Questions on what to run



Ok I am a couple months into my cycle and I have changed it up and tweaked it some already, here is what it currently looks like.

Test E 250mg x 6 (mon - sat)
Test P 100mg x 6 (mon - sat)
Deca 250mg x 3 (mon, wed, fri)
EQ 200mg x 3 (tue, thurs, sat)
75mg dbol ED

4ius nordictropin (5 on 2 off)
ghrp 6 and mod grf 1-29 ( taken with hgh)

HCG 100ius EW (taken on Mondays)

MT2 1mg EOD

Now I need to switch it up because I am having sexual performance and desire issues, I cant get it up and if I do it don't stay up! This really puts a damper on things, with the wife as well as with other girls.

What should I do with the cycle to get my mojo back?

I was thinking of dropping the deca and replacing it with something else I just don't know what to switch it with.
I also thought about dropping the test prop and replacing it with test cyp or upping my test e.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated. I need to get this in check asap.
Is this your typical cycle?
Drop the Deca, I wouldn't up the Test E. If anything, drop it down to 4days and up the Prop. Thought about toying with the HCG?
Thats a hefty cycle 8)

Like T said i would up the HCG. Im only on 750mg of test and im taking 500 iu of HCG a week and my manliness still isnt at 100% lol
TSizemore said:
Is this your typical cycle?
Drop the Deca, I wouldn't up the Test E. If anything, drop it down to 4days and up the Prop. Thought about toying with the HCG?
Yes this is a more less typical cycle for me. I did some reading and I found that upping the EQ and dropping the deca may be beneficial to me. I think also either adding alittle more test e to it or even some test cyp to bring me to about 2000mgs of long ester test might work good. Im not sure about keeping the dbol or dropping it and replacing it with maybe var. I can definitely up the hcg. Should I go to 2000ius ew shooting Monday and like Thursday? Upping the prop is a possibility too, never thought of that.
morrey said:
Thats a hefty cycle 8)

Like T said i would up the HCG. Im only on 750mg of test and im taking 500 iu of HCG a week and my manliness still isnt at 100% lol
Yea it is hefty for most but for me it is more of a regular cycle!! I got to get my manliness back with a quickness. I took some Cialis last night and it didn't do the trick, usually I take 2 of those and I am ready to rock and roll for days. I was completely dumbstruck, had a super hot chick wanting 4 guys to do her all different ways, Im talking taking turns on all her holes and dp her, and be video taped and I couldn't get it up to save my life! I was like WTF! I don't want this to happen again and I don't want to miss out on hot sex again either, so this needs to be fixed pronto.
Ok so I drop the deca, that leaves me 3 shots to fill each week. First should I up the EQ from 600mg to 800mg or go to 1000mg?
Upping just the EQ.

Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200mg x 4


Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200mg x 5


Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200 x 6
If I up the test e or the prop I think they should be done on days the eq isn't being done, does that sound right?
holy test balls
DGAF said:
Upping just the EQ.

Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200mg x 4


Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200mg x 5


Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200 x 6
1) do you like pinning that often? why not just pin more volume less often?
2) Why the test p and e? the test e has kicked in so you can save the prop
morrey said:
DGAF said:
Upping just the EQ.

Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200mg x 4


Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200mg x 5


Test E 250mg x 6
Test P 100mg x 6
EQ 200 x 6
1) do you like pinning that often? why not just pin more volume less often?
2) Why the test p and e? the test e has kicked in so you can save the prop

I don't mind pinning that often, I am used to pinning 7 days so 6 is actually a little break for me. Pinning more volume would mean either getting 5cc syringes or poking 2 times a day with 3cc syringes. I never used more than 3ccs at a time so that is one reason I pin 3ccs every day and not more, Im not opposed to shooting more volume I just never have. I have pinned twice a day before when I ran Test Base and it really goes through injection sites fast leaving me looking for more places to shoot so that I don't hit a spot to often causing more scar tissue build up and the possibility of an abcess.

