Started msten


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Tonight. Wanted weekend to give few days b4 the week.
Taking roughly 12 mg give or take to start.

Lets see if i like..
Way too early to tell only day 3 but wow my strength was a good day today, I have these both off and on shiat so as i say too early to tell but feeling hopeful.
Id love if it surpasses or even comes close to SD for me
I’m running 10 a day and love it I can’t even imagine 20-30mg msten it would b crazy thinking of bumping to 20 but I’m really happy with 10 for now
Tbh so far not even close to sdrol 4 me
It’s not even been a week yet. I get your love for superdrol prolly will never be surpassed but if msten doesn’t rank second then it’s bunk or underdosed and u need to bump your dose up. Or just send me your bottle I got plenty of inject superdrol I’d trade.
Im feeling it just nowhere near sd
Methylstenbolone I think better than superdrol just can’t get grim on board.
so far def less sides but less power as well some painful pumps though not norm 1s cramp like 1s
id love something near as strong as sd with less sides
I got some I am waiting to take now I can’t stand how lethargic I get on SD always end up dropping it pretty quick.
@Wacker msten doesn’t give that lethargic I want to sleep all day bullshit that sd does
@GRIM i love the pumps gives me a good pumped feeling all day the back pumps are superdrol like that’s my one bitch iv got ten bottles of msten hoarded now. Best oral in my book. To each their own.
@Eman im upping dose a bit splitting 2x a day see if that helps
from what i've heard 12 might be a little low. i have no personal experience with it tho. I think most people prefer Superdrol, minus the sides
Eman and Rebel got me excited about this so I picked some up might start Monday.the one I have is 10mg each so might do 10 am 10 hour before gym.

keep us posted G
Still nothing special
No bad sides. Few pumpz but unsure if from sten tbh was more me. Reaching behind back sorta thing.
No bad sides good, strength though nothing to write home about thus far
Think your sten must b bunk g
I am getting strength but not like sd.
Same ive seen most everyone say.

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