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the skinny on dnp


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash

IUPAC name: 2,4-Dinitrophenol
Molecular formula: C6H4N2O5.
Molar Mass: 184.106
Density: 1.683 g/cm³
Melting Point:108 °C, 381 K, 226 °F
Boiling Point: 113 °C, 386 K, 235 °F
Acidity: 4.114

What is DNP?

For purposes of this article we will stick to the physiological application of DNP. If I had to describe DNP in one word…poison. DNP prevents normal chemical reactions at the cellular level. It impedes the normal function of cellular metabolism.

Where did DNP Come from?

The US Army categorizes DNP as a potential insensitive munitions compound because it was used to ignite TNT in the early 1900’s. DNP was found to have other properties that made it useful for making dyes, wood preservatives, photographic developer, and pesticides. DNP is highly toxic, and people working with or around the substance can develop side effects like weight loss, high fever, and death. The weight loss aspect prompted studies regarding the effects of DNP on metabolism.

How does DNP work?

DNP makes changes in our metabolism. Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions in our bodies that keep us alive. Our bodies metabolize nutrients to provide us with energy. Oxidation involves the transfer of electrons between atoms (or molecules) and releases energy. The formal name for this process is oxidative phosphorylation. When our body breaks down nutrients and absorbs then into our cells, one of the functions of the cell’s mitochondria is to produce chemical energy called ATP. In order to create ATP, mitochondria capture and use the energy released from oxidative phosphorylation.

DNP is known as a mitochondrial uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. In other words, DNP encapsulates and moves protons (ions) across cell membranes, preventing mitochondria from “processing” nutrient molecules, capturing energy via the exchange of electrons, and converting that energy to ATP. The energy released from DNP action is converted into heat energy. Without ATP to provide energy, our bodies look to alternative sources like fat reserves. The overall result is an increase in the metabolic rate by a factor of 30% to 50%.

You might wonder why the body does not use muscle as well as fat as an energy source (catabolism). One of the reasons lies with HSPs (Heat Shock Proteins). HSPs are known to maintain the shape and function of cellular proteins and promote muscle growth. HSPs go to work under circumstances where the body temperature increases, ATP is scarce, and free radicals are present. DNP does all of these things. Although some catabolism is likely to occur with DNP present, it follows that exercise combined with the release of HSPs result in the protection of muscle cells and promotion of protein synthesis.

How is DNP Dangerous?
DNP can kill you. We discussed how DNP converts the energy from food into heat energy, which increases body temperature. Unfortunately there is no limit to how high your body temperature can get while on DNP, so it can literally “cook” you.
DNP can cause fever, stroke, nephritis, tachycardia, respiration problems, coma, and peripheral neuritis.
DNP is a cumulative poison, meaning that it builds up in your system every day that you take it. It takes 3 weeks to evacuate your system and by the time you have a problem, it can be too late.
DNP causes cataracts in 1 out of every 1,000 people.
10% of users develop and allergic reaction that includes hives, blisters, and rashes.
Without ATP cells start to die.
Free radicals cause cancer.
The EPA, NTP, ASTDR, and WHO all categorize DNP as a category 1 toxic chemical.
We do not really know how much cellular damage DNP causes.

What are the benefits of DNP?
Fat loss
Anabolic rebound – After a DNP cycle the body is in a highly anabolic state.
T3 reduction – If you happen to be running DNP right after an AAS
cycle, the DNP can reduce the excessive T3 production that causes much of the
catabolic type muscle loss post cycle.

Note: DNP can lower T3 to below optimal levels, so in some cases it may be necessary to start taking small doses of T3.

How should I take DNP?

I have a conservative stance on when to use DNP, how much to use, and how long to use it.

Some people argue that DNP should be used on cycle so as to protect muscle. My contention is that DNP makes you feel like crap, and it can detract from lifting at your best while on cycle. If I am on cycle I want to be lifting hard and I do not want to worry about energy levels or heat stroke.

Other people argue that DNP should be used well after PCT. My only concern would be low energy levels and possible T3 issues. These concerns are manageable via things like ECA stacks and T3 supplementation.

