War times?

zombieslayer said:
These are not the ONLY thing that seperate us from the animals!!!

If so, you are just a grow up germ, and so is your Mom, and wife and children, and me and mine and everyone else's too.

And your opinion AND life is worthless, AND so are mine!!!

So why care if anyone kills anyone, because everything is futile.

But we matter because God says we matter.
8) 8) 8)
Trust me man, I think we should all love and respect each other. The bottom line is that is just not gonna happen. We have desires and instincts that will just not allow us to be peaceful animals. Not all of us anyways. We do come from mud and slim and germs and evolved into what we are now. That does not mean there is not a higher plan for us.

I am in the middle. I DO believe people are meant for goodness but brother... sometimes the animal wins out.
Oh by the way scientifically yes, those are the only things. You want to talk about a soul and conscious... those things are theory.
Black on white crime is more prevalent in society and the things done to whites and white couple who are gang attacked is horrible!! If you saw me on the street you would know I am not prejudice I will floor whitey just like I would floor blacky for getting stupid around me, so many blacks have a chip on their shoulder thinking someone owes them something, I don't owe anybody a mother fucking thing.
That being said I treat a man the way he treats me if he acts stupid I can get stupid too but I always show respect to begin with.
Oh, by the way I grew up in Memphis Tn where I saw groups of blacks gang up on one white person, that was and is their way.
This shit happened all the time especially in schools.
So let's bury this shit it shouldn't be part of this board!!!
LittleTom said:
Oh by the way scientifically yes, those are the only things. You want to talk about a soul and conscious... those things are theory.
To qualify under the Scientific Method, something must be able to either be reproduced or proven false in the laboratory.

Creation nor Evolution can be reproduced or proven false in a laboratory,
therefore they are not Physical, but MetaPhysical theories, and do not qualify under the Scientific Method.

A person has to believe, or have faith, that one or the other is true.

Because, either:
1) the universe has always existed(ETERNAL)
2) the universe created itself and everything in it(EVOLUTION)
3) the universe was created(CREATION)

We can observe that the universe had a beginning, and that everything is traveling away from a central point at which it began, so that rules out an ETERNAL universe.

And the FACT that 'EVERYTHING' is here(EXISTS),
AND that 'NOTHING can not create 'EVERYTHING', or even 'ANYTHING',
because 'NOTHING'(NO THING), by definition DOES NOT EXIST,
IS logical PROOF that Evolution is False.

Because Evolution says that NO THING created EVERY THING!!!
(btw, which is the title of a great book,
https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Have-Enough-Faith-Atheist/dp/1581345615 )

Now, as I stated before, if this is all a cosmic accident(which is what the Theory of Evolution is, a mindless, unguided cosmic lottery), then NO ONE MATTERS.


Question: If someone tries to assault your Mom, wife or child, are you going to do something?

The obvious answer is yes.

Question: But why?

And the obvious answer again is BECAUSE THEY DO MATTER.
You know they matter because it is written on your consciousness.
(The Bible clearly states that God's law is written on our hearts in Romans chapter 1 and 2)

But if Evolution is true, then they really JUST DON'T MATTER AND NEITHER DO YOU, or me, or anyone else.

Now, a chimpazee, doesn't have self-awareness. Not like we do.
They have a self-preservation instinct, and they will flee from humans, in the wild.
BUT, not because they KNOW that you are a human.
They DO NOT KNOW that they are chimpazee, or that you are human.
They don't understand the concept of CHIMPAZEE-NESS or HUMAN-NESS(what it means to be a human)
They just have an instinct to flee from what they 'sense' to be danger.

BUT, you KNOW that you are human and they are a chimp.
You know and understand HUMAN-NESS, and the concept of CHIMP-NESS
They DON'T KNOW that they are a chimp, or that you are a human, because they don't have self-awareness.

Now, self-awareness(consciousness) does not qualify under the Scientific Method either, because it can neither be proven, nor disproven, in a laboratory, so it also is a MetaPhysical theory.

But would anyone hear argue that self-awareness simply doesn't exist. I think we are all above that.

Rene Descarte(philosopher) is regarded as having cleared this up in his famous statement, "Cogito ergo sum",
"I think, therefore I am".
Which, actually in it's fuller form is, "dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum" ("I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am").
Descartes asserted that the very act of doubting one's own existence served—at minimum—as proof of the reality of one's own mind; there must be a thinking entity—in this case the self—for there to be a thought.

My point is still that WE ALL MATTER because God said we matter.
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Drivel and mysticism.

The real truth is i agree with you more than i let on. Im just arguing for science. what i stated you just restated. Only you threw in god this time.

There will never be winner and i applaud your faith. Hopefully there will be peace in our lifetime
LittleTom said:
Drivel and mysticism.

The real truth is i agree with you more than i let on. Im just arguing for science. what i stated you just restated. Only you threw in god this time.

There will never be winner and i applaud your faith. Hopefully there will be peace in our lifetime
It's not Drivel and mysticism,


ANYONE can see that.
Simply read it through and actually consider it, and you will see too.

