Question about an online purchase

49ER said:
This kid has been playing football since he was in high school been lifting several years, i disagree on being to young wish i had started young id be a lot further than wear im at now.
At 21, he still has plenty of nat test in his body. Why go fucking with that? I can tell you this much, I have and can take tons and tons of AAS. And I'm not monster yet!
Time in the gym, proper diet and rest are the real keys to getting closer to your goals.

I'm not trying to harp on you Bro, cause you know I luv u like a brudda,. You say his Dad did all kinds of research on AAS for his son. How much research did he do on nutrition and training for him?

Again, I'm not trying to be an ass, but even stubborn me is realizing really fast that it takes way more then AAS to get there.
Z82 said:
Yes if you take 250 mgs of test on a friday and take bloods one week the next Friday without a shot that day you should be close to 1100 or even less. That's most doctors protocol.
Z82 Ya ok are we on trt from a doctor none of us wait a week for bloodwork test is only a base and no more estro problems i stopped listening to people who thought high test was a good idea and actually think about shit now. Tren is not toxic my bloodwork proves it everytime
Facts are bro you've been blasting big doses mostly tren and getting nowhere.

I could care less at your attacks at me. I use to be 330 pound slob...sitting at 255 now and I got there mostly with no drugs at all. I added in drugs to diminish muscle wasting and have managed to add solid muscle mass while still dropping fat. I'm doing just fine....thanks
I've never heard anything positive about Geneza gear.....well, that's not entirely true. I've heard you have to be special to get the decent stuff. I've ordered Geneza before and got screwed....but, it wasn't any big deal.

He's at the age where he's gonna make his own decisions. That's evident since he's asking questions, that tells me he's researching and looking into things. I'd rather help a kid like that out as opposed to some kid that just walks up and says "Hey, I think I'll try steroids, got any"? Educate him on all things bodybuilding....gear, diet, training, lifestyle...etc. If he's reaching out, it's an opportunity.

As far as the rest of this crap goes.......I'm getting sick of repeating myself....Food is critical!! Bodybuilders, I mean real ones, don't inject boat loads of gear and not eat! I don't know where you come off saying the only reason they get big and cut is because of the gear! They eat 7-9000calories a have to! You can't take the amount of steroids they take and not feed yourself! They work their asses off in the gym! They don't take copious amounts of steroids and sit on the couch eating potato chips to get massively cut! Do they include crap in their diet? Of course they do, they have to get large amounts of fats and carbs to grow........Steroids DO NOT make you huge and ripped alone........Diet (and by diet I mean the food you eat) and training do! Can you get huge on diet and training....Damn Straight! Nobody does it, because it takes to long and is way too much work.

P.S......If that's not what you said......then, uhmmm..disregard. 😉
49ER said:
Ya ok are we on trt from a doctor none of us wait a week for bloodwork test is only a base and no more estro problems i stopped listening to people who thought high test was a good idea and actually think about shit now. Tren is not toxic my bloodwork proves it everytime
Just because you tolerate tren well doesn't mean others will. Get it through your head bro. No two people are the same. Whats good for one could be horrific for the other. That's why you take beginner cycles and work your way up adding in one or two things at a time to see how your body reacts.

And by tolerate tren well I mean your health issues. Your mental status is a different story and I'm seriously implying that with all joking aside
JM750 said:
At 21, he still has plenty of nat test in his body. Why go fucking with that? I can tell you this much, I have and can take tons and tons of AAS. And I'm not monster yet!
Time in the gym, proper diet and rest are the real keys to getting closer to your goals.

I'm not trying to harp on you Bro, cause you know I luv u like a brudda,. You say his Dad did all kinds of research on AAS for his son. How much research did he do on nutrition and training for him?

Again, I'm not trying to be an ass, but even stubborn me is realizing really fast that it takes way more then AAS to get there.
JM750JM i have all the respect for you in the world but how much longer are you gonna wait for monster to kick in? you look better than me no doubt but your stuck bro and its not because your not eating clean enough, this may sound out of the norm but where your at you need to up calories and eating clean is not gonna supply you with enough calories.

