Question about an online purchase

Z82 said:
Well brother I hope there is no hard feelings. I just shot back at you cause you did me.

You're entitled to your own opinion. I like you bro mostly cause your honest and you gave me free shit one time. but you can be honest without the attacking part of it., as can I.

If I could go back to when I first started I would have leaned out a lot more even with some muscle wasting and would only bulk from there on out. And yes I honestly believe tren and anavar crushed my lipids. Because I've tried it twice once with what I thought was a clean diet and the other with what was a clean diet and had the same effect on my lipids until I came off and I even kept the diet the same. As soon as I came off lipids started to get better with in 4 weeks.

Specifically my HDL. Ldl I managed to get better with no red meat or egg yolks only lean protein.
Z82Thank you and all thougb i know u didnt purposely make me feel this way but when u start a response saying my ideas sound pretty dumb it can be taken wrong. Thats messed up u only like me cuz i gave u free shit! lol j.k
Walker said:
Just my opinion so take it for what it's worth. The kid needs to reach his natural potential first before using any aas. Once you start there's no going back. Aas, should be used to take you to the "next" level. If he's serious about BB then this would be in his best interest. Learn to eat and train his age he should make plenty of gains eating and training correctly without gear. Just my .02$ worth. Not judging you or him 9'r. I know your trying to help steer him in the right direction.
Walker I agree mostly but if his dad bought him gear god himself is not gonna stop him. Hes not some weak fat kid hes played football for years hes a big meaty kid fatness runs in the family from eating garbage. But hes really cleaned shit up and hes doing real good the base the power is there im just gonna monitor him and not let him take shit thats gonna make him fatter. This kid can run better cardio than me his habbitsmay even help me reach my goals faster.
I understand. Once someone has made their mind to do something not much is gonna change that, especially kids. At 21 I changed my mind like the wind changes direction. If he's gonna do atleast he has you to guide him. He really sounds like he needs your help on his diet more than anything. Teach him about tracking his macros! Peace
I started pros when I was 21 started juiceing at 23 he will be fine just watch over him
darklord said:
I started pros when I was 21 started juiceing at 23 he will be fine just watch over him
darklord Ya were getting bis bloodwork done Monday im curious what his bloodwork will show right now natty
If he wants to, he'll find a way either way. So it is safer for 49er to step in, but i'd just have to sa skip the tren. If he wants to cut, give him some winny tabs instead. Help him out with diet and such first.
goodfella said:
If he wants to, he'll find a way either way. So it is safer for 49er to step in, but i'd just have to sa skip the tren. If he wants to cut, give him some winny tabs instead. Help him out with diet and such first.
goodfella Ill see how he feels i just know tren will really help burn some fat along with what hes doing already. he takes a bunch of b.s supps i told him he dont need that shit anymore. If he dont like the tren mayne some eca and winny, i dont even want use winny because his bf but i guess it will help keep water down but his test is gonna be super low anyway. He eats good now but i dont know if youve ever been overweigbt it takes a long time to drop and you lose alot of muscle. Hes a big boy not just fat hes been at it for awhile thanks for being respectful 🙂
49ER said:
Ill see how he feels i just know tren will really help burn some fat along with what hes doing already. he takes a bunch of b.s supps i told him he dont need that shit anymore. If he dont like the tren mayne some eca and winny, i dont even want use winny because his bf but i guess it will help keep water down but his test is gonna be super low anyway. He eats good now but i dont know if youve ever been overweigbt it takes a long time to drop and you lose alot of muscle. Hes a big boy not just fat hes been at it for awhile thanks for being respectful 🙂
49ERhow about NPP for hist first go? Lots love it for cutting as well.
GRIM said:
how about NPP for hist first go? Lots love it for cutting as well.
GRIM Never thougbt of that! can you run it with low test? i really dont want him using alot of test rigbt nowit will aromatize to easy yes he can use ai but hes still gonna hold some water.
Love npp for getting leaner. The best cycle I have ever run was 600 test e and 400 npp a week with anavar. I have a friend who is running a very similar cycle now and he looks his best ever and he has been juicing longer than me. I have never ran it with low test though I may try. The problem I have as the npp dose gets higher it gives me alot of anxiety.

Ol joker better keep his ass out of the clink or we be fucked...
wouldnt think equal amount of prop to low npp would be an issue
Joker said:
Here's something to tell him.
Ya see. . Old joker here has been busy last month or so...
Got a criminal trial going. ... got back with the bm and we're getting married. Bunch of shit.
I came off cycle. Been real busy. . Before you know it a month or so had gone by and no injection.
I'm like Damn when is the last time we had sex. She comes to me. . Hey what's wrong. Then why I try. .. limp fucking noodle. .... Yeah. ...
Ya see.. I'm a lifer hommie.... I'll be trt until my time comes to an end
It is what is. .. Just needed that month or so to realize. .. without aas in my life. Certain things won't work.

Things I like to see young men avoid. ..
That's all Fuck face..
Now tell butter ball to get running ; )

What he said... I Just turned 26, and im in it for life at this point..... last 6 months limp without assistance... Ive def fucked myself up for ever. I think I started about 20-21 as well
d3r3k said:
What he said... I Just turned 26, and im in it for life at this point..... last 6 months limp without assistance... Ive def fucked myself up for ever. I think I started about 20-21 as well
d3r3k What do you mean limp for life? If you have synthetic test in your system it shouldnt be a problem especially with cialis. If i come off everything then ya ill be limp too, I guess this is where im not on the samepage with most.

I dont believe in rec use of hormones, you can all say if your not gonna be pro why do it? reality is none of us will be pros. I just want to be the biggest baddest version of myself and i dont see trt for life as a negative. Always on hormones gives us a better quality of life makes us recover quicmer i cant remember ever gettingsuper sick like i use too. It also makes our bodies more efficient in fighting off viruses.

Anyway this thread has drug out longer than intended, we can agree to disagree i feel hormones are safe its a chance im willing to take and will stand bye. And also i really just wanted to know basically if Geneza is a product that is often faked thanks for the responses though 🙂

morrey said:
21 is plenty old enough to juice it up. I say go for it 49er
"My Ninja" lol thanks bro
I will agree. In the 15 months I have been on, I have not been sick. I was just telling my G/F this the other day. But if I juice up too much, it will make me feel shitty and tired.
49ER said:
What do you mean limp for life? If you have synthetic test in your system it shouldnt be a problem especially with cialis. If i come off everything then ya ill be limp too, I guess this is where im not on the samepage with most.

I dont believe in rec use of hormones, you can all say if your not gonna be pro why do it? reality is none of us will be pros. I just want to be the biggest baddest version of myself and i dont see trt for life as a negative. Always on hormones gives us a better quality of life makes us recover quicmer i cant remember ever gettingsuper sick like i use too. It also makes our bodies more efficient in fighting off viruses.

Anyway this thread has drug out longer than intended, we can agree to disagree i feel hormones are safe its a chance im willing to take and will stand bye. And also i really just wanted to know basically if Geneza is a product that is often faked thanks for the responses though 🙂
"My Ninja" lol thanks bro
Helllll naw, lol I agree with you bro. Im just saying Also mention the possibility of it happening to him is all (If he doesnt want to stick himself for life).... I dont regret juicing at that age, nor do I mind being on TRT, makes you feel great so why not. ONLY reason Im not on right now is because I'm in line for a state job that does test for steroids. I did however get a Dr. prescription androgel (insurance ran out before I could pick it up), but I'm going to talk him into giving me a rx injectable next visit. To answer the actual question, I used to hear alot of good about Geneza... but that was a while back, havent heard of them for a while which raises a flag to me.

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