Useless Facts

The World's Largest Family Is in India​


A 73-year-old man in India's remote northeast has 39 wives, 94 children, and 33 grandchildren. And, get this, they all live under one roof: a four-story building with 100 rooms. Imagine trying to shower in the morning.

Lamb And Sheep Are Born With Long Tails​

Weird as it seems, lamb and sheep are actually born with long tails. However, these tails can be too long for these animals to even lift. As such, sometimes these tails need to go through a process called "docking," or trimming the tail. It sounds cruel, but the process actually can help the animal in the end.

There's Only One Letter That Is Never Silent​

The letter "V" is the only letter in the English language that is never silent. Many words have a silent letter or two. V will never be that letter, though.

South Park Creators Wore Designer Dresses to the 2000 Oscars​


Talk about a fashion statement. The creators of the satirical show South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, wore designer dresses to the 2000 Oscars. Oh, and did we mention they were tripping on acid, too? No? Oh. Well, they were. Clearly, they take the awards season very seriously. They were nominated for Best Original Song: "Blame Canada."

"Gut Feelings" Are Actually a Thing​


According to a 2014 study in the Journal of Neuroscience, yes, gut feelings are real: emotional intuitions get transmitted from your gut to your brain via the Vagus Nerve. In other words, yes, trust your gut.

Turkeys Were Once Worshipped Like Gods​

While the turkey these days is little more than the centerpiece at American Thanksgiving, in 300 B.C.E., these big birds were heralded by the Maya as vessels of the gods and were honored as such, so much so that they were domesticated to have roles in religious rites! They were symbols of power and prestige, and can be found all over the place in Maya iconography and archaeology.

The U.S. Government Poisoned Alcohol During Prohibition​


During the 1920s, the U.S. government poisoned its citizens in order to enforce Prohibition. When people continued to consume alcohol despite its banning, law officials got frustrated and decided to try a different kind of deterrent: death. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols manufactured in the United States—products that were regularly stolen bootleggers. By the end of Prohibition in 1933, the federal poisoning program is estimated to have killed at least 10,000 people.

Elephants Have A Specific Call to Warn the Herd of Bees​


It's a real threat, it turns out. Oxford scientists discovered that elephants have a specific call to warn the herd about angry bees. While scientists have known from previous studies that elephants will make specific noises for other events, like the birth of a calf, they wanted to see if any other perceived dangers had a call. Turns out, there was: Bees.

Pope Gregory IV Declared War on Cats​


Pope Gregory IV was apparently a dog person. He officially denounced cats in the 13th Century, saying black cats were instruments of Satan. Because of this belief, he ordered their extermination throughout Europe. However, the plan backfired, as it resulted in a steep increase in the population of plague-carrying rats.

President Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame​

Before the 16th president took office, Abraham Lincoln was a declared wrestling champion. The 6'4" president had only one loss among his around 300 contests. He earned a reputation for this in New Salem, Illinois, as an elite fighter

There is an Extra Rare Blood Type​

Chances are that you don't have it, since just 43 people in the world carry Rh-Null, this crazy-rare blood type. Consider yourself lucky, though: those 43 people would have an insanely difficult time obtaining blood in emergency situations. See? It pays to be unremarkable. And for more info that will take you to Trivia Night gold, check out these 50 Fast Facts So Interesting They'll Crush Your Boredom.

Humans are the Only Animals That Enjoy Spicy Foods​


It's an evolutionary mystery that scientists have had trouble explaining, but humans are the only animals who actually enjoy eating spicy food. There does not seem to be any health benefits to eating painful peppers (though some research finds that it may fight off fungus), so the best reason some have suggested is the thrill factor—no different than the fact that we are the only animals that like rollercoasters and scary movies.

Humans Are Also the Only Animals Whose Brains Shrink​

As we get older, our brains tend to shrink and can suffer from cognitive dysfunction like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. But as best researchers can tell, we are the only animals to whom this shrinkage happens. Tests on other animals have found no similar phenomena—even close evolutionary relatives like chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys.

Potato Chips Cause More Weight Gain Than Any Other Food​


A Harvard University study of more than 120,000 people found that potato chips were to blame for the gain of an average of 1.69 pounds per person over four years. Other fatteners: potatoes (1.28 pounds), sugar-sweetened beverages (1.00 pounds), and unprocessed red meats (0.95 pounds).

That Fish is Probably Labeled Wrong​


That salmon is probably not salmon. Researchers estimate that about one-third of all fish sold in restaurants and grocery stores is mislabeled—often to deliberately mislead consumers and get them to buy more expensive fish (getting tilapia while paying red snapper prices). Snapper was found to be mislabeled 87 percent of the time, tuna was mislabeled 59 percent. It's far too common an occurrence to be a fluke.

Bananas Can't Reproduce​


The bananas we are all know and love, known as Cavendish, are in fact a hybrid of two other plant species. It has no seeds and has only been able to reproduce with the aid of farmers, who remove and transplant part of the plant's stem in order to create our favorite yellow fruit.

It's Impossible to Hum While You Hold Your Nose​

For the same reason you can't exhale while holding your nose and closing your mouth—to make the humming noise you have to pass air through your larynx. You can't do that when no air can be exhaled. Still, seems pretty weird.

The Least Interesting Day in History was April 11, 1954​

That, according to software developers True Knowledge. The search engine project collects facts, and of the more than 300 million facts it has collected, just two occurred on this date: a soccer player named Jack Shufflebotham died and a Turkish academic named Abdullah Atalar was born.

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