My most preferred time to run DNP is when I start PCT. I still have energy and strength from my cycle and I avoid the whole catabolic post cycle phase. In addition, I have a nice little anabolic rebound at the end of my DNP run and I get to see the results from all my hard work on gear.

DNP is cumulative and it takes three weeks to clear your system. Do not bump up your dose because you think you can handle more. Do not use drugs or drink alcohol.

Please note that you do not need to “feel” DNP for it to be working. People have different tolerance levels, even for poisons. You can only get so much DNP into your system (before you die), so you can choose to take a higher dose short cycle or lower dose long cycle. Regardless, by the end of the cycle you will feel the heat and toxicity.

Low Dose Long Cycle

Start with a dose of 200mg per day [100 mg every morning / 100 mg
every evening]. Run it for two or three weeks.

Day 1 – 14: 200 mg ED
Day 15 – 21: 200 mg ED*

*Experienced users may choose to run the cycle for an additional week.

Total DNP consumption for long cycle: (2,800 to 4,200 mg)

High Dose Short Cycle

Start with a dose of 200 mg per day [100 mg every morning / 100 mg
every evening]. Within 2 to 4 days you should know if you have an allergy.

Day 1 – 4: 200 mg ED
Day 5 – 9: 400 mg ED
Day 10 – 11: 400 mg ED*

*Experienced users may choose to go above the max recommended daily dose of 400 mg
and run the cycle for an additional couple of days.

Total DNP consumption for short cycle: (2,800 to 4,000 mg)

What are common sides to DNP?
Discomfort and sweating
Yellow bodily fluids
Muscle Soreness
Allergic Reactions
Carbohydrate Cravings
Vomiting (a good sign that you should stop)

What food and supplements should I take while on a DNP cycle?

You may lose your senses of taste and smell so this is a good time to teach yourself how to eat without using condiments and all the other crap you dont need.
Water - One or two gallons a day. Dehydration is the leading cause of DNP problems, including death.
Fruit - Glycogen will be depleated. Fructose is good.
Protein - Diet should be heavy on protein.
Fiber - DNP can be rough so you may want to regulate (pun intended).
Complex Carbs - Carbs will make you hot. You should try to time your carb intake so that you are not eating carbs before workouts or before sleep.
Multi vitamin - You are likely to be on a rescticted diet and you will need to supplement.
Antioxidants - To stop the free radicals
Electolytes - V8 is good.
Melatonin - If necessary, to help you sleep.
ECA stack - If necessary, to boost your energy levels.
Why you might want to use DNP.
Add some DNP to an animals diet. DNP can get metabolism up at least 50% which is conservative as some say 75%This would mean if the animal eats 3000calories maintenance they are now at 1500 calories a day with no change in diet! A 2500 calorie a day would leave them with 1250 calories a day. There are 4086 calories in 1lb of fat and at 3000 calories a day your DNP adjusted calories for the day is 1500. Multiply that x 7 days to give you 10500 calorie deficit which is 2.5 lbs of fat loss for the week. At the 2500 calorie you have a 2.14 lb fat loss. These are both below what the BO diets claim and you don't have to stop eating!

If your animals weigh around 200lbs their effective dose is 400mg and the max can be as high as 800mg a day.

High fat diets market on the basis that you are going to be able to lose 1.5-2lbsof fat by just changing your diet!

1 gram of fat is 9 calories. There are 454grams in a 1 pound. This gives you 4086 calories for 1lb of fat. If you want to lose that 1lb of fat you have to have a 4086 calorie deficit to do it. In other words, you need -4086calories in your diet if you want to lose 1 lb of fat. Now, Let's say you are at 3000 cal a day for maintenance. That is 21000 calories a week. You believe the marketing of the post above and think you can lose 1.5lbs of fat. That, my friends, is 6129 calories which you have to subtract from 21000 which leaves you with 14871 calories for the week or 2124 calories a day. You are going from 3000 to 2124 a day. If you want to lose that great sounding 2pounds you are now at 12828 for the week or 1832 calories a day.

Let's be realistic and put you at 2500maintenance calories. To lose 1.5lb you now need 11371 calories a week or 1624calories a day or a nearly 900 calorie a day change. To lose the magical 2lb aweek you need 9328 calories for the week or 1333 calories a day or a 1167calorie change per day! That is rather difficult, but let's add some DNP which can get you metabolism up at least 50%which would mean you are now at only 1500 calories a day for a 3000 calorie diet with no change in diet! A 2500calorie a day would leave you with 1250 calories a day.

