have been squashed with a little paying attention.
As I said before my friend I hope it works out for you man.
Thank you all again and no big dude I have not looked into the hardship license. I had a few things to take care of and then I was planning on getting the interlock system put in my car but unfortunately I got caught before that
Well I hope everything works out for u, IH. You and your lady are very good people. If u need some ribs or anything, let me know. I'm pretty close to staples lol
IH, just do whatever it is they want you to do. You are at their mercy. You already know I been through all this shit. Heck, I got interlock for 6 years. I'm pretty sure you aint gunna have that!

try 6 yrs at $135.00 per month!
Jinko said:
I didn't come here to harass anyone, but when you put your shit out there its chance you take.

I have good friend from college. He is a quadriplegic, he will never walk again. At 21 some clown, driving drunk hit him. Think about it at 21 you in chair for life. Sorry man no remorse for people driving drunk.
Have hope for your friend brother. Do not believe for a second what those doctors say to him or let him think that way. Same thing happened to my friend from elementary school, spine completely snapped in half, n tore alot of important organs/toren urethra being one, and was told those horrible same words. He quite his own p/t and pushed himself after 3-4 years, is some how is better than b4 @ age 25 6,2 210 6-8% bf year round. Give him the proper support and things can happen.

Inhuman: When it comes to the time of your court hear, I would try and make up an important excuse for why you were driving on the suspended license. I'm not sure which state your in, so that always depends, but if you had to do any time, it would basically be a time out like sentence punishment, probably tops a week, if that. But of course, fines. Like I said bro, try n explain the situation if you have the chance or have your attortny/public defender bring that up. Wish you the best bro, you'll get through it!
JM750 said:
I have struggled with alcohol all my fucken life. People who don't drink, or drink very little will never understand how hard of a battle it really is. So it is easy to throw them under the bus for a mistake.
I started drinking at 14 yrs old and pretty much drank up until 15 months ago.

That was when I was ready to give up drinking for a BB life. My positive gains and the constant encouragement and friendships I get from this forum keeps me straight and narrow. I am a living example of why an EG member does not need his balls cut off from an alcohol related incident.
If I didn't have this in my life, who knows where I would be.
I'm 50 yrs old and going strong Brothers…..
Until someone experiences addiction first hand they cannot comprehend what it really is...there was a time in my life 15 yrs ago that I could not even function without a pint of vodka for breakfast...couldn't stop shaking without it...I was a functioning drunk.
From 18-25 it's amazing I didn't kill my self or some one else countless wreck less driving charges, 2 DWI's etc...but that was the past one night i decided it was enough! drove myself to the rehab blew a 4.8 when I checked in lol didn't remember even checking the next day but can tell you that was the last drink I ever had.

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