You know where i learn from and i see real pros lower amateurs and they dont eat what is considered "clean" I will say it again cuz everybody twists my words you cant eat fast food and expect results but you can eat sushi chinese jamaican calorie rich dense food that will supply you for growth. With all due respect to you bodybuilders only keep it strict and clean final 12 to 16 weeks before a show. If they say they do its a lie probably work for a supp company.
there is much more to gear toxicity than simple blood work
49ER said:
JM i have all the respect for you in the world but how much longer are you gonna wait for monster to kick in? you look better than me no doubt but your stuck bro and its not because your not eating clean enough, this may sound out of the norm but where your at you need to up calories and eating clean is not gonna supply you with enough calories.

You know where i learn from and i see real pros lower amateurs and they dont eat what is considered "clean" I will say it again cuz everybody twists my words you cant eat fast food and expect results but you can eat sushi chinese jamaican calorie rich dense food that will supply you for growth. With all due respect to you bodybuilders only keep it strict and clean final 12 to 16 weeks before a show. If they say they do its a lie probably work for a supp company.
Ahhhh.....!!! Here is the problem 9er. The term "Eating Clean" is an ambiguous term at best. Eating clean means different things to different people. A runner's eating clean is one thing, a body builder's eating clean is different. A paleo dieter has a completely different concept of clean eating.

The real point is.....Yes, Calories are the most important aspect of your training regimen. How you divided those calories up to achieve your goals is what is different. All foods are not created the same. Layne Norton subscribes to the "IIFYM" method.....While this works in a grand scheme it doesn't work in a performance scheme.
TSizemore said:
I've never heard anything positive about Geneza gear.....well, that's not entirely true. I've heard you have to be special to get the decent stuff. I've ordered Geneza before and got screwed....but, it wasn't any big deal.

He's at the age where he's gonna make his own decisions. That's evident since he's asking questions, that tells me he's researching and looking into things. I'd rather help a kid like that out as opposed to some kid that just walks up and says "Hey, I think I'll try steroids, got any"? Educate him on all things bodybuilding....gear, diet, training, lifestyle...etc. If he's reaching out, it's an opportunity.

As far as the rest of this crap goes.......I'm getting sick of repeating myself....Food is critical!! Bodybuilders, I mean real ones, don't inject boat loads of gear and not eat! I don't know where you come off saying the only reason they get big and cut is because of the gear! They eat 7-9000calories a have to! You can't take the amount of steroids they take and not feed yourself! They work their asses off in the gym! They don't take copious amounts of steroids and sit on the couch eating potato chips to get massively cut! Do they include crap in their diet? Of course they do, they have to get large amounts of fats and carbs to grow........Steroids DO NOT make you huge and ripped alone........Diet (and by diet I mean the food you eat) and training do! Can you get huge on diet and training....Damn Straight! Nobody does it, because it takes to long and is way too much work.

P.S......If that's not what you said......then, uhmmm..disregard. 😉
TSizemore Theres a respectful way to address someone lol i appreciate that T but i dont quite agree you can get huge natural as in 200lbs but will never look impressive no 3D delts no popped muscle look its just not possible. To get 220lbs lean as under 10% drugs are needed problem is nobody knows what a true natural looks like because 9o% of guys on youtube claim natty and people believe it cuz there not huge. But in all seriousness 50mg tren eod if u get sides from that i dont know what to tell you thats not addressed to you T but to everyone that makes a big deal, what im gonna help him with is not a reckless stack at all.
Yes.....I will agree...........that cycle isn't reckless.....If you're gonna start someone out on Tren, I sure as hell would rather do it on 50mg eod then some veterans standard dose, for sure.

For me, I know taking a ton of AAS is not what is going to get me there.
I have been learning a lot more about nutrition and will be using this
to reach my goals. Hence the reason I put up the macro percentages thread
the other day.
I am going to nail my macros and then see how things go.
TSizemore said:
Yes.....I will agree...........that cycle isn't reckless.....If you're gonna start someone out on Tren, I sure as hell would rather do it on 50mg eod then some veterans standard dose, for sure.
TSizemore said:
Ahhhh.....!!! Here is the problem 9er. The term "Eating Clean" is an ambiguous term at best. Eating clean means different things to different people. A runner's eating clean is one thing, a body builder's eating clean is different. A paleo dieter has a completely different concept of clean eating.