You may not want to agree with it,

We both hope for peace, but the reality is that there can be no peace if Evolution wins the day.
Because people DO NOT MATTER according to Evolution(we are all just a bunch of grown-up germs),
But people DO MATTER according to GOD.
lol ok. I know it hurts peoples feelings to hear they are nothing but space dust but that my friend is the truth. You slew any mumbo jumbo religous bs you want. Only been around for the past 2000 years by the way but look at what your saying... We are just tiny organsims floating through space on a big rock. I know you want it to have some grand meaning but guess what... It dosnt... We give it meaning because we cant accept the truth. Our big brains create a dream where we are all important beings. We sit back and look at it its very laughable.
Again, I say my argument is VERY LOGICALLY SOUND!!!

If you disagree, then present a reasonable argument.

But to throw about comments like you just did, is SIMPLY BAD ARGUMENTATION.

There is NOT ONE SHRED of truth or logic in what you just said, only opinion.

And if Evolution is correct, you & opinion DO NOT MATTER, my friend.

8) 8) 8)
Yes a magic man in the sky is a solid argument.. Not one shred of truth... I gave you the SCIENTIFIC FACTS of what srperates us from animals. You quoted a mystery man. Get fucking real man. Believe what you want but your the one spewing hocus pocus.
Evolution says:

non-living matter into living matter
non-information arranged into logical infomation(DNA)
unconsciousness into conscious self-awareness
chaos into order

These things ALL contradict EVERYTHING we know about how the Universe REALLY WORKS!!!

But we are supposed to magically believe them, because SOME scientist say so!!!

Again, you spewing non-sense, but NO solid argument.

Read my argument from previously, and refute it.
That is the challenge.

8) 8) 8)
By the way, i presented my argument and you presented yours. I think you did fine.If you were standing in front of me the animal in me would punch the fucking teeth out of your face if you said i did not argue facts because thats all presented. I stated FACTS about what separated us from animals you start spewing mythological beings and getting butt hurt about evolution.
LittleTom said:
Big bang. Winner!!!
No, not "Winner".

The Big Bang still says NO THING became EVERYTHING.

Give us 1 example of ANYTHING coming from NO THING.

NO THING is not anything at all.
NO THING does not even exist.
So, if something does not exist, then it cannot do anything, and it certainly cannot cause ANYTHING to exist.

It's The Law of Cause and Effect.
An effect must have a cause greater than itself.

It's really pretty simple.
8) 8) 8)
LittleTom said:
By the way, i presented my argument and you presented yours. I think you did fine.If you were standing in front of me the animal in me would punch the fucking teeth out of your face if you said i did not argue facts because thats all presented. I stated FACTS about what separated us from animals you start spewing mythological beings and getting butt hurt about evolution.
You did list some characteristics which we have that are different from the animal world, but your quote was:

LittleTom said:
Thats very pretty boss but the only thing that seperates us from animals are; a thumb joint, big brain, walking upright, and complex language.

These ARE NOT the "only thing" or things, but SOME of the things which seperate us from the animals.
That was my point.

SOME other things are:
As humans, we can use logic and reasoning to deduce that

Because NO THING does not even exist,
and the FACT that SOMETHING does exist means that there CANNOT be a time when all there was was NO THING.
Because, if there ever was a time when all there was was NO THING,
then all there could ever be is NO THING because NO THING CANNOT DO ANYTHING, much less create EVERYTHING!!!

Secondly, you also said that Evolution accounted for human beings, which really means we are just grown up germs and that BLACK LIVES DON'T MATTER, and WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER, and BROWN & YELLOW & RED LIVES DON'T MATTER.
It means that ALL human lives are worthless.

My other point was and is that ALL LIVES DO MATTER!!!
Because God said WE MATTER.

8) 8) 8)
science does not back up creationism, if it did most actual scientists would back it.
most who do arent even real scientists,
the bible was a bunch of stories voted on by man, this is a fact.
also a fact many of those stories come from far more ancient religions.

at the end of the day your beliefs are your own
...i'd be happy if black people would just start tipping 20 percent. hell, i'd be happy with 15.

i'm not racist, and black lives do matter, but so do my fucking tips.
agree, black people suck at tipping. Indians are worse tho.
There is absolutely no evidence that Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection proves change of species.
• That aliens created billions of species on earth is not credible. What then, created the aliens?
• Whales did not evolve from dogs.
• Human ears did not evolve from fish gills, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
• Human lungs did not evolve from fish gills, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•There is absolutely no evolution evidence that life is an accident.
•Evolution does not explain life, consciousness, intelligence or thoughts.
•Because of this, modern Charles Darwin's theory of evolution evidence is not entirely credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•Nuclear decay of radioactive isotopes has some serious flaws in the dating process.
• Uniform decay of radioisotopes has been disproved by Creation Science.
•The Big Bang is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•That electrons and protons came from nowhere is difficult to believe, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•Black holes sucking up stars is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•Time dilation is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•Einstein warping of space and space contraction are not credible and cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•The existence of negative mirror universes is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured
•That the creation of cells, DNA molecules and galaxies evolved by accident is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•That life began in a methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide atmosphere is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•Your twin brother travelling at the speed of light and aging less is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•That particles pop in and out of the universe at random is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
• Stars travelling faster than the speed of light as a result of the Big Bang or any other reason is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•The distance between galaxies at the limits of the universe is the same as they are everywhere. Therefore, the universe may not be expanding
•Red shift of light due to velocity and not gas and dust in space is not credible.
•That the speed of light is a constant is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•Quantum tunnelling is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
• Spontaneous punctuated equilibrium is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
•The theory of relativity is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
• Antimatter as a result of black holes is not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.
• Photons are not credible, cannot be tested, observed or measured.


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