Started msten

Then it’s not Msten or underdosed. Strength is easily comparable to superdrol or maybe I just respond to it a lot better
most say it isnt as strong bro and thats what Im feeling
The is the 2nd time I ran the compound it simply is not as strong as SD for me
Very few claim strength similar Ive read countless reviews.

Its not bad less sides is a plus but definitely not even close to as strong as SD
I must respond similar to eman, because nothing compares to msten for me. The last bottle i have the caps are dosed at 4mg per cap, and 12mg is great for me. Most orals to me are overrated, and do very little. Msten and epistane are my favorite orals hands down.
I did..
2x a day 15 mg each about
Still not even close to sd.
Decent with less sides.
Close to sd though? Not a chance just as the majority of reviews state
Want to add i am not saying its bad.
Again less sides are def good.
For me however its not even remotely close to sd.
Sd is bar none the strongest compound for strength for me with phera right behind.
Often with sd people succumb to the sides mainly lethargy before actually feeling the full effect.
I dont doubt 4 one reason or another its stronger for some, is it because the less sides or genetics or well who knows.
Sd i can actually feel the aggression/power.
Msten i get just a little power boost.
Maybe a quarter of sd, for me not even comparable.
But again less sides is a very good thing and makes it so i would debate running it again
Everyone is different, and for me SD isnt worth the sides. It just doesnt agree with me. I do like 5mg every now and then as a pre workout.
Good point the lethargy usually becomes to debilitating for me to continue by second week
Long term still interested and see msten def being a good compound..
How's the size gains bro?

Any negative effect on appetite? You got me curious on this one!!!
Increases appetite no appetite suppression 10-15mg
Most of the reviews on ALL brands of Msten were on phf forums. The site has been gone for quite a few years. I’ve seen the reviews out there and they are only of a couple of brands. You’d see a lot more reviews of ppl absolutely loving msten. Maybe you could sift they the old archives of lockout forums and elite fitness forums (George spellwin site) those were the forums during the heydays of prohormones and designer steroids
ive read far more reviews than that bro, tech is what I do...Kinda know you to dig very deep. Numerous reviews from the UK among others.
General consensus not even remotely close to SDs strength
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getting lethargy pretty bad
unsure on cause...
Weird how many days deep are u
Lol tbh no clue
Think i came down with illness tbh
Very runny nose..
Be just over 2 weeks
Ugh shit get well bro. Hopefully that good weather just around the corner and we will be done with all this nasty shit going around... until next winter...
I was a tester for original “ultradrol” antaeus labs brought this compound to the market.
jake, the owner of the company had personally asked me to review the product as at the time, I was very prominent on the designer steroid forums.
Any who, the speculation around methyl stenbolone aka di methyl 1 testosterone was hope that it was super potent like sd aka di methyl dht was compared to Masteron.
So the mistake was made to dose it in 4mg capsules, 90 caps per bottle.
I used it and told Jake what you have noticed @GRIM , that dosage is similar to 10mg of sd.
And recommended to him the product be dosed higher.
other companies took note of this and began dosing it appropriately at 10mg 90 caps.
Unlike superdrol which has 17a, 2a dimethy, in msten the compound is 17a,2 di methyl.
The methyl on the 2 position is flat.
This wasn’t noted until users wondered why it was nothing like M1t and was even weaker.
The flat 2methyl apparently weakens, it smooths out the compound.
Back in 2011, I was recommending users take 20-24 mg, or something like, 12,16,20,24 and to get 2bottles because 12mg for 4 weeks was lackluster.
could probably even get away with 20mg for 6-8 weeks.
But end the end of its hey day, msten was being ran orally at 30mg for 4-6 weeks.
I did up it. Still nothing to me like sdrol not even close

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