some questions/problems on current run


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So i started a very low cycle 2 weeks ago, my natural test levels are shot and i was put on trt, I'm currently doing 1/2 cc test e, 1/2 cc tren e EOD... Also started doing injectable b12 at 1cc/day. Ive ran tren many times in the past In doses of 600mg to ~800 a week.
I have never experienced such bad sides as I am this time, even at 1/3 the dose.
All i usually experience is heartburn, this time I have the worst anxiety, night sweats, lethargy, and severe rage. Everything my gf does or says sets me off. Yesterday i went on a rampage trying to put together a piece of furniture, i kicked the thing to piecesand ripped it apart, I'm usually good with controlling all that but this time idk what is up... Only thing im not experiencing is a high libido, its better than on the trt dose but still not like it used to be, any idea as to why bros? Even on trt my sex drive lacks.... I think im just all fucked up lol.
I'm debating on swapping tren for eq, i cant stay on this if im gunna feel this way which sucks because tren is my fav hands down.
couple things , are you using AI right now i felt like this last week was low e2. is the test also EOD ?
Yea both test and tren is 1/2 cc eod,and no AI, i rarely ever use them, probably should lol.
ok so low libido and other signs might be elevated e2, id throw 50 $ at a medlabs blood test and get some aromasin
1/2 cc of Test e and tren e EOD? So that would avg 3.5 cc per week. How long have you ran both? And a what strength? If each is 200mg per cc then that would be 700mg per week of each. I would guess you may be running your test too high. I have heard stories of the same issues your having and simply backing off of your test dose (say cut the test dose down to 400 mgs per week) mite resolve it.
We hear this time and time again people don't use an ai. This bothers me. MY buddy showed up last night, he looked like a water balloon. I said are you using your ai. He said no, I haven't needed it. I said have you looked in the mirror you dumbass. ITs meant to be taken all the time I told him, not when he feels he needs it. He's being cheap is what it is
lith56bigguy said:
We hear this time and time again people don't use an ai. This bothers me. MY buddy showed up last night, he looked like a water balloon. I said are you using your ai. He said no, I haven't needed it. I said have you looked in the mirror you dumbass. ITs meant to be taken all the time I told him, not when he feels he needs it. He's being cheap is what it is
Money and misinformation seems to be the problem...last night at the gym a guy asked me and my partner how to take care of lumps in his breast, I asked if he was taking his AI Ed he said no he was under the impression it would hurt his gains...his coach told him to just use letro when is cycle was done ??? He said he thinks his estro was low because his joints were hurting yet looked like the Michelin man with lumps lmao wtf
He was taking a gram of test and 500mgs tren I suggested he lower the test to equal or less than the tren take his Aroma Ed and add 20mgs nolva for two weeks he said but I only have 5 weeks left I don't want to ruin my cycle???? Ok have nice night and enjoy your breasts.

I have no idea what any of that has to do with the original post lol
tunaman7 said:
1/2 cc of Test e and tren e EOD? So that would avg 3.5 cc per week. How long have you ran both? And a what strength? If each is 200mg per cc then that would be 700mg per week of each. I would guess you may be running your test too high. I have heard stories of the same issues your having and simply backing off of your test dose (say cut the test dose down to 400 mgs per week) mite resolve it.
Test is 250, tren is 200, 1/2 cc x eod is 375mg test/wk, tren 300/wk
I never noticed the importance of an AI until now, money isnt the issue, ill hop on clomid today, or should i hop on something else as well... Gyno isnt an issue as i had it due to puberty and got both glands removed, my issue is mainly lower than avg libido and the explosive anger lol
d3r3k said:
Test is 250, tren is 200, 1/2 cc x eod is 375mg test/wk, tren 300/wk
I never noticed the importance of an AI until now, money isnt the issue, ill hop on clomid today, or should i hop on something else as well... Gyno isnt an issue as i had it due to puberty and got both glands removed, my issue is mainly lower than avg libido and the explosive anger lol
clomid is not the choice for this. You need either aromasin at 12.5mg ed or arimidex at .5 eod. Proviron is a good libido booster and will help control estrogen as well.
d3r3k said:
Test is 250, tren is 200, 1/2 cc x eod is 375mg test/wk, tren 300/wk
I never noticed the importance of an AI until now, money isnt the issue, ill hop on clomid today, or should i hop on something else as well... Gyno isnt an issue as i had it due to puberty and got both glands removed, my issue is mainly lower than avg libido and the explosive anger lol
You're going to get 4 pins every other week. You always have to go by 2 weeks. So, in 2 weeks you'll have 7 pins, not 6. So, 7 pins x 100 (for tren) you're averaging 350/week, not 300. In the long run it'll matter.