I use test p simply because it is a faster better test mg for mg than test e or test c. I use it with test e so that I get more test and faster results, easily put I get fast acting and long lasting results from the combination of both, kinda like how sustanon is.

I had thought about dropping the test p and adding in more test e or test c, it still up in the air. I want to start on Monday so I am trying to weigh all my options so I can put together something to start tomorrow.
Get some caber it will fix your problem in a couple days. Npp did the same shit to me. Keep running the prop it will help with the ed issues along with the caber. Just keep running the deca its going to take forever for it to clear anyways. When i had my ed problem with npp it took me 4 weeks after my last pin and i still couldnt get that fucker to stay hard. Ordered some caber in a couple days i was good as new.
Definitely the deca causing the prob in my opinion. I'm always horny on test, tren and even mast. Check your estrogen too, with test that high your estrogen could be in the 200s even on adex. Mt2 should be giving you wood. There is a lot going in in the cycle, but that high a deca is tough on the peepee. Hcg never did much for me on the sexual side.

I'm on prop/npp and having a little bit of a tough time. But my wife deserves a break after last month with me on prop, ace and mast p.
Yeah, what those guys said. It could be a prolactin or E2 issue. Get some caber or prami and up the ai
Eman said:
Get some caber it will fix your problem in a couple days. Npp did the same shit to me. Keep running the prop it will help with the ed issues along with the caber. Just keep running the deca its going to take forever for it to clear anyways. When i had my ed problem with npp it took me 4 weeks after my last pin and i still couldnt get that fucker to stay hard. Ordered some caber in a couple days i was good as new.
Where would you suggest to order some caber at?

I have what says is caber but I am leary of it. I got it from a buddy of mine but he was suppose to get an order in and he said his guy was in the hospital and that everyone thought he was busted and then he did receive his order but I am still not too sure about it now after reading about that guy getting busted for identity theft and how people are saying he was not busted but had meningitis and was in the hospital and how there is bad stuff that comes in yellow caps that is not caber but something else, I also got some clen from the same guy and I don't want to take any of the stuff now until I know what company it is and if its good or not. There is no company name on the package or the label. The package is black and its sealed where you got to tear it at the corner to open it and the label is white and just says what it is and gives some disclaimer about research stuff. The caps inside are yellow. I really don't know what company they are from as my buddy don't want to disclose his source. Any insight onto what company they might be would be appreciated.

What was the name of the company that got busted, I think it was like MP, but I don't know what that stands for?
RockShawn said:
Definitely the deca causing the prob in my opinion. I'm always horny on test, tren and even mast. Check your estrogen too, with test that high your estrogen could be in the 200s even on adex. Mt2 should be giving you wood. There is a lot going in in the cycle, but that high a deca is tough on the peepee. Hcg never did much for me on the sexual side.

I'm on prop/npp and having a little bit of a tough time. But my wife deserves a break after last month with me on prop, ace and mast p.
Yea I haven't got wood from MT2 in awhile. Should I start taking adex? Or what should I try?
morrey said:
Yeah, what those guys said. It could be a prolactin or E2 issue. Get some caber or prami and up the ai
I don't have any caber or prami and Im not on an ai right now. Should I get on one? Which one? Where do I get good caber from?
DON'T USE MP CABER!!!! It's not caber. Agent yes has caber but may still be shut down. Ill PM you other sources.
RockShawn said:
DON'T USE MP CABER!!!! It's not caber. Agent yes has caber but may still be shut down. Ill PM you other sources.
Yes please pm me some places to get caber.

I am not sure of the company this caber is from because it don't say on the package. It just a black sealed kinda foil like package that you got to tear open and the caps are inside it. They are yellow caps. The label is just a generic looking white label that says cabergoline .5mg then gives a disclaimer on the use of research chems.

So I don't want to use them until I know what they are for sure and what company they are from.

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