Short dnp run


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Gonna do a short dnp run. I'm lean ATM but no matter what my gut never goes. I have veins in it but no real abs. Part of this is genetics, loose skin and my inability to really do cardio.

My diet is clean as hell, dropped over 20 pounds but now regained almost 5 of which I believe is mostly lean mass.

Anyways 250 my first week.
If all goes well 500mg second week. After second week I'll decide if im gonna end it or go another week. Will depend on how I'm feeling and where I'm at.

Will also be on semaglutide. Upping it's dose as well this week to 2 mg.

All products from TJK. @Rita

Dnp knocks me off my feet lol.. i become a very sweaty couch potato
Dnp knocks me off my feet lol.. i become a very sweaty couch potato
kragonJust 100-200 for a month same results less side just gotta run it longer. 500 is okay jus like grim is doing la short blast just to get it fone and over with
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Just 100-200 for a month same results less side just gotta run it longer. 500 is okay jus like grim is doing la short blast just to get it fone and over with
halfnattyGonna habe to try low dose long term .. because 500mg totally floors me. Cant even lift without feeling like im gonna faint lmao why i stopped tho ill def try again but low dose longer cycle. To be fair sometimes i think the dnp i get may be stronger than other brands ive gotten before lol (nutraburn)
Gonna habe to try low dose long term .. because 500mg totally floors me. Cant even lift without feeling like im gonna faint lmao why i stopped tho ill def try again but low dose longer cycle. To be fair sometimes i think the dnp i get may be stronger than other brands ive gotten before lol (nutraburn)
kragonYes dome are made from powder or crystal and crystal is strong as fuck that what olimpia uses i think lol i cant go over 200 of it or ill be in bed with 10 fans on my ass lol
Yes dome are made from powder or crystal and crystal is strong as fuck that what olimpia uses i think lol i cant go over 200 of it or ill be in bed with 10 fans on my ass lol
halfnattyI went to 500 on Olympia was fine
TJK is 250 mg caps, kinda nice imo. Others I had to take so many tabs.
250 is perfect for a light dose or 2 for bigger.
Very nice. I understand the pain ya feel......I always am looking to get abs and it's hard no matter what I do. I can get the top 4 but never uncover the bottom 4. Always have that layer of fat there.
already down a few pounds, after a week i'll post results so far.
you can see my upper 2 abs but blah
Ok so was down 3-5 pounds. Made brats and burgers yesterday and been hungry lately. Weight currently and starting point. But I def see a bit more definition. It's not uncommon to hold extra water on dnp cycle only seeing true results a week or so after you finish
Ok so was down 3-5 pounds. Made brats and burgers yesterday and been hungry lately. Weight currently and starting point. But I def see a bit more definition. It's not uncommon to hold extra water on dnp cycle only seeing true results a week or so after you finish
GRIMThanks for the update. And I know you gotta drink a ton of water too on DNP. I was drinking a gallon or more a day while on DNP.
Upped to 500 mg two days ago. I know it keeps building so not even at peak
But just my luck hottest days of summer here. Was drenched at gym. Can definitely feel the furnace effect!
Upped to 500 mg two days ago. I know it keeps building so not even at peak
But just my luck hottest days of summer here. Was drenched at gym. Can definitely feel the furnace effect!
GRIMVery nice. Mobilizing that fat!!
Well down 5 pounds as this am. Definitely working, leaning up, strength still improving, but lighter
Well down 5 pounds as this am. Definitely working, leaning up, strength still improving, but lighter
GRIMI have the same problem. Just finished a tren a, mast p, test p, anavar cycle. Ran t3 for about three weeks, diet was down to 2200 cals. Did 3 miles cardio a day an still can’t get shredded. I lost about 15 lbs but still didn’t get lean. Might have to try dnp. Or run a different cycle?
I have the same problem. Just finished a tren a, mast p, test p, anavar cycle. Ran t3 for about three weeks, diet was down to 2200 cals. Did 3 miles cardio a day an still can’t get shredded. I lost about 15 lbs but still didn’t get lean. Might have to try dnp. Or run a different cycle?
Jhitman9might be worth a shot
my obliques are coming in, top abs, veins all over, lower abs nadda
Hey Grim, Preparation H should help with the loose skin. It will pull subcutaneous water... great for puffy eyes also!
Ok this stuff strong, can definitely feel energy depleted at 500mg. Going to continue at 500 til Sunday.. then either drop it, continue or lower to 250 for a week

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