The real point is.....Yes, Calories are the most important aspect of your training regimen. How you divided those calories up to achieve your goals is what is different. All foods are not created the same. Layne Norton subscribes to the "IIFYM" method.....While this works in a grand scheme it doesn't work in a performance scheme.
TSizemore I dont understand about layne what you meant but you do know he is a horrible pos worst type of scum he claims natty makes tons of money off gulible people
Z82 said:
Just because you tolerate tren well doesn't mean others will. Get it through your head bro. No two people are the same. Whats good for one could be horrific for the other. That's why you take beginner cycles and work your way up adding in one or two things at a time to see how your body reacts.

And by tolerate tren well I mean your health issues. Your mental status is a different story and I'm seriously implying that with all joking aside
My mental state is compromised because i dont fit in with the "norm" what has been installed into our thought process? Take a look at yourself myself included this is why we dont look like we want, not because we didnt eat clean enough ive tried it all
49ER said:
I dont understand about layne what you meant but you do know he is a horrible pos worst type of scum he claims natty makes tons of money off gulible people My mental state is compromised because i dont fit in with the "norm" what has been installed into our thought process? Take a look at yourself myself included this is why we dont look like we want, not because we didnt eat clean enough ive tried it all
49ERFully agree!!!!! Hate that guy! The term IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros.........The concept is, you can eat whatever the hell you want, as long as you meet your total macro content. His premise is....a calorie is a calorie......Pure rubbish. While, there is some truth in it, as far as gaining and loosing weight, there is a huge problem in performing. For instance, you can't go eat a double bacon cheeseburger for lunch, (because it fits what your caloric needs are) and then 2 hours later go do your intense workout.

I know, starting to get a little off topic....sorry
Well brother I hope there is no hard feelings. I just shot back at you cause you did me.

You're entitled to your own opinion. I like you bro mostly cause your honest and you gave me free shit one time. but you can be honest without the attacking part of it., as can I.

If I could go back to when I first started I would have leaned out a lot more even with some muscle wasting and would only bulk from there on out. And yes I honestly believe tren and anavar crushed my lipids. Because I've tried it twice once with what I thought was a clean diet and the other with what was a clean diet and had the same effect on my lipids until I came off and I even kept the diet the same. As soon as I came off lipids started to get better with in 4 weeks.

Specifically my HDL. Ldl I managed to get better with no red meat or egg yolks only lean protein.

TSizemore said:
WTH???!!! ???
Ill tell you WTH! LOL.
I posted my reply, and for the 2nd time in a week or 2
somehow the post changed to the post I made a while
back about waiting and waiting to get laid from my wife.
And how I said fuck it and cheated on her.

So you tell me WTH is going on??? WTF?
software bug on JM perhaps?
JM750 said:
Ill tell you WTH! LOL.
I posted my reply, and for the 2nd time in a week or 2
somehow the post changed to the post I made a while
back about waiting and waiting to get laid from my wife.
And how I said fuck it and cheated on her.

So you tell me WTH is going on??? WTF?
software bug on JM perhaps?
JM750its prob the save feature...
Just my opinion so take it for what it's worth. The kid needs to reach his natural potential first before using any aas. Once you start there's no going back. Aas, should be used to take you to the "next" level. If he's serious about BB then this would be in his best interest. Learn to eat and train his age he should make plenty of gains eating and training correctly without gear. Just my .02$ worth. Not judging you or him 9'r. I know your trying to help steer him in the right direction.
Walker said:
Just my opinion so take it for what it's worth. The kid needs to reach his natural potential first before using any aas. Once you start there's no going back. Aas, should be used to take you to the "next" level. If he's serious about BB then this would be in his best interest. Learn to eat and train his age he should make plenty of gains eating and training correctly without gear. Just my .02$ worth. Not judging you or him 9'r. I know your trying to help steer him in the right direction.

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