I'd lower your Test E under your Tren. Sounds like it's too androgenic for ya.
I do high test low tren, and I'll never go over 500 tren you should not need that much
Hanzo said:
You're going to get 4 pins every other week. You always have to go by 2 weeks. So, in 2 weeks you'll have 7 pins, not 6. So, 7 pins x 100 (for tren) you're averaging 350/week, not 300. In the long run it'll matter.

I'd lower your Test E under your Tren. Sounds like it's too androgenic for ya.
Right but tuna man said it was 700/wk, probably just a typo tho, so 700/bi weekly
Just crazy how id run double this and be fine lol.

So either lower test or run an AI. Or do both? Other than pct, my AI knowledge isnt to great as i never really needed it while on like i do now, thanks for the replies guys.
I personally like aromasin and yes, do both. Lower test than tren has always treated me well. Like was posted earlier, go have bloods drawn so this is all not just a shot in the dark. Without those, it's really a guessing game for us.
d3r3k said:
Right but tuna man said it was 700/wk, probably just a typo tho, so 700/bi weekly
Just crazy how id run double this and be fine lol.

So either lower test or run an AI. Or do both? Other than pct, my AI knowledge isnt to great as i never really needed it while on like i do now, thanks for the replies guys.
Yeah, that is pretty crazy since it's not your 1st time with these compounds. Maybe your body just doesn't handle the androgens as well anymore. Tren is 5x more androgenic than Test, and that's a lot as Test is known to be androgenic. I use Aromasin also, BUT .... I've recently seen research indicating all AI's are much harder on lipid values than previously thought. So, yes use the Aromasin, but use something such as Lipid Stabil or a like supplement that helps your cardiovascular health. I'd say 12.5mg's/ed to see if it helps. If it does maybe you can back down to 12.5mg's/eod and see from there.

I'd also lower your Test. If you think about it, Tren is going to shut you down anyway, so we don't really need a high androgenic added because Tren is high androgenic and high anabolic to begin with (500/500). The threshold for total shutdown is right about 200mg's Test/week, so I cruise year round on 125-175 Test/week and I blast other compounds but I keep my Test the same.

I always have Aromasin, Nolvadex and even Letrozole on hand, just in case.
Ok i might just change this to 2 injections a week split up and totaling 250mg test/ 300 tren/wk., im shut down for life, i have lyme disease which fucks with ur hormones, Ive talked to many others with it that never touched a weight or supplements in their lives but are on trt for life because of it. Even though im only 27 ill be on for life. But im no longer gunna Do the crazy cycles i once used to do, Ive learned that food is far more important.

Ok so i used to hear always keep test higher than other compounds, but also have read to keep it lower in some cases. So you guys think the 250 test e/300 tren e would be good for me considering ill be on trt once off the blast?

And last but not least, any of the vets who are trusted here have either the arim or aromasin that you are willing to part with? Trade or sell? Let me know, just ordered alot of stuff but anti e's werent in the order aside from clomid lol, thanks in advance for all the help guys! Oh and sry for the typos and punctuation, on my phone and having a shitty time woth it lol.
Hanzo said:
You're going to get 4 pins every other week. You always have to go by 2 weeks. So, in 2 weeks you'll have 7 pins, not 6. So, 7 pins x 100 (for tren) you're averaging 350/week, not 300. In the long run it'll matter.

I'd lower your Test E under your Tren. Sounds like it's too androgenic for ya.
Yep...exactly. lower your test. And remember that EOD is 7 pins in 2 weeks!
test is usually only lower when running it along with tren. Most other times it is run higher than everything else

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