These are both below what the BO diets claim and you don't have to stop eating!

What you want to keep in mind

Everyone is different.

Don't take it on an empty stomach or it will feel like you have indigestion for most of the day.

I wanted to stress not to just go balls out(5mg/kg) and you should move up gradually on DNP for your first experience.

If you have an allergic reaction with red spots and itching then stop the DNP and get some Benadryl and then you should be able to start again.

The type of diet will also affect how you feel, as well as the type of workouts you are doing. These are variables you also will have to figure out for yourself. The logic of my dieting regimen follows that while you are DNP all the glycogen/glucose is being scavenged to provide ATP for the mitochondria so you will want to eat a regular diet. High fat BO is not going to help you build muscle even though DNP is anti-proteolytic (protein sparing).. Furthermore, when you eat fat it is morelikely to go to fat! That is scientifically proven. So if I'm trying to burn fat, why would I want to eat it right back?

DNP is anti-proteolytic which means it uses carbohydrates or fats exclusively to supply energy for the mitochondria and does not facilitate muscle breakdown, however, this does not therefore mean DNP is positive for muscle building. The cells are running on overdrive and they are not going to be looking to make themselves bigger which requires even more energy.

Everyone is different and other supplements you take will affect your results, but as a whole, most people are not going to do well or feel well on high fat and DNP. I also have found that taking particular supplements helps with how will you feel while on the DNP.

I feel better when I don't do huge carbs, however, when I don't do any as in high fat type diets, my workouts suffer just the same. Each individual has to decide for themselves and put those factors into perspective with what their goals are and how fast they want to accomplish them and how bad they are willing to feel for the desired weight loss.

WARNING: DNP will turn everything and anything yellow including skin, clothes, carpet, and hair. I dropped a capsule in my DNP container and bent over to look for it and my hair touched the edge of the container and my hair got dyed yellow! My hair did not even touch the DNP, but just the side of the container for about 2 seconds! DNP for the most part is not removable or bleachable with normal chemicals. It will also track. By that I mean, you think you have washed it off your hands and you touch something and later you see yellow spots on what you touched. If you are making caps you need 2 pairs of gloves, at least, as the DNP goes through the first pair due to an atrraction it has for moisture. DNP sublimes and floats. Due to this sublimation it will land on EVERYTHING if you leave it out even if there is noair circulation. DNP goes through EVERYTHING including plastic, hdpe plastic, pet plastic, plastic bags, nitrile and latex gloves. It can be washed ou tof clothing with hot water and detergents that have phenolic compounds in them such as Tide. DNP is not solvated bylaquer thinner, acetone, paint thinner or turpentine or any of the common organic solvents. If you wash your hands immediately after touching DNP with gamma-butyrolactone, otherwise know as GBL and use to make GHB, and then a detergent such as Dawn dishwashing soap, the stain will come out for the most part.

I have to say that a certain guru which some people keep quoting is what I feel to be a very unreliable source. I will give him credit for bringing DNP to the forefront, but I will bet you a million bucks that he has never done it or mixed it. Here is a quote that bears this out; 'I don't see what the worry is about everything turning yellow? I have no problems, I just dry it out and cut it with a credit card and cap it.'

That is total BULLSHIT!. Anyone who has used or mixed DNP powder knows that it will get on EVERYTHING and turn it yellow. It goes through plastic bags. Just today I was sending someone3g for research and I put it into a ziploc and 2 hours later I came back and the envelope under the bag was YELLOW! It goes through 1 laver of rubber gloves. It turns white HDPE bottles yellow. It floats everywhere. I had to putmy stuff in a hood because it got on everything I had sitting out and I had to wash all my glassware and scales before I could use them again. DNP floats by sublimation which would be known just be reading the safety sheet or the MerckIndex.. On the basis of that statement alone I have some real problems believing anything he says on the subject, but another famous quote is, 'DNP will raise your body temp high enough to kill you!' This also proves that he has never done it because as you will find, your body temp only goes up about one degree. Ok, enough about the fake guru.

