Useless Facts

Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis Died on the Same Day as JFK​

sses_nation_on_Civil_Rights_11_June_1963-1024x1298.webpPublic Domain
The deaths of these venerable British writers (who died within about 10 minutes of each other) would seem newsworthy under most circumstances. But it was hard for the loss of the author of Brave New World or the Narnia series to garner much attention when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated within the hour. Conspiracy? You be the judge.

Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis Died on the Same Day as JFK​

View attachment 35026Public Domain
The deaths of these venerable British writers (who died within about 10 minutes of each other) would seem newsworthy under most circumstances. But it was hard for the loss of the author of Brave New World or the Narnia series to garner much attention when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated within the hour. Conspiracy? You be the judge.
01dragonslayerCS Lewis is one of my favorite writers from when I was a kid. The loin, the which, and the wardrobe.

Bigger Forks Lead You to Eat Less​

A study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that when diners were given smaller forks with which to eat their meals, they ended up eating less. According to the researchers, this is because the smaller forkfuls of food lead diners to "feel they are not making much of a dent in consuming their food, and, hence, satisfying their hunger."

Cell Phones Are Full of Bacteria​

While it's unlikely that they cause cancer or spark a fire at a gas station as popular lore might suggest, mobile devices have been found to be loaded with bacteria. According to some research by British scientists, the average cell phone carries 18 times more potentially harmful germs than the toilet handle in a men's restroom. When was the last time you disinfected your phone?

The Longest-Living Insect is the Termite​

Cockroaches may have been around since dinosaurs roamed the planet, but the termite queen lives longer than any other insect out there. Some scientists estimate that these obese and pretty disgusting critters live as long as 100 years.
It is sad that cockroaches are basically the only thing that will survive a nuclear war...LOL

Chewing Gum After a Meal Reduces Heartburn​

It turns out the saliva that's stimulated by chewing gum becomes more alkaline, effectively neutralizes the acid reflux that creates heartburn while soothing your esophagus.

Dogs Can Smell Cancer​


They don't call them "man's best friend" for nothing. Researchers have found that dogs are able to pick up on a specific scent that cancer produces in a person—which is undetectable to humans. So if your dog is acting strange around you, it may be you who needs to get checked out by a physician.

Bees Can Detect Bombs​


If you thought that was impressive—bees are able to detect bombs with their tongues. Just as law enforcement uses dogs to sniff out explosives, bees can be trained to associate the scent with receiving food as a reward. So when the bee's handler sees it extend its proboscis, they know they've got a bomb on their hands.

Boyfriends Do More Housework Than Husbands​

A survey 17,000 people across 28 countries found that after marriage, the amount of time a man spends doing chores on a weekly basis decreases significantly.

The World's Biggest Tire Producer is LEGO​

The toy company produces approximately 306 million tires per year—far more than any other manufacturer in the world. They may be tiny toy tires, but the fact still stands.

The Longest Word You can Type With Just Your Left Hand is "Sweaterdresses"​

For grammar sticklers who say that should include a hyphen (requiring you use your right hand), then the longest word is "stewardesses." The longest word you can type with your right hand is the European wildflower "johnny-jump-up."

Naps Could Save Your Life​


Research has found that a mid-day nap can make you more creative, focused, and fresh for the rest of the day. But one study also found that they can also reduce your risk of heart attack. Specifically, those who regularly nap were found to be 37 percent less likely to die from a heart attack or other coronary ailment than those who worked straight through the day.

You Sleep Deeper on a Hammock Than a Bed​


Swiss scientists have found that the rocking motion from a hammock leads to nappers enjoying a longer period of "N2 sleep" and increased "slow oscillations" and "sleep spindles"—science jargon for "deeper sleep"—than those who sleep on a traditional bed. The rocking motion was also found to make the subjects fall asleep faster than a regular bed.

Newborns Don't Shed Tears​


Tear ducts don't fully develop in infants until they are one to three months old, making it impossible for babies to shed actual tears. No wonder they have to express their emotions by crying loudly.

You can’t bring a Furby to the Pentagon.​

Since its release in 1998, Furbies have been a staple in the toy industry. You may find them adorable or creepy, but one thing for sure is that the American government doesn’t trust them. If you’ve ever encountered conspiracy theories about satanic Furbies, you’d be surprised that Furbies are banned from the Pentagon. One of Furby’s main features is speech imitation. Since most (if not all) of the communications in the Pentagon are confidential, they can’t risk a rogue Furby leaking everything to the public. As of 1999, the National Security Agency has banned Furbies from the Pentagon. See for yourself if a Furby would give away all of your secrets.

The pig has the longest orgasm observed in mammals.​

The domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) has the longest orgasm of any known mammal, lasting an average of 30 minutes. However, pig orgasms can peak at 90 minutes in some cases. Talk about pure bliss.

Chalk is edible.​

Chalk is not toxic, but digesting large amounts is still not advisable. Eating your classroom chalk is also not advised.

Most American car horns honk in the key of F.​

When the car was first commercialized, the amount of notes in a car honk indicated social status: the more honks, the more elite.

Babies are born without kneecaps.​

Turns out, babies are as soft and delicate as they look. Babies may have more bones than the average fully-grown human, but they definitely won’t be doing any stunts anytime soon. Babies are born with a cartilaginous structure in their knees that will eventually develop into kneecaps by the time they are four years old.

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