War times?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Seems like a race war is about to occur. Dallas has 11 cops shot, 4 dead and 2 in critical care.
Yep I just bought a new shot gun for this exact reason. Once the ebt cards stop working everything is going to burn.
CREATE THE PROBLEM THEN OFFER UP A SOLUTION. Obama administration,Department of Justice hell even George Soros gave 33 million to Black lives matter movement. These idiots are nothing more than pawns for the current administration. DOJ main objective is to federalize state and local police. Once federalized they will do the bidding of the next oval office dictator. Things like kicking people's doors in to confiscate guns will be common place. THE REAL WAR IS THE ONE BEING WAGED ON AMERICAN'S FREEDOM. Even if it's a golden cage it's still a cage.
Hogslayer said:
CREATE THE PROBLEM THEN OFFER UP A SOLUTION. Obama administration,Department of Justice hell even George Soros gave 33 million to Black lives matter movement. These idiots are nothing more than pawns for the current administration. DOJ main objective is to federalize state and local police. Once federalized they will do the bidding of the next oval office dictator. Things like kicking people's doors in to confiscate guns will be common place. THE REAL WAR IS THE ONE BEING WAGED ON AMERICAN'S FREEDOM. Even if it's a golden cage it's still a cage.
That's called "Brute Force Cybernetics", coined years ago. Also don't forget the democrat theme, stated by Rahm Emanuel, "Never let a crisis go to waste".
That's right and don't forget the plans they have for the illegal aliens. "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded". Barack Obama. "All ages and skill sets will be asked to serve". History repeating itself you tell me.
crazy world, but might be right. worst part is angry black guys sometimes convert to angry muslims.

Never thought id say this but i'm voting for Trump, really because Hilary's a ridiculous liar who needs a few months in jail
I hope he brings the military home and uses them locally to cleans this place up, i'm a nationalist, would love to see America caring for itself and not spread out all over the world in other people's business when we need it at home, restore industry, penalize with taxes companies that exported jobs and manufacturing, control immigration especially these muslims, i can not longer act like i'm not somewhat prejudice
Fucking BS.... Get 100 stories on FB yesterday about a guy with a gun who is told to keep his hands up but decides to stick em in his pockets and gets shot. Not one fucking person posting about the cops who got killed....
That's how it is LT... when them shots popped off last night from the videos i seen all these bitches protesting BLM ran screaming for dear life in fear... who stood their ground? The cops risking their lives did to make sure they were protecting the public.. only to realize minutes later they were the targets..

When shit goes down they let the cops risk their lives but the second this dumb fuck who disobeyed orders multiple times to put his hands up, tasered then ripped the probes out, reached for gun in pocket, they shot him to save their lives.. but they are the bad guys who deserve to be hunted down like last night. It's complete bullshit. Idk about you but if I avoid trouble, I don't get questioned by cops... only when I'm doing shit I shouldn't be doing do they come... don't play dumb games if you don't want a dump prize.

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This was bound to happen. Im sick of seeing the people who are here to "protect and serve"murder people on my tv. We have rapist kidnappers human traffickers pedophiles sick twisted mother fuckers and these police officers are worried about a guy selling bootleg movies at the cornerstone and a guy with a busted tail light. Great work guys keep it up.
Eman said:
This was bound to happen. Im sick of seeing the people who are here to "protect and serve"murder people on my tv.
You'll have to explain that one to me. I have yet to see video showing any police officer "murdering" anyone.
If you call a man shot at point blank range that's already on the ground with two cops on him anything less than a murder well my freind your just racist and nothing I say will sway your opinion. So u have yours I have mine let's not start a battle that neither of us will win.
Eman said:
This was bound to happen. Im sick of seeing the people who are here to "protect and serve"murder people on my tv. We have rapist kidnappers human traffickers pedophiles sick twisted mother fuckers and these police officers are worried about a guy selling bootleg movies at the cornerstone and a guy with a busted tail light. Great work guys keep it up.
Did you even see the video and if you did, did you even pay attention to it? Completely lost at that statement. Do you honestly think you have to pull a gun out of pocket, pick your arm up, aim, squeeze trigger to shoot someone? Fuck no, you can fire the dam pistol in your pocket aiming it.. if you were wrestling a large sized man who is armed and ripped taser probes out his chest like it was nothing and disobeying your orders. Then be reaches for his gun... you gonna just take that bullet or defend you life so your family can see you again?

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Eman said:
If you call a man shot at point blank range that's already on the ground with two cops on him anything less than a murder well my freind your just racist and nothing I say will sway your opinion. So u have yours I have mine let's not start a battle that neither of us will win.
Wow, instantly to the racist comment.
blasson said:
Did you even see the video and if you did, did you even pay attention to it? Completely lost at that statement. Do you honestly think you have to pull a gun out of pocket, pick your arm up, aim, squeeze trigger to shoot someone? Fuck no, you can fire the dam pistol in your pocket aiming it.. if you were wrestling a large sized man who is armed and ripped taser probes out his chest like it was nothing and disobeying your orders. Then be reaches for his gun... you gonna just take that bullet or defend you life so your family can see you again?

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I could not agree more. I did not see a man getting murdered here. I guess I'm a racist.
iv handled plenty of firearms. U would need pretty big pockets to aim a pistol in your pocket. I wouldn't have to worry about wrestling a large size man because I wouldn't be concerned about a guy selling bootleg dvd's better get him off the streets quick before he hurts someone.
Eman said:
iv handled plenty of firearms. U would need pretty big pockets to aim a pistol in your pocket. I wouldn't have to worry about wrestling a large size man because I wouldn't be concerned about a guy selling bootleg dvd's better get him off the streets quick before he hurts someone.
SMH, I have a glock 19 which is the compact 9mm glock and in my gym shorts I can spin that pistol in my pockets and grip it however I want. It's not even a subcompact for concealment. Thats a big boy I'm sure his pockets are larger then mine. Then not to mention you don't need to even have hands inside pocket to discharge...

They responded to him due to a report of a large black male pointing a gun at someone in the parking lot in a red shirt. He just so happen to be selling illegal movies. Your argument is invalid. At the end of the day he was doing illegal shit regardless.

But to address your argument, Because they have rapist, it makes it illegal for a cop to stop someone who is doing another illegal crime because his act is inferior to the rapist?

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Clearly you are one of those guys that has to have the last word. So like I told t-bar u have your opinion I have mine I think it was murder you think it was a justified killing. Great. We could go on about this all day and get no where.
But that's not really what you told me. You told me that my opinion that didn't agree with yours was racist.
I have three friends that are cops, two in my state (but different counties) and one in another state. Each of them told when they first go on the force the good ole boys told them how handle "blacks and those other people." Pull over a black guy in nice car, and if they have white woman with them make sure she is ok.

I'm black and have couple nice cars. Until I moved to an area with a lot pro athletes I was pulled over often. Some white guy in a crappy as car would race by me and nothing, me doing the speed limit and I'm pulled over.

Until whites join these protest, and one or two, but in mass what happened this week will continue. And the police need to police themselves. Too many people ignore the racism that exist in this country. We have members of congress that have called the President tar baby, cited bible versus calling for him to be killed, called is wife YoMamma, etc. How do you think that makes other people of color feel?

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