Someone just asked me if the shit I sent them was real. Well, if you want a test then rub it on your hands and throw some on your carpet. When your carpet has to be replaced because NOTHING can remove the yellow and you look like a total ass because your hands are bright yellow, then you can ask me if it is real!

Mostly people are taking DNP for 1 week at a time because it exhausts you and you sweat a lot, usually that is what I do, but due to my 'work' with DNP I got a dose while on an ECA week and that combination of DNP-ECA was like methamphetamine. In fact it was better because it had less side affects. I would venture that DNP-PPACA would also have the same methamphetamine effects. At this time I do not know, however, whether PPA works on the same receptor so I would not do them back to back in cycles. ECAY where Y is yohimbine is also a combination that has meth type benefits. Clen-DNP did not exert any magical meth benefits that I noticed.

Have not taken PPACA or PPACA-DNP or PPACAY.

Tyramine and yohimbine are awesome and someone that I hold using it was getting goosebumps and asked a pharmacologis what the goosebumps were about. Thepharmacologist told him that it meant he was burning a lot of calories. I love this combination and it is just like meth due to large releases of NA although it only lasts 4 hours or so.

DNP also 'upgrades' the effects of clen. If you have used clen before and it had/has stopped working, then DNP will bring back it's glory.

I like to keep the clen and DNP a week apart due to the affects they have on T3 although they work on different mechanism it is just a precaution to keep from shutting down the T3. You could add Y to it for an added benefit which will not cause downgrade of anything. Reports on DNP-Y indicate a higher rise in body temperature on this combination.

Due to the systemic affects of DNP, it affects EVERY cell in the body that has mitochondria, including smooth(digestive) and muscle and fat as well, you will not see a significant rise inbody temp like you see with clen or ECA. Clen and ECA work primarily on muscle cells and that causes a rise inbody temp just as if you were working out. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for some to understand, but I was sweating like hell recently, and I took my temp and it was 95.8. ON DNP!


The basics first. DNP is a classified as a chemical poison. It's mode of action is to disrupt the ETC (electron transport chain) and cause uninhibited exchange of protons. This exchange of protons is what is responsible for making ADP into ATP. NOTHING can stop the disruption of this process once it starts. DNP works no matter what! High or low T3 has nothing to do with whether or not DNP affects the mitochondria and burns off extra energy. DNP gets into the cell and into the mitochondria and causes proton release. No other hormones are needed or noted.

Even so, it works in much the same way as clen or ECA or PPACA or thyroid. They ALL cause the metabolism to speed up. These all work via the mitochondria as well, although the non-DNP diet drugs work on the receptors first and DNP goes directly to the mitochondria the results are the same which is speeding up the metabolism to burn fat.

Some other important facts you should know are how ephedrine and beta-3 activation drugs work.

These both cause uncoupling of the ETC chain just like DNP! Ephedrin works part of its magic via beta-3's and much research has been done looking for a magic beta-3 drug. Why, we have it and it is called DNP! If you are sitting around and something is making you hotter, you are most likely experiencing an uncoupling of the ETC chain. No big deal, but DNP just causes a greater effect.

I knew there was a reason that you CANNOT die from DNP usage, at least the doses many are doing. I talked to a couple people about this but just couldn't find the info to prove it. Ok, so what does DNP do? It uncouples the ETC or oxidative phosphorylation as was elaborate upon above, allowing electron flow to go unchecked at maximal rate and resulting in heat production and ATP depletion.

ATP depletion is the key. What condition exists when you have totally exhausted all ATP and no more is being created? A very good instance we all know about is when you are dead and it is called 'rigor mortis'. Rigor mortis results because no more ATP is binding to the myosin head of the sarcomere in the muscle fibers.

So what does this have to do with us? No one has ever had rigor mortis on DNP or even severe cramping that has ever been documented. Furthermore, and to be more specific as to the uncoupler DNP, the electron gradient is collapsed and it runs unchecked at maximal as I have explained above, but as the gradient continues to increase electron transport becomes more difficult and the process SLOWS! Additionally, under very large artificially created electrochemical proton gradients, normal electron flow stops and may even result in

REVERSE electron transport flow!

