Question about an online purchase


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
So i moved in with my cousin ive missed injectiins because i have to hide my use lol. So my cousin has a 21 year old son we went to the gym i got a 7 day pass he asks me if ive done steroids i said no because i dont want to get kicked out. So after we worked out i said fuck it i ask what do u know about them? he said nothing i dont want him to run shit blindly so i tell him i can explain just dont tell your dad.

He says my dad dont care he bought them for me lol. So now theres nothing to hide my cousin swid i did alot of research for my son nobody has died from taking steroids. He wants .e to coach his son make sure he knows what hes doing teach him to pinn. SO MY QUESTION IS he bought him a stack from geneza Im sure itcould be bunk or fake do any of you know the reliability from that company?

I dont even want to chance it im just gonna give him from my own stash at least i know for a fact its good. I think for him and his bf gonna give him 250mg test ew 50mg tren a eod get his bf down along with cleaner eating. I thougbt my cousin would freak and look at it as drugs and kick me out but at least i dont gotta hide shit anymore
If your asking bro....well.... I'm gonna say it sounds really dumb. Not trying to be rude. But you really want a 21 yr old to start juicing? And for his first cycle put tren into the mix? I think you're asking for problems big time. Also at 21 his natty test levels are high and running him at a trt dose is pointless.

If he's dead set on a cycle then the most he should do is 500mgs test a week and maybe throw in 50 mgs dbol a day. Or maybe some Winny to cut up. Even then Winny is best used at lower bf%.

He will benefit so much more if he leans out first then does test/dbol cycle or test/deca cycle for a clean bulk. Save the tren for 3rd cycle or later than that. I took tren on my 2nd blast and I regret it.
Oh and I've heard mixed reviews about geneza...mostly good but never tried it. He probably got it online from napsgear
Save the Tren bro, he's not ready for that yet. If he's gonna do it anyway, this is good advice on the 500mgs Test E per week and some d-bol to get started, finish it off with some winny to cut up and don't have him run it longer that a few weeks. Truthfully though, he needs to learn to eat clean, getting proper macros and proper way to workout as a foundation before jumping into AAS. IMO.....hey, youngsters will do what they want at that age a lot of times..........
21 is too young to do roids IMO. I have been training off and on since I was 16 and didnt touch roids till I was in my 30's
Z82 said:
If your asking bro....well.... I'm gonna say it sounds really dumb. Not trying to be rude. But you really want a 21 yr old to start juicing? And for his first cycle put tren into the mix? I think you're asking for problems big time. Also at 21 his natty test levels are high and running him at a trt dose is pointless.

If he's dead set on a cycle then the most he should do is 500mgs test a week and maybe throw in 50 mgs dbol a day. Or maybe some Winny to cut up. Even then Winny is best used at lower bf%.

He will benefit so much more if he leans out first then does test/dbol cycle or test/deca cycle for a clean bulk. Save the tren for 3rd cycle or later than that. I took tren on my 2nd blast and I regret it.
Z82Omg here we go 500 test cycle ology at its best! really bro u want to give a fat kid dbol? winny to cut up? sorry last i checked winny does not cut you up, tren is the only steroid that will burn fat fact...
JM750 said:
21 is too young to do roids IMO. I have been training off and on since I was 16 and didnt touch roids till I was in my 30's
JM750 This kid has been playing football since he was in high school been lifting several years, i disagree on being to young wish i had started young id be a lot further than wear im at now.
IMO, and again this is MY opinion only! He's old enough to do whatever the hell he wants. That being said maybe something a bit easier on the sides than tren at first. And 9er, bro you asked for advice don't get aggravated when it's not exactly what u were thinking!! You know we look out for each other on here
Oh boy today is gonna be interesting with all the cute comments everyone needs to stop living in the matrix steroids when used properly are not dangerous i did 500 test and 1p0 tren eod my first cyle what is looking for trouble on 50 eod? The sooner you guys learn you dont give people with high bf aromatizing compounds and teach people that the better this world will be. That is a steroid forum written myth who the fuck came up with 500 mg why? The test is only a base to keep you functioning thats it, you will never build a impressive body on test.

Enough with 1 compound to see how u react b.s its test not DNP not SD. We need to stop romantisizing the bodybuilder that hes a mystical god lives a very strict life, works out 3 hours a day perfect eating to achieve his body its all b.s. Everyone is brain washed by bodybuilders that work for supp companys, they are the ones that started all this mumbo jumbo eat clean take this and you will look like me. Have you ever seen a cow at the gym? guess what tren burns fat thats why humans take it too allows you to hold as much muscle and build muscle while losing fat at the same rate.

