Useless Facts

Rhubarb can spring up so fast that you can actually hear it grow.​

The buds of the plant cracking open make the sound, which is a sort of creaking and groaning. During the growing season, some people say it sounds a bit like the rhubarb is singing! We don't know what song the rhubarb is singing but our guess is 'Let's Get Ready to Crumble'.


A group of hippos is called a bloat.​

The word 'hippopotamus means 'river horse' and is often shortened to 'hippo'. Even though hippos have numerous collective nouns, 'bloat' is the most common. They are also sometimes a crash, herd, pod or dale.


Tornadoes can make it ‘rain’ fish.​

This phenomenon usually happens when swirling whirlwinds over shallow water develop into waterspouts that suck up water and the things living in it, like frogs, eels and fish. The creatures are carried long distances by clouds, and then drop to the ground like a mic.


The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache.​

This difference wasn't a stylistic decision - he originally had one, but it got lost because of a printing error from the original design. Now it's just a thing. Check it out! The King of Hearts' top lip is always as smooth as a baby's bottom. The state of his bottom however, we can only speculate.


Alektorophobia is a fear of chickens.​

The term comes from the Greek words ‘alektor’, which means rooster, and ‘phobos’, which means fear. It's a particular phobia and can be pretty extreme! And no wonder - we certainly won't be watching Jurassic Park in the same way again (see fact #3).


No word in the English language rhymes with 'month'.​

Other words with no rhyme include purple, silver, pint, ninth, wolf, opus, dangerous and marathon.


The longest place name? A hill in New Zealand: Taumatawhakatangihangaoauauotameteaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu.

It translates into English as; 'the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as 'land eater’, played his flute to his loved one.’

Without doubt our favourite hill that's named after a man with large knees.


There are footprints on the moon​

There is no wind on the moon - that means that every time an astronaut has stepped on the moon, their footprint stays there forever!


A word that is the same backwards and forwards is called a 'palindrome'​

Some examples of palindromes include Anna, radar, level and racecar! Can you think of any more?


Your small intestines are about 20 feet long​

That's about 5 of you lying end to end! How does it all fit in there?!


No one knows what Stonehenge is for​

Stonehenge is one of the most fascinating and beautiful places in Britain-but no one's quite sure why it was built. Theories include a burial site, a site of worship and a sort of giant clock! Weirder theories include that Stonehenge was built by aliens or even giants! What's your theory?


Turtles can breathe through their bums​

Yup, you read that right! When turtles hibernate, they do something called cloacal respiration. This means that oxygen and carbon dioxide is diffused in and out through their butts. It's the only way they can get oxygen when they're hibernating, so they probably don't complain about the smell!


Leonardo Da Vinci could write and draw with both hands​

Leonardo Da Vinci was both left and right-handed; a condition know as ambidextrous. He would write and draw with both hands equally well, and could even write backwards! What couldn't he do?!


The first woman in space was called Valentina Tereshkova​

She went into space for the first time in 1963 and spent over 70 hours orbiting the Earth. Since then, lots of women have been to space, including Sally Ride and Mae C. Jemison, who became the first black woman to travel into space in 1992.


Norway has knighted a penguin​

In 1972 the Norwegian Army officially knighted one of the king penguins in Edinburgh Zoo, Nils Olav. Since then, the title has passed down between three penguins,and the current colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian Kings Guard is Nils Olav III. Norway also presented Edinburgh with it's first King Penguin in 1913. Not bad for a penguin!


There are tiny parasites that live in your eyelashes​

Sorry to break it to you, but it's true. Thousands of tiny microscopic parasites live in your eyelashes and eyebrows, and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't worry - you can't feel or see them and they don't do any harm. These eyelash mites are called Demodex mites, and they eat your dead skin! Yuck! Everyone has a small amount naturally, so don't bother them and they probably won't bother you!


A baby beaver is called a kitten​

Aw! Lots of baby animals have funny names. Seal babies are pups (like puppies!), a baby whale is called a calf (like cows!) and a baby echidna is called a puggle! Apart from being very cute, beavers have very strong teeth with iron in them! That's why they can gnaw through whole trees!


The tallest ever recorded woman was 7ft 7inches tall​

Sandra Elaine Allen, who was born in 1978 and died in 2008 was reportedly the tallest ever woman, coming in at an incredible 7ft 7 tall! Sandra was from Chicago in the USA, and although her height made her famous, it also caused her lots of health problems and sadly died aged only 53.


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