About time I updated.
We had just about cleared the respiratory infection from our house when some nasty stomach "flu" hit and made the rounds, and my cough/congestion wasn't going away, so I took about a week off. Not totally off, still went in every 3rd day, just nuthin great and waititng to feel better...and finally we do. Baby, wife, and boy have all finished being sick and we are gtg.
Back/Bis Yesterday
Body weight pullups hadn't tried pullups in forever, was afraid I would be even weaker than I was, but pleasantly surprised. I used to be able to do tons on lat pulldowns, but couldnt do wide chins for more than 5.
wide x 8, x 6, close x 10, x 8
Bent over barbell row
135x12, 155x12, 185x8, 205x6, 185x7
Dumbell rows
60x12, 80x8, 80x8, 70x10
Lat pulldowns
Wide -- 200x10, 220 x 8 / Close -- 220x10, 240x8, / Wide drop set 220x6, 180x6, 120x8
Barbell Curl
80x12, 100x10, 110x7, 80x10
Single-arm cable preacher
set of 12, 10, and 8, 2 sets of 5-rep negatives using the other hand to spot
Reverse grip curls pinching the 45 plate
10 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps
Not going to log the whole diet, but a big-ol calorie day. 10 eggs (raw in shake, cooked for bfast, and a fried egg sandwich for afternoon snack) an artichocke/chicken/anchovie/jalapeno pizza for dinner to myself.