ALWAYS GET LEAN UNDER 10% BEFORE USING AROMATIZING COMPOUNDS ALWAYS. If someone had the sense to tell me that i would have saved alot of time, steroids work better when lean. Dont say he needs to eat clean only b.s you rather cut fat natural guys? really?
Vino 1 said:
IMO, and again this is MY opinion only! He's old enough to do whatever the hell he wants. That being said maybe something a bit easier on the sides than tren at first. And 9er, bro you asked for advice don't get aggravated when it's not exactly what u were thinking!! You know we look out for each other on here
Vino 1I feel ya but i didnt ask for cycle advice, i asked about geneza i just thought it would be funny to hear the omg tren comments
Oh. Lol well I have a friend that was running geneza and he was getting great results. But I mean he knows his was legit.
Vino 1 said:
Oh. Lol well I have a friend that was running geneza and he was getting great results. But I mean he knows his was legit.
Vino 1His dad said he did tons of research checked forums and somehow ended up where he purchased this stuff. Im still skeptical ill let him use that on his own time i rather he use my gear because i know its safe not fake or dirty ect...
This thread is a joke. Do what ever the fuck you want to bro. Replace his natty high test with trt dose so he can sit at 1100 just to do some

If you don't want to hear it don't fucking post a thread on it.

If youre doing it just to get people's reactions and argue...take it somewhere else. You and you're argumentative debates about abusing steroids are getting fucking old.

Omg ology this and that blah blah blah.
Z82 said:
This thread is a joke. Do what ever the fuck you want to bro. Replace his natty high test with trt dose so he can sit at 1100 just to do some

If you don't want to hear it don't fucking post a thread on it.

If youre doing it just to get people's reactions and argue...take it somewhere else. You and you're argumentative debates about abusing steroids are getting fucking old.

Omg ology this and that blah blah blah.
Z82 I didnt even wanna take it there but your the last person should be giving anyone advice. I saw how u let yourself go pics from this comp your not a true bodybuilder thats a fact. Ive watched you since as far back as i can remember blaming all your health issues on steroids. Stop eating fucken grease and you will be healthy dont blame the gear. If u wanna debate this in person let me know
Z82 said:
This thread is a joke. Do what ever the fuck you want to bro. Replace his natty high test with trt dose so he can sit at 1100 just to do some

If you don't want to hear it don't fucking post a thread on it.

If youre doing it just to get people's reactions and argue...take it somewhere else. You and you're argumentative debates about abusing steroids are getting fucking old.

Omg ology this and that blah blah blah.
Z82 I actually took more time to read what u said thats the stupidest shit ive ever read "replace his natty test to sit at 1100" wtf!?!? you must be running some garbage ive always been over 1500 on trt dose u dont know shit and i really mean that i cant believe i use to ask you for advice without knowing what u look like. You wanna come at me ill come back at you with real facts.
Says the guy blasting tren non stop and still weighs and looks the same... Ha. Bro I ate clean as fuck while on tren and still crushed my lipids. I had JD write my diet plan... Cut out all red meat and egg yolk for 6 months had to come off everything to get my cholesterol back in range. You wanting to fight me in person is more than laughable.

Stay off the tren bro its seriously making you mental. Either that or your e2 is flared up to 800 for the 3rd time.

Oh and I'm down 20 lbs of fat with great health/blood work and without tren
Yes if you take 250 mgs of test on a friday and take bloods one week the next Friday without a shot that day you should be close to 1100 or even less. That's most doctors protocol.
Z82 said:
Says the guy blasting tren non stop and still weighs and looks the same... Ha. Bro I ate clean as fuck while on tren and still crushed my lipids. I had JD write my diet plan... Cut out all red meat and egg yolk for 6 months had to come off everything to get my cholesterol back in range. You wanting to fight me in person is more than laughable.

Stay off the tren bro its seriously making you mental. Either that or your e2 is flared up to 800 for the 3rd time.
Z82Well theres your first problem taking advice from jd do you have google search? google jd 3 years back asking some stupid rookie questions on other forums. Oh but he trains ifbb? hes certified ISSA thats it anyone can pay for a online class. I look and weigh the same? real mature comeback no lies were said there lol i dropped 15lbs already and mirror dont lie. You didnt smash lipids with tren thats forsure maybe u thought it was tren try running some good stuff someday. When you look better or even like you lift then give me all the advice even though i didnt ask for it ;-)

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