All that was complicated and here is what it means. The respiration chain has a safety mechanism which allows for feedback controls to keep you from killing yourself. This is also another reason you will not want to do DNP for long periods. If you have taken enough as to create a large gradient the flow of electrons your burning of calories might even STOP! This will happen if you don't eat enough calories and appears to be more detrimental on a high fat type diet because as you will see below, glucose can ameliorate charge differentials in the mitochondria and at the cell surface while on DNP.

DNP works NO MATTER WHAT! It uncouples the electron transport train (ETC) and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Some have said it doesn't work after a small dose or only after taking DNP for 2 days or so. I think they are the same kind of person who would take a drink of beer and say, 'Oh, I'm not drunk so alcohol doesn't work'! Alcohol still affects your brain cells and hormone levels and slows down the metabolism. Just because you didn't drink enough to be drunk doesn't mean nothing happens!

DNP is anti-proteolytic. This means DNP does not break down protein via the mechanism through which DNP works. DNP is actually better for you than cardio because exercise is PROTEOLYTIC which in itself is another reason to not be doing a high fat diet. High fat diets and exercise both lower insulin and raise glucagon levels which cause breakdown of protein. It is a proven fact that 10-20% of energy from exercise comes from AA breakdown as well as release of glutamine from the cells. DNP burns calories and does not affect hormone levels. Someone said something about it causing ketosis which is likely if you don't eat any carbs but DNP is not, by itself going toaffect insulin levels like glucose disposal agents metformin or phenformin.

DNP is not going to be advantageous to muscle building. THIS DOES NOT DISAGREE WITH WHAT I WROTE ABOVE! It is anti-proteolytic via its mode of action, BUT if there is not enough energy in the cells to build muscle it ain't gonna happen. Again, diet is key.

DNP is one of the SAFEST drugs you can take!!!!! Why? Am I nuts?! I am basing this on DNP's mode of action. DNP has one purpose and mechanism and affects nothing else, but the mitochondria. DNP does not affect hormone levels as do clen, ECA, T3, etc. It has no side affects that you don't expect such as shakes or cramping. Compare DNP to some of the Drugs the FDA has approved and look at their side effects and then tell me what is safer!

After you read this study you need to ask yourself, need I say more? In the earlier paragraph on the mechanisms of DNP on the mitochondria I explained the safety mechanism which could keep DNP from being totally depleted of ATP. Some were saying ATP depletion would result in cell death. The study below illustrates another mechanism which I didn't know about. The crux of it can be summarized by this sentence: 'The failure to find a reduction in ATP concentration in either fibre type during prolonged exercise in the face of a progressive increase in the number of fibers showing little or no glycogen concentration suggests that protective mechanisms exist that prevent an energy crisis. The nature of these protective mechanisms remains to be elucidated. ' In other words,

When glycogen is gone there is a mechanism which keeps ATP from being depleted which is unknown at present!
scares the fuk outta me, never tried...
Don't mean to be disagreeable here but I have to say something. I have studied and written and talked on DNP extensively, so what I say here is the result of years of research and a lot of personal experience with DNP.

To begin with, DNP is perhaps the least harmful to the body of any substance used in bbing.

Before I go on I will and answer an early statement in the op. (Only read the first couple lines because I could see where it was going and I've heard it all before.)

The op states DNP is poison because it interrupts a basic function of the human metabolism. This is not true at all. There is something in the human body called uncoupling proteins that work in exactly the same way as DNP. There is truly no discernible difference between DNP and uncoupling proteins mode of action on the body. So DNP's action is natural to the body. How is that poisonous.

Also, extensive large scale testing at Stanford University Medical Clinics (as well as many others around the world) proved that DNP does no known harm to any tissues or organs in the human body. (There is the possibility of a couple of different allergic reactions but they are rare or minor. And allergies have never been a reason to ban something or call it dangerous. The allergic just don't take it, like anything else.

The only thing shown to be dangerous or harmful with DNP is overdosing. Everything you can put in your mouth including water shares that attribute. And DNP is not particularly easy to overdose compared to many other medicines. It becomes dangerous at about 20 times the minimum effective dose. That isn't really that bad. Vicodin is at eight times for example. It does become uncomfortable at much lower doses though as I can personally attest to lol. (don't do 900 mg a day in the summer.)

