TSize, RockShawn, JuicyJay.....contest Prep

TSizemore said:
Inside 6 weeks.....actually it's really only 5 weeks left. If you're not ready in the last week, Well......
I promised some 6 weeks out progress pics, here is a few from today, about mid-day.

I'm down roughly 15lbs so far....I'm still holding water and about 3 extra pounds, but my intake is up and I still have plenty of time to dry out.
Looks like you have everything in line Big T.... Kill it
damn old man looking good!
TSizemore said:
Inside 6 weeks.....actually it's really only 5 weeks left. If you're not ready in the last week, Well......
I promised some 6 weeks out progress pics, here is a few from today, about mid-day.

I'm down roughly 15lbs so far....I'm still holding water and about 3 extra pounds, but my intake is up and I still have plenty of time to dry out.
Damn Tsize way to represent the over 40 crowd! Gives me hope I'm not going to be pissing in the wind forever.
Alright guys, I'll be 4 weeks out in two days.....

I originally went into this thing with the attitude I was doing it for my wife. I'm gonna tell you, THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT REASON to do a show!! I thought my motivation was just as valid as any other, because It was MY motivation. You have to be selfish, you have to WANT to do this, you have to say to yourself, I want to bring my best, I want to push myself to achieve! Contest Prep doesn't work if you're not selfish. You have to focus on you. You have to make decisions that are based on you. It has to be all about you....! If you can't make the event about you, you can't bring your best! Focus!!

Having said that, I've changed my attitude....I am no longer doing this for my wife (which was perfectly fine in my book), I am doing this for me! That's what will get me through the next 4 weeks of diet, and prepping, and posing, and tanning, and being cold all the time because your body fat is so low. I've accepted the fact that I'll have to reduce calories gradually, and drink water by the 55gal. drum and pee every 20 minutes. That's Ok.....because that's what I WANT to do! Upward and Forward guys!!!!

(this motivational message brought to you by Super TSizemore for the sole purpose of selfish motivation 😉 )
You are absolutely right bro. The only one getting anything out of this is you. Wife, trainer, motivating family or friends are all secondary to the fact that YOU have to want it!!

You are there bro, Deep breaths, 4 weeks is nothing. You got this!!
Down to 17 days before show......Energy in the gym is pretty much way down, at least tonight it was. Except for the sushi/sashimi cheat meal at week 4, my lifts have been way down. That's to be expected though. Still disheartening.

Tren A and Prop 100mg eod, 4 ius GH, and Clen ramped up to 120mcg (2 days on/2 days off) have been my supps. Nolva 40-50mg ed as well. Up to 2gal a day of water, and maybe just a touch more sometimes. The gear and GH will be cut out in a week....and I'll start with the water manipulation. So far, I'm real pleased with the way things are going (aside from the strength and energy thing of course). Back to the lean bulk following the show......can't wait!! ;D
Just a jump over a puddle. Is this the highest you've ever taken clen? Are you using t3 or t4 also? Can't wait to see the stage pics.

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