I have done about 300-400 days worth of DNP at an average dose of 600mg a day. I have never been harmed by it. Wouldn't you think if it was so very poisonous, it would have shown that after all that use? DNP has been proven to be harmless beyond any real doubt by five years of legal use in the USA by over a million Americans. The often repeated myth that it is dangerous is a result of an early misinformation campaign done by pharma companies and the FDA. It is a matter of record.

I have just touched the tip of the iceberg regarding the facts of this matter. I will just add this, only growth hormone presents a greater threat to the profits of big pharma and the medical industry. A complete cure for cancer wouldn't even remotely compare to the loss of revenues that widespread use of DNP would inflict on America's largest and most politically powerful industry.
airsealed2 said:
Don't mean to be disagreeable here but I have to say something. I have studied and written and talked on DNP extensively, so what I say here is the result of years of research and a lot of personal experience with DNP.

To begin with, DNP is perhaps the least harmful to the body of any substance used in bbing.

Before I go on I will and answer an early statement in the op. (Only read the first couple lines because I could see where it was going and I've heard it all before.)

The op states DNP is poison because it interrupts a basic function of the human metabolism. This is not true at all. There is something in the human body called uncoupling proteins that work in exactly the same way as DNP. There is truly no discernible difference between DNP and uncoupling proteins mode of action on the body. So DNP's action is natural to the body. How is that poisonous.

Also, extensive large scale testing at Stanford University Medical Clinics (as well as many others around the world) proved that DNP does no known harm to any tissues or organs in the human body. (There is the possibility of a couple of different allergic reactions but they are rare or minor. And allergies have never been a reason to ban something or call it dangerous. The allergic just don't take it, like anything else.

The only thing shown to be dangerous or harmful with DNP is overdosing. Everything you can put in your mouth including water shares that attribute. And DNP is not particularly easy to overdose compared to many other medicines. It becomes dangerous at about 20 times the minimum effective dose. That isn't really that bad. Vicodin is at eight times for example. It does become uncomfortable at much lower doses though as I can personally attest to lol. (don't do 900 mg a day in the summer.)

I have done about 300-400 days worth of DNP at an average dose of 600mg a day. I have never been harmed by it. Wouldn't you think if it was so very poisonous, it would have shown that after all that use? DNP has been proven to be harmless beyond any real doubt by five years of legal use in the USA by over a million Americans. The often repeated myth that it is dangerous is a result of an early misinformation campaign done by pharma companies and the FDA. It is a matter of record.

I have just touched the tip of the iceberg regarding the facts of this matter. I will just add this, only growth hormone presents a greater threat to the profits of big pharma and the medical industry. A complete cure for cancer wouldn't even remotely compare to the loss of revenues that widespread use of DNP would inflict on America's largest and most politically powerful industry.

I'll back airsealed on his theory. Have seen and read the points he mentions which alot dont notice, cus the majority of the facts are the insane/overdosed ones which get the most attention in the public (Like a story on spontaneous human combusting, of course it's going to draw your attention and scare you if it said the last thing the person ate was poprocks and coke)... Fuck it, 10-11 days, I be willing to run it, not suppose to be to toxic and best of all, wont lose or burn your muscles. Just be smart, dont be stupid!
Thanks for laying out the case for DNP Airsealed...I wasn't too sure about using this to help drop fat, as I was leery of the sides. I'm sure every one responds to substances like DNP differently so would you say a low dose to start with then gradually taper it up to where you are comfortable with would be useful? I'd certainly use this during the winter (I am in the Northeast) as using it in the summer would be rather uncomfortable as I'd be spending a lot of time in the swimming pool!
Always good to start low to see how you react. Even from one shipment to the next as there are two different forms of DNP that have a different halflife. There is one alergic reaction you want to see if you get. It's a skin rash, Benedryl solves it for most. The allergic reaction also tends to disappear after you have done it a few times.
Get more interested to run this after my bulk, once it warms up a lil..... Airsealled, shud get the goods!
I've ran 3 cycles of DNP. All good. There are side effects, but they are mostly moderate if you keep dosages in line.

Airsealed is a bit lassez-faire with DNP, but he's correct in his info and assumptions.

Anyone have questions on cycles, etc., hit me up.

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